Augustus b'Raass Posted February 20, 2017 Share Posted February 20, 2017 Ha! They look great, SD! Is that a 50mm base you used? I can't believe it fits on one. :)Good luck with the final miles. As a former Master Thesis writer, I know how you feel. Just plough through, take regular breaks, and remember to go outside. ;) Eldrick Shadowblade 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Subtle Discord Posted March 25, 2017 Author Share Posted March 25, 2017 (edited) ++ Cogitator ∙ Online +++++ ++ Establishing Link ∙ Connecting… ++++++++++++ ++++++++ +++ Procrastination Protocols ∙ Initialized… ++++++ ++ Inquiry Request ∙ COROT ++++++++ ++ Compiling Data Results ∙ Displaying… +++++ ++++++++ ++++ ++ Compiling Data Results ∙ Halt… +++ ++ Request ∙ Access Authorization… ++++++ ++ Confirming Scan ∙ Stand-By… +++ ++++++++++ +++++ + Edited February 4, 2024 by Subtle Discord +++ Image Data-link ∙ Repair +++ Olis, thamier, Augustus b'Raass and 1 other 4 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lexington Posted March 25, 2017 Share Posted March 25, 2017 All right. I'm listening... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother-Chaplain Kage Posted March 25, 2017 Share Posted March 25, 2017 Guess I'll just have a seat. crimsonhand, Subtle Discord and Lexington 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Augustus b'Raass Posted March 25, 2017 Share Posted March 25, 2017 Hidden Content If you're going to troll us with teasers, I'll troll you with bad, semi-à propos music video's :p Subtle Discord 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Subtle Discord Posted March 25, 2017 Author Share Posted March 25, 2017 *Gasp!* Oh... that's simply not fair. I tease with what I would consider to be equivalent to a Tear Gas canister, and you retaliate with something on par with VX Nerve Agent?! It's like a Neurostatic Aura; my hands and feet are going numb, my eyes are stinging, my ears are beginning to ache and bleed, all I can smell is burnt toast, and I can taste what I believe is the colour purple. I see how it is; escalation protocols initialized... beginning preparation... Joking aside, I really shouldn't be getting distracted quite yet, with just a handful of weeks left in my final semester. However, despite being worn quite thin at this point, I've been trying hard to stay on top of my schedule. (So... much... dull... writing!) So, I've been able to take a little time to dabble, creating some content to start supporting and fleshing-out some of the fiction that will surround many of my personal and studio projects in the future. I'm still reasonably new to using Illustrator and since I'll be using it quite a bit for some of my final content, I'm justifying the distraction by using it to get me familiar with the interface again, and as a little metal health break. More to come, as time permits; and then it all starts into full-time operation... soon, so very soon. Eldrick Shadowblade, Lexington and Augustus b'Raass 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Augustus b'Raass Posted March 26, 2017 Share Posted March 26, 2017 Metal health breaks are the best, aren't they? ;) Kidding aside, take it easy. You're doing a stellar job -at least that's what I'm gathering from your years of updates on both your hobby and your studies- and I'm looking forward to seeing what you'll produce when you finally finish and start actually be a (self-employed?) creator! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JeffTibbetts Posted March 28, 2017 Share Posted March 28, 2017 My excitement intensifies with every new post. Soon, brother. Soon. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Eldrick Shadowblade Posted March 29, 2017 Share Posted March 29, 2017 Looking forward to what you bring out next. You have a big fan and $$ supporter here! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Subtle Discord Posted April 6, 2017 Author Share Posted April 6, 2017 ++++++++ ++++ ++ Signal Detect… +++++ ++++++ ++ Comm-Link ∙ Authenticated… ++Transmission Decrypt ++ +++ ++ Update ++ ++ Return Protocol Active ∙ Estimated Transit Duration: 14.6 standard cycles ∙ On Schedule ++ ++++++++ ++ Transit Corridor Breach ∙ Estimated: 11.6 standard cycles ∙ Course Correction Required ++ +++++ ++ Request Telemetry ∙ Corridor 3 Return Vectors: 5-5 ++ ++ Request Telemetry ∙ Synchronous Orbit Resolution ++ +++ ++ ++++++++ ++ ++ Receiving Telemetry ++ +++++ ++ Stand By ++ ++++++++ +++++ ++ The Traitor, Augustus b'Raass, TheOneTrueZon and 6 others 9 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Subtle Discord Posted April 9, 2017 Author Share Posted April 9, 2017 All thesis and no play makes Subtle, something, something... All thesis and no play makes Subtle, something, something... All thesis and no play makes Subtle, something, something... All thesis and no play makes Subtle, something, something... All thesis and no play makes Subtle, something, something... All thesis and no play makes Subtle, something, something... All thesis and no play makes Subtle, something, something... All thesis and no play makes Subtle, something, something... All thesis and no play makes Subtle, something, something... All thesis and no play makes Subtle, something, something... All thesis and no play makes Subtle, something, something... All thesis and no play makes Subtle, something, something... All thesis and no play makes Subtle, something, something... All thesis and no play makes Subtle, something, something... All thesis and no play makes Subtle, something, something... All thesis and no play makes Subtle, something, something... ... makes Subtle... GO CRAZY!? Don't mind if I doOOoo! *Sglargle... blabpt! ... Froth, snap, SNAP... skerg-ghak! ... drooooooooollll...* So close now... so close... it's like standing on Mercury the light is so bright... 99% of the dreadful writing is finished! I just need to complete the model tonight (if it's not done today, I'm toast, but I'm confident) and I'm all but in the clear... mostly... it's like... like... "... this thing's hollow... it goes on forever... and... oh my God! It's full of stars!" *Contact Lost ...* Checkmate, ~Drakzilla~, TheOneTrueZon and 2 others 5 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Eldrick Shadowblade Posted April 10, 2017 Share Posted April 10, 2017 You can do it! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Augustus b'Raass Posted April 10, 2017 Share Posted April 10, 2017 As promised. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Studio Silvernale Posted April 10, 2017 Share Posted April 10, 2017 Pfft I get all excited when a post goes up on this thread then I get sad that its just people posting music videos Augustus b'Raass and Chandrian 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Subtle Discord Posted April 19, 2017 Author Share Posted April 19, 2017 (edited) +++++ ++++++++++ ++ Procrastination Protocols ∙ Deactivated ++ ++++ ++ ++ Tease Subroutines ∙ Initialized ++ +++++ ++ Display ∙ Preview Image ++ +++ Provided with a holiday weekend, I permitted myself some distraction for an afternoon and bashed this Heretek Magus Errant; future Arch-Demagogue for my R&H Dark Mechanicus. "Labour Units 033439-034877... Disengage current duties. You have been selected for improvement and upgrade. Proceed to Maintenance Facility 33A for processing." +++ +++++++++++ +++++ ++ Update to Follow ++ ++++++++ ++ Stand By ++ ++++ ++++++ ++ Scholastic Protocols ∙ Initialized ++ ++ Final Data Compile ∙ In Progress... ++ ++ + Edited February 4, 2024 by Subtle Discord +++ Image Data-link ∙ Repair +++ Tyrannicide, Lexington, Checkmate and 11 others 14 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Eldrick Shadowblade Posted April 20, 2017 Share Posted April 20, 2017 Looking great! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother-Chaplain Kage Posted April 20, 2017 Share Posted April 20, 2017 Wait, wait, wait, whoa, whoa, hold the feth up. You mean to tell me you built FIVE figures in a single day? Is this a joke? Are you messing with me? I mean, come on, you've been working on them off and on for weeks and are just now posting them up, right? Man, you really had me going for a second there. Phew! All the posing, finessing it out one part at a time and inspecting it from all angles... careful consideration of the sight lines from the figure matching up to their weapons... then taking it all apart and putting it back together because something wasn't just so... that all takes time. Right? Send help. Augustus b'Raass 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Augustus b'Raass Posted April 20, 2017 Share Posted April 20, 2017 WELL THAT WAS WORTH THE WAIT!Fantastic. My favourite is the comms officer, but the smith looks the bossest. Wow! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Subtle Discord Posted April 21, 2017 Author Share Posted April 21, 2017 Thanks as always, everyone, for the 'Likes' and the positive feedback; it's been a particularly encouraging boost to my motivation the last while, and it's all about to pay off. The last elective exam has been completed today, my thesis has been graded and passed (won't know the final mark for now, but it's semantics at this point), and the final thesis show is tomorrow night. I have a few final details to work on, but I'm well past the event horizon and beyond the point of no return; I'm officially edjumacated, it would seem. *An expression of contemplation, Subtle's eyes squint, suspiciously darting back-and-forth* I am unsure if I feel... enlightened. In short, I didn't get everything I was initially wanting and expecting from the program, but after some contemplation I can recognized that I'm taking away a lot that I wasn't expecting. While I'm still hungry to fill in the gaps that remain, the scope and scale of what I think I can achieve has been altered and expanded more then I had ever expected. I've got a lot of options now open to me that I hadn't considered before, so it's going to be hard to say where it's all going to lead right now, but I'm hoping this going to be a very interesting journey going forward. But, that's another wall-o-text for another day. Wait, wait, wait, whoa, whoa, hold the feth up. You mean to tell me you built FIVE figures in a single day? Is this a joke? Are you messing with me? I mean, come on, you've been working on them off and on for weeks and are just now posting them up, right? Man, you really had me going for a second there. Phew! All the posing, finessing it out one part at a time and inspecting it from all angles... careful consideration of the sight lines from the figure matching up to their weapons... then taking it all apart and putting it back together because something wasn't just so... that all takes time. Right? Send help. Don't worry Kage, your moral can remain intact; only the center Enginseer-made-Magus was done during my most recent afternoon of procrastination indulgence. While college deadlines have fostered a newfound ability in me to speed my creative process up considerably, the rest, as you say, have been ongoing assemblies and bashing that I've been doing for several months. While I too am very happy with the results and would love to take full credit, I have to give the models themselves the recognition they deserve. With the Mechanicus in particular GW has really outdone themselves, and when you have components that are this nice to work with it makes getting good results much easier. As with this small collection, even small subtle changes are enough to add a lot of character. The two models on the far outside left and right are just stock, no changes, but I try to make good use of the pose provided; with the Skitarii Rangers/Vanguard careful consideration of just the head pose is huge. The Command Vox operator simply has a weapon swap added to an appropriate pistol arm, and careful selection of the chosen head, nothing more; a short-barreled weapon seemed to best suit the battlefield role of the model in my mind. The Meltagun is a bit more work, with a pistol hand attached to the weapon and all of it bashed into a set of Carbine arms with the said Carbine removed (that took a good bit of filing); I really like the slimmer in-line design of the Meltagun that was taken from the MT Scion kit, even if it was a bit more work to bash. Even with the Enginseer upgraded to Heretek Magus (more images of him from other angles to follow soon), the main model is untouched and only the Servo-harness has received an extensive bashing-upgrade; the main body of the model already has such an excellent vibe of, "Just try to stop me from coming over there and hitting you with this... repeatedly." it really just needed a more elaborate Servo-harness to elevate the miniature. Again, I'll elaborate on the build a bit more when I have time to showcase it. So indeed you are correct. While sometimes the bits come together and something wonderful happens, and this is much more likely to happen when such excellent bits are available, many times there's a lot of lengthy trial-and-error with switching, swapping, and adjusting galore, to find the final mix that works. In this case I also think the extremely low angle of the photo adds to the showcasing of the pose of the miniatures; I find when you get down at around eye level with a model the tone changes because you're getting down into the model's frame of reference and you're seeing it from what is perceived as a normal angle. Normally, we don't loom over people starting down on them all that often, as we regularly do with miniatures, and it distorts the perception of the pose. Get down to a natural perspective to really appreciate the pose as your mind would expect to see it, in my opinion; the power of thoughtful photography. Ok, time to go and get the last few things ready for tomorrows final three ring circus. Not much to do, but it's got to get done. *Wanders off, looking a bit shell-shocked* Eldrick Shadowblade 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother-Chaplain Kage Posted April 21, 2017 Share Posted April 21, 2017 I was mostly joking about how bad my internal critic is when it comes to assembling models and I'm a bit jealous of people that can do it quickly. eldorado187 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Augustus b'Raass Posted April 21, 2017 Share Posted April 21, 2017 Congratulations, Subtle! I feel like somehow I've witnessed your progress and development over the past couple of years - which I haven't, except for my diligent following of your expansive musings about your studies on this here thread. But I'm proud of you anyway. Well done, buddy! Enjoy this high and feel enlightened. The real world will still be here to kick your teeth in when you get down from your well deserved bubble! Or maybe it won't. What I admire in you is that your self-reflections seem to yield new insights in your abilities and the opportunities they allow you, coupled with the confidence to make use of thise opportunities. So you're going to be just fine, I'm sure! Take it easy buddy! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Subtle Discord Posted April 23, 2017 Author Share Posted April 23, 2017 (edited) Bah, don't say that Kage! I suspected there was some sarcasm, but I needed an excuse to ramble a bit about the hobby for a change instead of working on what I should have been doing at the time. But Augustus, you and everyone else have witnessed my progression over the last few years. The primary reasons why I chose Industrial Design was to select an education that fits my skills/talents/interests, that could be directly channeled into my studio to take it from a hobby project to a proper small-scale manufacturing business, while also providing a degree that I can use to secure a more traditional job if the studio doesn't work out for any reason. (Note: Doubts about the viability of my studio that may have existed when I started have totally faded as my abilities expanded and with the overwhelmingly positive feedback I've received from customers, but it's still nice to have a safety net.) While I haven't shown the many projects I did during my studies because they aren't content appropriate, the evolution that can be seen in the execution of the work I have shown is a direct result of my education being applied to my design philosophy, manufacturing process, and product presentation. Education is what you make of it, and I have some awesome plans for mine, that's for sure. This has all been the foundation, now to start the actual structure, as it were. *Insert maniacal laugh here* Edit: Incoming content update to follow... Edited April 23, 2017 by Subtle Discord Augustus b'Raass, TheOneTrueZon and Checkmate 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Subtle Discord Posted April 24, 2017 Author Share Posted April 24, 2017 (edited) + ++ Irradial Cogitator ∙ Online ++++++ ++ Establishing Comm-Link ∙ Connecting… +++ +++++++++ +++++++ +++ Productivity Protocols ∙ Initialized ++++ ++ Inquiry Request ∙ COROT ++++++++ ++++++ Request ∙ Access Authorization ++++++++++ Confirming Scan ∙ Stand-by… Confirming Scan ∙ Matched +++++++ ++ Compiling Data Results ∙ Displaying… +++++ ++ COROT-Exo-7b ∙ Atrum Laboris ∙ The Dark Works’ rotation is tidally locked to the orbital period of the planet; temperatures and geologic conditions on the sides of the planet facing towards and away from the star are dramatically different. Where the night-side hemisphere plunges to -350°F forming a stable planetary surface of desolate splendor, in stark contrast the day-side hemisphere is as hot as the tungsten filament of an incandescent bulb, resulting in the formation of a vast ocean of lava. The only natural atmosphere of this planet is produced from the vapors arising from the molten silicates in this vast ocean, causing weather events comprised of stone, as pebbles and rocks condense out of the air to rain down into the molten hellscape below. A round world made ostensibly flat, the division between the hemispheres is referred to as Horizon, and revered it as a sacred divide; the population of The Dark Works understand that while their world is a sphere it also has a very real edge, beyond which a hellish oblivion lay, but from that oblivion their power is drawn, quite literally. ++ The Mechanicus of The Dark Works have taken the concept of Forge World to a literal culmination with the construction of Mundis Fornax ∙ The World Furnace; where other Forge Worlds might hollow a planet for raw materials and build massive structures upward into the sky, the vast majority of The Dark Works burrows carefully into the night-side crust surrounding the molten mass that comprises the majority of the planet. Constructed over several millennia, with further progress continuing, a linked series of colossal geo-thermal extraction complexes of unparalleled scale harness essentially the entire planet, producing the massive amounts of thermal energy and motive force required for large scale production, power a multitude of experiments and explorations, and to maintain the remarkable equilibrium that has been created. The planet itself is considered so sacred by its population that it is never used as materials in common manufacturing, with the vast majority of any extracted material being ceremoniously returned to the molten ocean; only very small portions of specific constituents are extracted and reserved for the production of exceptional wargear and deeply sacred objects. A tiny sealed ampule containing a few grains of stone precipitation, presented to those servants of Atrum Laboris who have distinguished themselves in some significant way in their service to The Forge, is one rare and revered example. ++ The extremely close and rapid orbit of COROT-Exo-7b around its massive Blue Giant host star provides other pronounced advantages that have combined to make The Dark Works essentially unassailable, permitting it to assert its independence. Any spacecraft attempting to reach the Forge World has no choice but to follow a very small corridor, using the planet itself as a solar shield as it approaches; any attempt to flank the planet at ranges close enough to launch a meaningful attack must contend with solar energies and gravitational forces so intense that a fleet would be twisted, mangled, and turned to carbon cinders plummeting towards the star in short order. The intense gravity in particular, which was somewhat crudely compensated for during the construction of Mundis Fornax, became a force that could be carefully studied, experimented with, and ultimately harnessed, once the output of The World Furnace was online and able to internally sustain the required gravitational stability for a habitable environment. ++ In turn the Mechanicus of The Dark Works applied their uniquely deep understanding of gravity to construct a trio of Super-Heavy Graviton Cannons of unprecedented proportions to act as the ultimate gatekeepers to the planet. The brilliance of this Graviton Array lay in the way it operates; not only can it produce and manipulate its own gravity field, it can also create a form of gravity well to act as a giant amplifier that can harness, focus, and project, the massive gravitational forces of the star itself to catastrophic effect. Approaching craft that are expected will have the extreme gravitational forces of the massive star carefully compensated for, providing an effortless approach to the Forge World. Should anything undesirable attempt to close on the planet a series of options are afforded by the enormous Graviton Array; simply denying to compensate for the natural gravitational forces of the star is generally enough to stop an unwanted approach. However, the colossal array can easily use its effects to twist, sheer, and/or implode, dense or heavily armoured targets into so much raw material ready for harvest and re-purposing. Alternately, lighter targets that may attempt to rapidly advance on the planet can be effortlessly deflected out of the small safe-approach corridor and be forced to contend with the unrelenting solar energies of COROT-7. Given the abundance of motive force that can be directed from Mundis Fornax to the Graviton Array at a moment’s notice, it can be charged and ready to activate remarkably quickly for such an enormous device. ++ Given its uniquely defensible position, Atrum Laboris has chosen to carefully assert and maintain an autonomous standing. Understandably (and justifiably), there is considerable suspicion surrounding the nature of the research, experimentation, and development, undertaken in the darker recesses of this secretive Forge World; the Fabricator Generals, Locum, and High Priests of The Dark Works understand only too well that they must walk this path carefully and are therefore very adept in the manner of their negotiations with any given outside party. Great care is taken to conduct themselves accordingly through a selection of appropriate representatives who can engage in negotiations with a wide range of clientele, who in turn have a wide range of needs. Despite having a broad selection available that is absolutely unsanctioned, the care with which transactions are conducted has kept direct links to the Forge World well protected and obscured. With appropriate tithes consistently delivered, and quality legal munitions, weapons, armour, and wargear, on offer to those who can accommodate the price, suspicion alone has not been enough to warrant an attempt to test the intimidating defenses of this entrenched Forge World. +++ +++++ ++ Data File ∙ End ++++ +++++++ ++ Compiling Data Results ∙ Ongoing… ++ Stand-by… +++ ++ Comm-Link ∙ Active… +++++++++ +++ +++++ + Edited February 4, 2024 by Subtle Discord +++ Image Data-link ∙ Repair +++ TheOneTrueZon, Checkmate, Augustus b'Raass and 1 other 4 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Subtle Discord Posted April 24, 2017 Author Share Posted April 24, 2017 Designer’s Note: To start, there will be a fair amount of overlap in content between Legion Rising, Is it a bad thing…?, and A. Mechanicus… Darkly. For now, the intent is to have Legion Rising be a general information p’log that will provide work-in-progress insight into all of the projects I’ll have on my various workbenches, for studio and personal ventures; it will show overlapping content with the other threads, but will focus more on the design, build process, and other technique; as GW finishes their rolling revamp of the Chaos Marine line, Legion Rising may turn focus back to that original intended Chaos subject emphasis, but time will tell, and maybe a new p’log will be better if/when the time comes. The focus of, Is it a bad thing…? will be on a Renegades & Heretics Dark Mechanicus ‘militia’ force constructed from Imperial Armour 13. A second spawn of the same muse, A. Mechanicus… Darkly will follow the creation of a force constructed from the formal Adeptus Mechanicus Codices. Both will concentrate more on complete models, design inspiration, painting progress, and fiction; they will overlap more in the beginning, and all three p’logs will diverge more as content for each begins to find its stride. I also understand full well that the impending release of 8th edition appears to be poised to make some significant changes to many aspects of the game. While this may require a recalibration of the projects when the time comes, I can’t see it changing the core inspiration and direction I’m setting for each of the p’logs, so I’m not really that concerned about the approaching release of 8th edition. Now, should GW release some form of official Dark Mechanicus rules at some future juncture that would prove an interesting turn of events likely to change some plans. For now, welcome to my muse, I look forward to seeing where these winding paths will lead, and taking you along for the journey. Eldrick Shadowblade, Augustus b'Raass, Olis and 1 other 4 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Subtle Discord Posted April 24, 2017 Author Share Posted April 24, 2017 Additional ∙ It should be noted that COROT-7 and its planetary bodies actually exist within our galaxy; they are some of the first rocky earth-like planets (in composition, not habitability) to ever be detected and confirmed. A few small cosmetic changes have been made, (placing it farther away from Earth/Mars to better suit the scale, and changing the star from Yellow-Orange to Blue) but most of the information mixed with the fiction is based on some light research of the real COROT-Exo-7b and its siblings. Despite many more Exo-Planets being found since, COROT-Exo-7b is still considered unique, due to its combination of large mass and remarkably close orbit around its parent star. Olis, Augustus b'Raass, The Traitor and 4 others 7 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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