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Custom Blood Angel Dice


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Just a reminder for everyone:




On Friday (27th) 7:00am Eastern Time, the order will be submitted to Chessex for a final quote with shipping. Once I hear back from them, I will PM everyone on the list with a total for everything (it will be broken down into itemized detail). I'll request everyone's email in the PM and will send a Paypal invoice to the email specified (you do NOT need to have a Paypal account to pay. Just a credit card.)


I read this and immediately thought in my head "TEEHEEHEEE!!!! They are so close to being in my hands!!!"

Can't wait!!! And I think that nobody is going to break this number of custom dice for a loooong time. Congrats to the Blood Angels Forum!

Now, off to find a proper dice bag!

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This opportunity is just too good to miss.


Could I please have 30 Signature Velvet Black/red, 30 Signature Velvet Red/white, 30 Signature Gemini Black-Red/gold and 10 Signature Gemini Black-White/Red. Shipping will be to Australia.


Thanks for taking the time to do all this!

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I would like to switch my order if possible. instead of 20 gemini black-red/gold and 15 velvet red/white I would like:

20velvet red/white and 15 gemini black-red/gold. I would like the other dice counts left the same. hopefully you can do this for me still and thanks for this awesome chance at amazing dice evicerator!

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I am amazed by the overwhelming response. Then again for such an awesome accessory, who can say no? Anyway, I'm very excited to get these dice and will definitely be posting pictures of my first game with them. And of my friends jealous faces.
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Please put me down for



20 Signature Gemini Black-Red/Gold

20 Signature Velvet Red/White

10 Signature Velvet Black/Red


Shipping will be to New Zealand


Thank you very much what an awesome idea

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I am going to throw my hat into the ring to.


I would like to get


80 Signature Velvet Black/red

20 Signature Velvet Red/white

80 Signature Gemini Black-Red/gold

20 Signature Gemini Black-White/Red





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Oh balls. Missed the date. I wanted 24 of these bad boys. Sigh…

You can still order, can't you? He isn't sending the order in until 7AM tomorrow morning(about 10 hours from now) and it says you have until the end of 1/26 to order(Eastern Time) and it is 8:51PM EST right now. So order away =D

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Group Buy is officially CLOSED


All orders are being counted and accounted for now and totals will be PMed out to everyone involved by 10am EST today along with email requests to send Paypal invoices.




It has been a pleasure to put this together for everyone and I am glad that I could do it.

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Sorry for not responding today. Wife went into labor this afternoon around noon. Thankfully they were able to stop it and keep our bun cooking in her oven. Hopefully till her due date on Valentine's Day.


This was compounded by the fact that I've been up since 6am Thursday o.o; due to the snow we got pelted with Last night/morning. I've been informed that I'll likely be working tomorrow as well in the later AM hours (so I have to sleep now. I'd have worked on them tonight if not.). I'll have a few hours to sit down around noon and get everyone their totals out. No promises, though, as I need to help my mother-in-law prep her house for our baby shower Sunday. At the VERY LATEST I will have everyone PMed with their totals and email requests Monday MORNING.


I apologize with all of the delay.


On the brighter side, Chessex confirmed they had enough dice to fulfill our order, no problem (another detail I was sweating...)


Also was misquoted (or misheard over the phone.) Shipping will be $35 which works out to $0.88/member. I apologize for the confusion on this as well. Thankfully it's only a $0.50 difference/member from the previous quote ^^;

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Sorry for not responding today. Wife went into labor this afternoon around noon. Thankfully they were able to stop it and keep our bun cooking in her oven. Hopefully till her due date on Valentine's Day.


This was compounded by the fact that I've been up since 6am Thursday o.o; due to the snow we got pelted with Last night/morning. I've been informed that I'll likely be working tomorrow as well in the later AM hours (so I have to sleep now. I'd have worked on them tonight if not.). I'll have a few hours to sit down around noon and get everyone their totals out. No promises, though, as I need to help my mother-in-law prep her house for our baby shower Sunday. At the VERY LATEST I will have everyone PMed with their totals and email requests Monday MORNING.


I apologize with all of the delay.


On the brighter side, Chessex confirmed they had enough dice to fulfill our order, no problem (another detail I was sweating...)


Also was misquoted (or misheard over the phone.) Shipping will be $35 which works out to $0.85/member. I apologize for the confusion on this as well. Thankfully it's only a $0.50 difference/member from the previous quote ^^;



Good Luck man, I know I am willing to wait. They are only dice after all =D Family is more important.

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All members in the group buy have been sent their details and totals for review via PM.


It's late here (2:30am) so please forgive me if there are any mistakes. PLEASE review the details to make sure that the dice types and amounts are correct. Also go through and double check the math to be certain I didn't flub the math somewhere (this would be a great help to me.)


It looked as though I wouldn't have the time till Monday to get these out. I felt that would not leave a lot of time for me to get everyone's Paypal/Primary email addresses, then get the invoices out, then receive the money, and finally get the money to Chessex by the 4th. So chugged along once I got home tonight, so I apologize if there are any errors in the totals/details.


I talked with Joe again and he mentioned that with such a large order it would take a little more time to complete the order (they have a usual turn around of 1 week approximately). He figures it will be an additional 7-10 days due to the size of the order.


Thanks again everyone!

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