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Clever Girl... - Wink Wink, Nudge Nudge


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No biggie, I have Dorn to finish and three requests to take care of. There won't be another riddle until that's taken care of, but I'll let everyone know if I suddendly get the urge to do one.


@Nexus25: That's precisely what I want to convey with Dorn, that sense of favoured son, of final barrier for those who wish to harm the Emperor. Well said, sir.


@Gv0zD and King Willy: I'm not taking requests right now. While I very much like to draw other people's characters, I want to get to the end of the Primarch series. Right now, the only way for me to put your ideas on paper is if you win a quizz.


Cheers, everyone, and thank you very much for the kind comments and critiques alike.

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this thread is incredible, why the h**l haven't GW hired you yet?


Simply because, although Greyall produces great stuff, it doesn't exactly fit with GW's current range of art...

They prefer more realistic stuff nowadays and seem to try to get away from the comic style...


Pity :huh:

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I would lean more towards me having a long way to go, in terms of concepts and ideas, I should research more into ancient wargear and civilizations. Still, I'm not aiming for Codex art here, my drawings (at least the late ones) are 'studies' for miniatures.


But yes, my artwork would definitely be out of water as full art, though perhaps colouring would soothe that a bit. My style drinks from comics, Warcraft and Wayne Reynolds, it's heavily symbolic (in this it differs from Master Reynolds'), also because I have a bit of a problem drawing patterns (then again, even Dainton and Blanche sometimes depict patterns as curvy lines in a surface - it works, and one needs not lose his eyesight).


Thank you both =) It's rewarding to have your artwork analyzed.


News Bulletin


This just in: Brother Ostavia is awesome.




I mean...Ganimach was always the ugly duckling of the Chaos Raptors series. His armour was fine but I don't like how his left hand turned out...


But this...I didn't know Iron Warriors could be this awesome!

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Aye, I like the hand's concept, but the three "fingers" should be on top, with the single one on the base of the hand. Curse my desire to be original.


In other news, Rogal Dorn's nearly done. And let me tell you...drawings like this - both in end results and execution - are why I love to draw.

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Here's 2007 Rogal Dorn




Now do the Evolution




This might be my best drawing yet. It's certainly one of my favourites, and it helped me appreciate how awesome Rogal Dorn was.. Hope you guys like him too. Good night, mates.

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Excellent work there my friend, as usual. Truly marvelous.


The only two comments I have to make is one, I simply loathe the leggings next to his boots where they just puff out to ridiculous proportions like parachute pants. It just looks really silly to the point that you can barely even see his feet.


The last one, which is probably just a degeneration of my own mind, but every time I look at his powerfist pump, I keep looking expectantly for his middle finger to raise up.


Other than that, an excellent piece of art, my friend. In the mean time, I have something I want to run by you. I will send you a PM in the near future to hear your thoughts.

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Aye the base of the leg armour is perhaps a bit too wide, walking would be... interesting!


I'd love to see a video of you drawing sometime Greyall, it'd be very interesting from a learning point of view to see how you get things sooooooo damn crisp, and your process from start to finish :)

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Aye, the base of the greaves is too wide. While I think it looks aestheticaly nice - and reinforces the feeling of immovable object Dorn should have - it'd make walking rough.


I have four requests to do now, before the next Primarch - which should be either Mortarion or Corax - so I think I'll do a kind of tutorial on one of them. But it's really tough, I mean, the way I start a drawing varies a good deal, sometimes I draw a non-armoured human and then the armour around him, other times I just do the shape of the armour. I'll try, nonetheless. Thanks, buds.

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Wow. Nice to see the evolution of your skills. Sadly I only see devolution in my own. I was so much better at this drawing stuff in college :lol:.


Have to agree that this is one of the top runners out of all the little mind-blowing babies you've been dropping on us, too. I love the pose: static, but powerful, and of course the raised fist.



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Oh my god.........loooooooovely work!!!!!!



I love how your proportions actually increase the feeling of crispness in the border work! I am inspired to make "Saggitar Phract of the World Eaters, The End of Legends - Shield of the Primarch" to run with my WE warband thats well int he works - if thats okay? :)


I will follow this closely.




p.s; thought about Dornian Heresy charcters at all?

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Amazing! The eagle on the top of his armour is just brilliant! In fact I cant't find anything wrong with it at all! I like the thick legs - it's poetic licence (I know we are generally a very literal bunch but still) to show he's "immovable" as a general and defender! Love the fist, love the bolter - both look ornate enough for a Primarch but very functional too. Decorations on the armour are very detailed with attention to perspective. Just whoaooow...


If I HAD to make a comment, I'd say more detail on the tabard. But maybe it would make the overall look too busy.

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Thanks a lot, everyone.


I considered having some kind of support for his hand holding the bolter, but the fact is a Primarch can easily keep a heavy weapon stable while firing, so the suspension of disbelief is intended.

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Thanks, Grim. =)


I forgot to put this on the piece's description, but the writing on the powerfist - above what's supposed to be the Emperor's face - is the Big E's promise to the Chaos Legions that's found in the Visions of Heresy artbooks:


"They are sorely misguided if they think the Warp has the power to overcome my Will. My vengence shall haunt them across all of time, they shall never know peace. They have earned for themselves only enternal damnation."


Badass to the extreme. This is because my inspiration for Dorn's pose came from him facing a few heretics during the Siege of Terra, and he's showing them what they've got themselves into. I should really get back to writing short stories to go along with the drawings, but since I rushed a few and they came out rubbish, I've been holding that back.

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Although I do agree that you have improved between the two pictures of Dorn, I will say that I like the lack of large empty spaces on the first pic. Lately I have noticed this to be a trend, and to be honest, I do not like it. You have such great attention to detail on armor pieces, but as soon as you make a cape, its left blank, when a simple design on it would have sufficed. When you leave large areas like that blank its really jarring and makes the rest of the picture have an unfinished feeling.


Otherwise, great work so far, can't wait to see Mannus :P

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Well, to offer a counterpoint, I would disagree BassWave. Negative space is very important to a piece, especially with line-art. Russ, for example (badass as he is) proves the point: it takes undue effort to tell what's going on when you cram a lot of detail into a small space without shading or color to guide the eye.


Of course as Primarchs we all expect every square inch of them to be artfully rendered and embellished, but in general (and particularly with the medium of line-art) I would say less is more. Our artistically inclined friend here has, in my opinion, hit the proper balance between detail and restraint that makes for a well done piece of art.


Things like cloth/capes are the most notorious examples of this. Shading and coloring adds great depth to a piece of flowing cloth, but when you're simply doing line-art, it is shockingly easy to over-do it and end up with a mess.

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