Subtle Discord Posted March 6, 2019 Author Share Posted March 6, 2019 Random hobby tangent! More important projects and duties? Bah! I’ve got a random kit-bash idea that demands my attention! ∙ I wanted a few more Arc Rifles for some small Ranger squads but I ran out; however, being an unsanctioned and unconventional Forge World I devised a counts-as solution. I wasn’t keen on the idea of buying more Arc Rifles as bits for a 4 point piece of wargear, so I think this is a good compromise and they even look pretty good, if I do say so myself. If there’s one thing I’ve got now that I’ve built an AdMech army, it’s a ton of leftover arms and a bunch of Arc Pistols that had no other use. I’m going to see if I can bash an upgrade to their backpacks using some leftover Electro Priest bits to reinforce the concept. Brother-serpent Tylydox, Brother-Chaplain Kage, Ryltar Thamior and 5 others 8 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother-Chaplain Kage Posted March 6, 2019 Share Posted March 6, 2019 Dropping everything for that kit bash? We'll make a crazy converter out of you yet. Subtle Discord 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Subtle Discord Posted March 6, 2019 Author Share Posted March 6, 2019 Oh, I have no problem getting distracted with kit-bash and conversion ideas. Quite the opposite really. I'm constantly fighting the urge to dive down some rabbit hole following a tangent idea. Even if it's an idea that's fits in with the overall project I'm working on it can be quite a mixed blessing; ideas and inspiration are great, but if I get too distracted with them then I have a bunch of half-finished projects and no cohesive force that I can actually put on a table. A while back I made it a conscious rule going forward that I would concentrate on getting (mostly) non-converted/bashed models of an army out-of-the-way first, and then I'll permit myself the indulgence of exploring the more ambitious and/or tangent ideas to add more flavor to the army. It's going well with my AdMech project so far, but now that I'm reasonably past the halfway point I'm finding it harder and harder to ignore the other ideas that I want to explore. Then there's Chaos. My true calling and muse. With the current turn of events from GW I'm just trying to avert my gaze for now, keep on my current AdMech project, and bide my time until the proper stand-alone Chaos kits arrive. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother-Chaplain Kage Posted March 6, 2019 Share Posted March 6, 2019 Oh, you mean like the new Abaddon model that people have been begging for going on 15 years now? Or the havoc with the assault cannon? Avert thy senses, flesh and machine alike, child of the Omnissiah! RolandTHTG, Gederas, Eldrick Shadowblade and 3 others 6 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pearson73 Posted March 7, 2019 Share Posted March 7, 2019 The dual pistol Skitarii look great, some nice posing going on there. Subtle Discord 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Paradogmatic Posted March 8, 2019 Share Posted March 8, 2019 Random hobby tangent! More important projects and duties? Bah! I’ve got a random kit-bash idea that demands my attention! ∙ I wanted a few more Arc Rifles for some small Ranger squads but I ran out; however, being an unsanctioned and unconventional Forge World I devised a counts-as solution. I wasn’t keen on the idea of buying more Arc Rifles as bits for a 4 point piece of wargear, so I think this is a good compromise and they even look pretty good, if I do say so myself. If there’s one thing I’ve got now that I’ve built an AdMech army, it’s a ton of leftover arms and a bunch of Arc Pistols that had no other use. I’m going to see if I can bash an upgrade to their backpacks using some leftover Electro Priest bits to reinforce the concept. I love this -- completely stolen for whenever I get off my duff and work on my Mechanicus Subtle Discord 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Subtle Discord Posted March 9, 2019 Author Share Posted March 9, 2019 ++ +++++++++++ +++++ Comm-Link ∙ Active +++++ +++ Motivation Subroutines ∙ Recalibrating… +++++++ ++++ Information Exchange ∙ Update ++++++ Asset Allocation Audit ∙ Complete Resource Provision ∙ Updated Operational Capacity ∙ Increased +++++++++ ++ Display Data-Log… Atrum Laboris’ 3rd Artisan Legion ∙ Disciples of the First Word +++ 1st War Cohort +++ Elements of ∙ 1st, 2nd, & 3rd Triarii Maniples +++ +++++ Preliminary Production Queue ∙ Revised Status Update +++++++ +++++++++ + Void Shield Generator ∙ Initial Paintjob Complete + Skitarii Rangers x10 (TA x2) ∙ Initial Paintjob Complete + Skitarii Vanguard x10 (Caliver x3) ∙ Initial Paintjob Complete + Skitarii Vanguard x10 (Caliver x3) ∙ Initial Paintjob Complete + Skitarii Vanguard x10 (Arc x3) ∙ Initial Paintjob Complete + Skitarii Vanguard x10 (Arc x3) ∙ Initial Paintjob Complete + Sicarian Infiltrators x10 (FB + Goad x10) ∙ Initial Paintjob Complete + Tech-Priest Dominus (E. Ray) ∙ Initial Paintjob Complete + Tech-Priest Enginseer ∙ Initial Paintjob Complete + Sydonian Dragoons x3 ∙ Initial Paintjob Complete + Tech-Priest Dominus (Volkite) ∙ Assembly and Prime Complete + Cybernetica Datasmith ∙ Assembly Ongoing… + Kastelan Robots x2 ∙ Assembly Ongoing… + Onager x3 ∙ Assembly Ongoing… + Awaiting Further Production Allocation… ++++ +++++++ Data Downlink… Complete +++++ Displaying Data File ∙ Onscreen +++ +++++++++ Sigh… do I ever hate winter. Despite being a night person who stays up late most of the time, the diminished daylight, combined with the cold, usually drives me into such a funk; yeah I say up late and sleep in, but the sun setting at 5:30 in the evening? Nope, my psyche simply struggles with that. Injuring my hand sure didn’t help and despite it finally being healed I’m finding it difficult to get my motivation up and back at it in the studio. It’s only a matter of time now, but it’s frustrating to be dragging like this and it’s hard to put a finger on just why I’m procrastinating beyond the time of year and the weather. However, if I’m going to be delinquent in some of my studio duties for a bit while I get some new wind in my sails, I figured the least I could do is be productive with painting my current projects. My armies are going to tie into the studio in the future, after all, and I suspect it won’t hurt my motivation to get out of the house and actually throwing some dice. But, that can only happen if I get the damn thing done, so it’s not really a bad thing if I permit myself to get distracted with some painting, is it? Yeah… yeah! That’s my story and I’m sticking to it. ∙ Given the progress of getting the Troop elements are essentially done, I figured it was a good time to take a group photo. ∙ Since everything is magnetized for transportation and already attached to sheets of steel, it’s not like it was too hard to get them all together for the shot. The newer units I’ve been working on lately still need one more round of small details and touch-ups; the odd missing highlight, a few spots that need a bit of OSL work, some final clean-up in a few places, and some dry-brushing to finish a few bases. But for this update, I’m calling them finished with their preliminary paintjob. With all this rank-and-file complete to this point creating the center of the force it’s hard to believe the end is really coming into sight. That’s not to say there aren’t still a few more things that will be added to this collection in the future, but for now, the first 2,000 points are actually in the home stretch, and then it’s only a matter of adding some select units to provide some options and variety. ∙ As with the other Vanguard squads I did a little kit-bashing to make the Alpha and wargear operator unique. ∙ The Vanguard advance; in robes of blue two-by-two. Try to hide; the Omnispex says they’ll find you! If GW is going to give the points, I’m happy to add another squad of Plasma toting Vanguard to the list. Combined with the original Plasma Vanguard and the new Infiltrators that were also recently added, I think I’ve got a nice blob of threat that I can teleport and infiltrate right where they can cause the most disruption to my future opponents. ∙ In Atrum Laboris, you don’t fry the chickens. The chickens are the ones that fry you! ∙ A nice close-up image to show some of the custom components that are added to these Dragoons. I’m very pleased with how all of the 3D printed bits turned out; not only do they add a bit of custom look to the models but they’re also small experiments that were successful. The armour plates are nice proof-of-concepts for parts that will have very subtle concave or convex surfaces, and the small scale details in the arms really showcase that Servitor Solus is more than up to the task of creating components with high enough quality that they blend right in once they’re painted. But now that I look at it, I think the Phosphor Serpenta could use a bit more black to break up the silver a bit. Speaking of paint. While I still absolutely adore these models, they truly are a challenge and trial to paint. I’m glad that my scheme is straightforward because even this was much trickier than I was expecting. I really like to avoid handling miniatures that I’m painting until they’re done and have at least one layer of varnish on them. The sweat and oils from your hands are counterproductive, corners and edges wear away, and if you painting with a lot of metallics like I am here metal flecks will start shedding and getting everywhere. But this damn model is just legs, hoses, rails, and numerous nooks-and-crannies to deal with everywhere, you have little choice but to handle it like crazy as you deal with it all. I’m happy to have a nice solid unit of three now that they’re this far along, but they’ve got me looking forward to doing something that’s not so stroke inducing. Ok. Thanks for looking. Thanks for reading. Comments, questions, or musings are always welcome. I have absolutely no idea what’s going to be in my next update; maybe some more paint, maybe a build, maybe something digital, or maybe something printed. Stay tuned. The motivation has been waning a bit lately but it’s time it starts to wax once again. RolandTHTG, firestorm40k, Galloway and 9 others 12 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother-Chaplain Kage Posted March 9, 2019 Share Posted March 9, 2019 It's always so nice to see a well painted army group shot, and I'd never thought about it until you mentioned it but those Dragoons do look like a pain to paint. Subtle Discord 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bjorn Firewalker Posted March 9, 2019 Share Posted March 9, 2019 Well done. Subtle Discord 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Eldrick Shadowblade Posted March 12, 2019 Share Posted March 12, 2019 Looking really sharp, subtle. The blue green and black are nice looking as an army and on the individual figures. Well done! Subtle Discord 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nelzon Posted March 20, 2019 Share Posted March 20, 2019 Oh man, can't wait to see what you can make for a Chaos Knight. Black Legion need them Knights! Subtle Discord 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Subtle Discord Posted March 21, 2019 Author Share Posted March 21, 2019 Blargh! Ok, think I’m serious now. Omnissiah I humbly offer my frail body to your magnificence and ask that you upgrade this weak mortal flesh. *Sigh* Just as my hand was finally healing properly, which took longer than I was expecting, I came down with a nasty cold that made its way through my house. I thought I had avoided it, but noooo, Nurgle’s blessings for everyone! And it’s one of those colds that comes in waves; you think your getting better until it comes back for round two. Ugh. Yep, just upgrade me and get it over with; start with my sinus, please, because right now I think the sense of smell is overrated and I’d give it up to stop the bouts of throbbing pain. So, with a lack of physical energy and mental concentration, I’ve slowly chipped away at some things that only required me to ooze into a chair and poke at my mouse and keyboard. I really hope in the near future I can get over this and get back to the studio in a serious way. With GW’s recent activity I need to get the backlog out of the way so I can dive into new things and get back to exploring my first muse, Chaos! Naturally, by extension that will mean more Imperial kits as well, but Chaos will always be my first calling and the call is becoming quite loud with everything that GW has been up to. The voices from the warp are whispering again, and they are more numerous than ever before. ∙ With the starting Mechanicus army collection nearing completion I needed to buckle down and get the damn decals done, so I did. As I suspected I might do, I’ve decided to change the squad marking scheme to fit a more official Mechanicus structure and so squads will be identified with an icon for their Manipul and a unit number. Most of the numbers I chose initially will migrate over while the symbols will consolidate under the new system. Doing this helped me make the decal sheets a bit more straightforward and let me add a bunch of extra icons that I can use of future projects, even if I’m not sure what they’re going to be right now. Not wanting to completely abandon all of the various icons and symbols I dug up in the ‘Insert Symbols’ function of Word I collected them together and added a bunch of Alchemical symbols that seemed fitting and made long strips so I can use them as accents; the font ‘Segoe UI Symbol’ has a great selection of odd symbols and icons if anyone is interested in where I found them. I wasn’t sure If I wanted to do a second sheet but I figured it was better to just bite the bullet and do it so I can have lots of decals for future projects of various scales. I do plan on creating a Forge World themed table at some point, so they’ll be very useful for some of those structures. I also know that I’m going to be doing some larger models for the Mechanicus collection in the future *longingly glances over at his half-built knight* so I’m positive they’ll find a place in those projects as well. ∙ With the Kastelan bits done I turned my gaze to the Onager kit and created some custom bits with the design cues I’m trying to bring to this collection. As with the Dragoons, I wanted to do my take on Lucius pattern armour with subtly curved flat surfaces and some crisp/hard lines opposed to the rounder look of the original components. I also added my signature beveled edge to the trim detail to further tie it into the look of my other kits; it’s a detail that’s actually a holdover from building in styrene, but I still really like it as a way to add a bit of understated detail to some edges. While not as challenging as the Dragoon when it comes to achieving a proper fit, I’m still unsure if these are going to sit correctly on the model until I can get a few printed and see how they look. I think they’re really close but time will tell. When I first saw the Neutron Laser I was a bit underwhelmed and felt it was a bit plain. Initially, I thought I would replace the whole barrel but over time it actually grew on me so I decided to upgrade the ‘cap’ that’s on the weapon housing. Not overly elaborate I think the extra gubbins do a good job of adding a bit of a death-ray vibe to it, and I think it’ll suit the Eradication Beamer if/when I chose to use them. I have plans to build several more Onagers so I’m sure some will be armed with Beamers. Naturally, everything is magnetized so switching and swapping the weapons will never be a problem. Finally, since the reactor detail on the back is such a simple swap I couldn’t help but update that component as well. It’s hard to tell from the angle of the screenshot but I’ve added some coils inside the housing. There’s not much room to work with so I couldn't be too elaborate. Besides, my real motivation was so I could add some personal branding to the part, so I did. Kind of a thin update this time, to fit well with how thin I’ve been feeling. My head is not pounding like it was the last few nights, so I think I’m finally kicking this damn blessing. Seriously Grandpa’, I am invigorated from your gifts *cough cough* and thank you for your attention, but please feel free to move along now and spread your gifts to someone else! *sniff* ChazSexington and ninjasuperspy 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Quixus Posted March 21, 2019 Share Posted March 21, 2019 The bits look great, but what is a Corot? Are you sure you do not mean Cohort? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Subtle Discord Posted March 21, 2019 Author Share Posted March 21, 2019 Thanks. Corot 7B is the planet where my Forge World resides. I'll use this as an excuse to show the image again... Corot 7B is actually a real planet in our galaxy and one of the first rocky Earth-like (in composition, not habitability) planet ever discovered outside of our own solar system; the star maps and technical data I used is actually real (except the distance, which I made further from Earth, and I changed the star from yellow to blue for cosmetic reasons) in an effort to add the authenticity. Even today it's still considered unique because of how closely and quickly it orbits its parent star. Have a look at the first post in A. Mechanicus... Darkly if you'd like to read the blurb of fiction I wrote to give a overview of the star Corot 7, its planets, and my Forge World, Atrum Laboris (The Dark Works). ChazSexington, Eldrick Shadowblade, Quixus and 2 others 5 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Quixus Posted March 21, 2019 Share Posted March 21, 2019 Cool, nevermind then. Subtle Discord 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Augustus b'Raass Posted March 21, 2019 Share Posted March 21, 2019 Looks like I missed some updates. Glad your hand healed up, dude. Quixus, Slave to Darkness, Subtle Discord and 1 other 4 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Subtle Discord Posted March 22, 2019 Author Share Posted March 22, 2019 Ha! That just too fitting. It's even just about where Oakley bit me but it was on my right hand. I just wish he could have followed up with the Cleric spell to undo the damage. To his credit he's continued to mellow and we haven't had any issues with him since, which is good, but it leaves me asking "What the hell cat?! Where did that come from? Was that really necessary?!" :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Subtle Discord Posted March 25, 2019 Author Share Posted March 25, 2019 +++ Procrastination Sub-Routines ∙ Halt +++ Time Allocation ∙ Assessing… +++ … Adjusting Labour Schedule +++ Productivity Sub-Routines ∙ Initializing +++ Yeah, that’s going to work just fine for these counts-as Arc Rifles I bashed up. I think I want to add something on the top of the packs just to balance them a bit more, but I’m happy with the result so far. Overcharged pistols for extra range? Yeah, I think they communicate that and Rule of Cool makes up for any deficiencies. Back to painting in the near future, but before that I need to get productive! Time to make some more ideas real. I better get used to the rhythmic sounds of Servitor Solus, because it’s going to be running night-and-day in the near future. GW might tempt me with all that they are up to, and I’ve already broken down and made a small order, but I shall be strong and avert my attention for the time being as I get my butt in gear again. The weather is finally starting to shift, and I think my mood is starting to notice it; the first birds of spring have returned and it’s always a sound that reminds me that I made it through another winter. Urge to create… rising! Damn, I can’t wait to get a much better look at new Chaos kits so I can get a good feel for the design language GW is using on them now. I need more inspiration for how I’m doing to do warped and daemonic components and models. Ooo… it’s such a good time to be bad. *Grins manically with eyes wide* Chaplain Raeven, RolandTHTG, Brother Chaplain Ryld and 3 others 6 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Subtle Discord Posted April 5, 2019 Author Share Posted April 5, 2019 Two roads diverged in a galaxy, and II took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference. ∙ (Mostly) Robert Frost … Aww [expletive deleted] that! Here, time has no meaning! I have traveled all the roads! Glory to the Dark Pantheon undivided! The re-re-re-building of a Black Legion Warband; and this time, I mean it! ∙ A rare visage of the Warmaster will oversee this project. However, I think it is time to move him to a cooler colour pallet. Red is so last millennium, darling… and, no capes! In the immortal words of Barney, upon toasting his successful completion of astronaut training, “It begins!!” I’m usually not attracted to limited edition products but as a long time Black Legion collector when Abaddon cracked Cadia I couldn’t help but pick up a copy of this signed print to commemorate the event; admittedly, it’s not my favourite rendition of Abaddon but those are the whims of the Warp and at least it can’t become obsolete like a limited edition rulebook. It was actually part of an Adeptus Mechanicus bundle which was an odd combination but I was collecting kits for my Adeptus Mechanicus project that I took up as a break from Chaos, biding my time waiting for GW to give up the goods of this current release, so it was a good fit for me at the time with an eye to future plans. With the new Warmaster heralding a significant update to the core Chaos line, now is the time to revive my true muse and first passion, and soon, stop repressing the whispers from the Warp with binaric cants… or perhaps, the cants have been corrupted and subverting me all along. As GW keeps opening a Dark door ever wider it compels me to enter and consider the possibilities of a proper Chaos Space Marines and Dark Mechanicus project made real, and I think yes, it is time. ∙ I’m also not usually a sucker for themed dice, but again, the lure of Chaos was too great for me with the Black Legion dice. But first, as another plug for our sponsors and hobby addiction enablers, a brief review. Despite ordering some, I was skeptical and little worried that the gold might be dull and flat. I’m glad to discover that they are a nice proper rich gold colour and it has a nice swirling pearl-like lustre that has some depth. They’re even quite readable at a glance with the pips, points, skulls, and Horus Eye. Good job on these GW. I’ll also be taking a set and painting groups of five with different coloured faces for doing combined rolls, because hey, why not? So, with my Mechanicus project rather close to being complete I’ll still be putting the bulk of my hobby time towards getting that finished so I’ve got a table ready army on deck for when I want to actually throw some dice. However, the acquisition of the required personnel, wargear, and supplies has commenced, is ongoing, and I am eagerly awaiting my next dispatch. The only problem is, there’s too much choice! I can’t, for the life of me, settle on a well-rounded list to make as a core army, so I think for now I’m kinda’ liking this ‘pressure list’ that I came up with. Black Legion Double Battalion – 1,994 points Battalion Detachment – Bringers of DespairChaos Lord in Terminator Armour: Combi-Bolter, Power Axe – FoecleaverChaos Sorcerer in Terminator Armour: Combi-Bolter, Force StaveChaos Terminators x8: Combi-Bolter x4, Chain Axe x4, Combi-Plasma x3, Reaper Autocannon, Chainfist, Power Fist x3Chaos Space Marines x5: Chainsword, Combi-Plasma, Reaper ChaincannonChaos Space Marines x5: Chainsword, Combi-Plasma, Reaper ChaincannonChaos Rhino Transport: Combi-Bolter x2, Havoc LauncherChaos Cultists x15 Battalion Detachment – Soulforged PackLord Discordant: Mechatendrils, Chainglaive, AutocannonWarpsmith: Mechatendrils, Power Axe, Meltagun, FlamerChaos Decimator: Siege Claw w. Hellflamer, Decimator Storm LaserKytan Ravager: Great Cleaver of Khorne, Kytan Gatling CannonChaos Space Marines x5: Chainsword, Combi-Plasma, Reaper ChaincannonChaos Space Marines x5: Chainsword, Combi-Plasma, Reaper ChaincannonChaos Rhino Transport: Combi-Bolter x2, Havoc LauncherChaos Cultists x15: Autogun If I drop the Decimator I can swap out the Chaos Lord for Abaddon without changing anything else, so the Warmaster is also a consideration in this list; I wish it could include an Apostle but I don’t want to drop the Warpsmith and/or shave wargear and/or bodies. Still not sure what Warlord Trait/s I’m going to take and if I want to add another relic. Double Battalions gives plenty of CP but it starts to add up when you want to take all the toys. In classic Chaos form, the idea is to simply cram the entire list down my opponent’s throat. As the Cultists, Marines in Rhinos, Decimator, Kytan and Lord Discordant push into the midfield in the first turn, the Terminators can hopefully find an opening in turn two as the other army is trying to deal with all that. I especially like that the Soulforged Pack will mean that the Kytan needs to be all but killed or it can be boosted back to functional with the Daemonforge Overdrive stratagem. You need to knock off at least 3/4 of its wounds or the stratagem brings it right back to the top bracket. If a Kytan with the Decimator tagging along doesn’t distract, nothing will. Now I gotta’ figure out how to get them across the field with few enough holes in them to get some work done. Each of the Lord Discordant, Decimator, and Kytan are dangerous in their own right so even if just one gets through… I think it will work, but then… … there’s those wonderful new Havocs, and I’ve always had a soft spot for Obliterators (and I ordered some Ambots to convert – mine will be Dark Mech, damn-it!) and the big bad guy himself Abaddon is begging for some field time (and I have no choice but to paint his glorious model), and Raptors have suddenly become more interesting, and the Apostle is finally more useful, and I've got a formation of three Predators begging for a chance, and a wonderful Land Raider, and I’ve got things like a Sicaran, Spartan, and Fire Raptor sitting in the wings waiting their turn… Yeah, I’ve been getting ready for this for years, and now… I don’t know what collection of chaotic monstrosities I want to create first! It’s a good problem to have, don’t get me wrong, but it’s sure tempting my hobby butterfly syndrome to flare up and I don’t need that right now. I will be resolute! Cultists and Marines first, and while I’m at that I can contemplate the rest in greater depth. The call of Chaos is gaining volume again, and this time there are more voices in the chorus than ever; chanting their siren song of dark prayers and I have little choice but to obey. They have so many wonderfully Dark ideas to share… As always, comments, questions, general banter and ideas/input for list composition are always welcome. I didn’t even focus on Chaos during 7th edition so it’s been a while since I’ve been thinking about Chaos builds and the game is so different in 8th edition that it’s a bit daunting to get my bearings again. All things Chaos, Mechanicus, and Dark places in-between to arrive in the coming weeks, months, and years, from my personal hobby-bench and from the studio workbench so keep the comm-link active. Drez, Quixus, Eldrick Shadowblade and 1 other 4 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hushrong Posted April 6, 2019 Share Posted April 6, 2019 You have no idea how excited I am to see this Re-Re-Re-Building of the Black Legion by your hand! If there was a computer metaphor for it it’d be like taking out a usb stick without ejecting safely first. Exciting and dangerous! ElDuderino, Raztalin and Subtle Discord 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Eldrick Shadowblade Posted April 6, 2019 Share Posted April 6, 2019 Looking forward to it! Buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuutttttttttttttttttttt.... could i get a restock in?! I missed the window for that awesome new trim and spaced armor... and spiky treads. The Lord Discordant figure is really calling to me to restart my black legion. It's been two years since I worked on that.... been doing a massive nurgle force and ready to take up the black and gold! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lord Commander Eidolon Posted April 6, 2019 Share Posted April 6, 2019 Really excited to see new Chaos stuff in the offing! Let's hope this inspires some epic conversion kits from you! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
the emperor is scottish Posted April 7, 2019 Share Posted April 7, 2019 Where the hell are all my gifs at!? I need the guy shovelling popcorn into his face cause brother...dis gonna be good! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Maarten Posted April 8, 2019 Share Posted April 8, 2019 That's gonna be one very impressive army. But I think you're not allowed to take a LoW(kytan) in a battalion detachment. If been playing with a similar list and I ran into the same obstacle. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Subtle Discord Posted April 8, 2019 Author Share Posted April 8, 2019 Thanks for the votes of confidence everyone! To say I'm eagerly anticipating a return to my Chaos projects would be a vast understatement. Studio forges are being stoked and casting is underway. Restocks will start showing up very soon. Sorry for the delay and thanks for being patient. Once a restock is done I will have had enough time with the new Chaos kits that I can get a better idea of design/detail language and what gaps in the kits I'll be aiming to fill. I suspect that things are going to get very Dark soon... Yeah, the issue with Kytan in my current list cropped up in the Chaos sub-forum. The only solution really is to move it to its own Super Heavy Auxiliary detachment and put the Soulforged Pack on that. Not sure if it would be worth it to do it on both detachments in that case, but the Soulforged stratagems with the Kytan are the main reason for taking the specialist detachment for me personally, so it's not a huge loss to trim it down. If the HQ tax wasn't so much it would be tempting to do a Supreme Command detachment instead and then the Lord Discordant and Decimator could also tag along, but I wouldn't want to give up one of my two Battalions to do it; but there might be a way to tweak the list to make it work. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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