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+++E Tenebrae Lux+++

Captain Semper

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So... the DAs appear to have awaken from their slumber! Two more completions with serious points behind them no less (not to mentions significnat RW presence :jaw:)! Congratulations guys, you really have done great service to the 1st. Biy, look at all these bikes!!! :D





The update that'll be out in a few hours will look somewhat better now...

I'm updating the table showing TONS of good faith! :D


Well done Elmo - can't wait for the pics! DAs sure came together in the eve of the weekly update - the picture would be considerably impriverd compared to yesterday... :D


So, six weeks have come and gone and the situation has changed and changed again. Right now E TENEBRAE LUX keeps adding to its total pledged points but also completions are rising steeply! This is full blown war!!! People should remember that this is not a static event i.e. you made your and all you have to do is complete it, but rather a dynamic event where the standings can change materially from week to week and the final outcome will depend on the ability of the teams to keep going until the last day.

So here’s how things look at the end of week 6:

Black Templars 74 32,226 435 7,468 23%
Blood Angels 51 26,977 529 3,600 13%
Dark Angels 71 38,747 546 4,910 13%
Codex Space Marines 51 31,652 621 2,747 9%
Space Wolves 42 28,604 681 6,393 22%
Chaos 43 16,956 394 4,751 28%
Ordos Inquisition 19 5,591 294 3,408 61%
Total 351 180,753 515 33,277 18%
Index Astartes 26 14,610 562 2,612 18%
Liber Astartes 14 9,663 690 135 1%
Ultramarines 11 7,379 671 0 0%


The Dark Angels had a sluggish start. They are no longer leader in terms of vows and are significantly lagging in terms of completions. Right now they have a completion rate of 13% still lower than the average of the competition of 18% and significantly behind the leading forums. However they added the highest amount of points on a weekly basis showing a tendency for a comeback. Is there a new momentum building up? It’d better be… A few things the DAs still have going for them is a reasonably high average vow, and the highest total vows pledged. But rivals are not sitting idle, so the legendary single-mindedness of the Green marines must emerge.

The Wolves are fun! I never thought I’d say that but there you have it. At one point they seem lagging hopelessly behind – you’d think they are written-off – the next minute a super-vow gets completed and they lead the ETL! This is how the Wolves roll in this competition so they are the most unpredictable bunch. It’s possible next week they be last and the week after first again. Although some more reasonable sized vows are trying to regulate the pace, to me it seems they are like a giant that takes too long to make a step but one he makes it he’s very far ahead! Keep it up guys – if you can keep delivering you have as good a chance to win this as any!

Blood Angels deflated badly. They added the least amount of points this week compared to ALL other forums. This performance has left them in a difficult position because they do not have the pledged points that the DAs have (hence with a similar completion rates they are more than 1k points behind) nor do they have reliance on super-vows like the Wolves that could give them hope of closing the gap with a couple of completions. Guys there is no going around this – you have to get stuck in – start painting in earnest and put some serious completions behind you. To those that think “we still have time” the answer is: “so does the competition” and yet they have completed more than 20% of their pledges so far…

Black Templars play the game as it should be played and they rightfully lead the show! They have a perfect mix of low/high value vows and keep production steady. With 7.5k completions and the highest number of vows (exceeding the DAs) seem to be in top form. They are currently second in total points pledged but with an average vow significantly lower than the ETL average. That means that on average, vows are manageable, do not require huge amount of time to complete and do not intimidate. This strategy works if you keep pledging new vows which the BTs tirelessly do! Keep it up guys and there’s no stopping you!

Codex Forums are the worst performers in the ETL so far. If it wasn’t for one player’s super-mega-vow, the performance would have been beyond disappointing…. Thanks to Arizonajirt 2k+ completion the weekly additions resemble normality but the completion rate of only 9% speaks for itself. Get some completions done guys, and then start vowing again! I know it’s tough but the competition is ruthless at this stage and you run the risk of being left behind. There is immense potential here, don’t let it wither…

Chaos has surprised positively big time. With a completion rate of 28% (!) demonstrated the commitment of the Chaos team to be a force to be reckoned with! However the low average vow and the low total points pledged means that the significantly high completion rate translates to “only” 4.7k completed points. Which frankly is not bad at all. Chaos, being Chaos, is fairly unpredictable and who knows? Now that they tasted blood they might go for it all the way! Remember as long as you complete vows your chances are as good as any.

Ordos Inquisition are doing a magnificent job! At more than 60% completion rate they stand defiant in the face of the First Legion! Congratulations guys! Now can you achieve 100% completion rate on the first vow? That’ll be a feat to remember!

Until the next weekly update, farewell and good luck to all!

Thanks Capt. S for the update - appreciate your hard work on this :P


Is there a chance of putting a link to each persons WIP thread in the table on the first page. This would allow us to see how the others are progressing by just a quick click.


On this point I think it is time for the Unforgiven to pull out the power paint brushes and show the BTs that we are not to be underestimated.


Brothers "For the Lion"



Said the trust-less and evasive figure in green power armour...

Thats me ;)

Damn not again a update! :P


At least im progressing, almost everything is basecoated by now....then the experimentation with washes begins, if i like it then highlights, and ill declare them done!


The troop markings and chapter symbols need proper practise before i go and do that to any good painted marines(those minis are looking better than anything i done before, even doing nothing for years now!)....but i got like 756378592 unused shoulderpads for practising! ;)

Vow 2


I, Facmanpob, answer the challenge of the Unforgiven and vow to complete an Interrogator Chaplain on a Bike from Codex: Dark Angels of total value 150 points on or before August 15. Success will bring eternal glory to the Guardians of the Covenant Chapter of the 1st Legion and failure will doom me to bear the sign of damnation until the year-end.


There he is with the green arrow (what other colour could it be!) pointing to him!



Drop Pod completed, pictures posted in my ETL thread here http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/index.p...howtopic=252893


also I would like to make a new vow



“I farfromsam answer the challenge of the Unforgiven and vow to complete Asmodai (Interrogator Chaplain) from Codex: Dark Angels of total value 120 points on or before August 15. Success will bring eternal glory to the Dark Angels Chapter and failure will doom me to bear the sign of damnation until the year-end”

And another Completion! Congratulations farfromsam - on to your 4th vow!!! Trully an inspiration for the DAs! Great pod btw - love the freehand job there! The pods certainly lend themselve for funky paintjobs given their large surfaces and you've made the most of it! Well done!




OK guys, we're on a roll here, we need to maintain the momentum! Do not rest until we have secured this! Good luck to all!

Great to see some much improved numbers for us.


Update on my ETL Vow:


last night I completed 3 of the veteran squads in my vow, putting me at 620/970 points completed (~64%) for my vow. 6 more guys will finish up the last 2 infantry squads giving me a whopping 200 more points to play with and leaving just the dread left to go. I'm on schedule for finishing the infantry before the weekend.


I've also acquired a second ForgeWorld Ven Dread which I will plan on adding to my vow immediately after I finish my current vow.


You can see the progress here: WIP/ETL Thread



The BTs and the Wolves have each ca 8k points completed so far. We on the other hand have only ca 5k. We need to cover the distance before it expands - 3k points is a large number already. We need to see some completions from smaller sized vows of up to 300pts so that you can vow again! We are lucky in that the BAs are seriously behind at this stage so we REALLY need to focus on the two leaders right now and put some clear distance between us and Chaos that follows with 4.7k pts. So while we wait for the large tickets to weigh in, how about some small units (or even single mini units) completions? We need to free people from their initial vows to allow them to progress further!


The Lion is watching us - do not let the fanatics or -even worse- the Wolves to humiliate us!


To the brush!!!

Im planning on taking vacation from work anyway before 15th aug...im pretty confident ill will make it!


When my vow is completed, do i have to pledge a new unit? Or can i complete the Tac squad im doing atm?...i got 4 marines+ PC guy ready to basecoat :lol:

First vow renewal:


I BigGumbo answer the challenge of the Unforgiven and vow to complete one Contemptor-Mortis with two twin-linked lascannons and a Cyclone missile launcher from Codex: Dark Angels of total value of 220 points on or before August 15. Success will bring eternal glory to the Dark Angels Legion and failure will doom me to bear the sign of damnation until the year-end.


The bare model pic is already in the first photo on my WIP thread...



The Lion is watching us - do not let the fanatics or -even worse- the Wolves to humiliate us!


To the brush!!!


I'm going as fast as I can. ;)


I will need bionics after this - long evenings hunched over a paint pot, fingers stained, eyesight strained, leg muscles wasted away and all for the honour of our Legion.


Bad dog - down boy. Quick, get the rolled up newspaper! :D

Although Thedevourer seems to have come to a complete stop!


The termie legs are now done, bodies partially. Will be finishing the bodies tonight and a couple of extra bits then it will be all downhill from there. Already thinking about Vow P3 :P

Excellent FynilCut! Awesome work with the RW there!



We have crossed the 5k level in terms of completions but we're still behind... We need another 3-3.5k completions fast in order to join the two leading forums. Will this weekend produce the heros we need? What say you?



Terminator Command Squad fully converted and ready for touch up priming. I used some older models that had never had legal wargear to create these guys, thus explaining the painted sections. As it's so little of the unit, I was hoping that would be alright.


I'll get better individual shots of the conversion when I do the first painting update.

I, FinylCut, answer the challenge of the Unforgiven and vow to complete a Ravenwing Support Squadron (1 Speeder: HB, AC) from Codex: Dark Angels of total value 100 points on or before August 15. Success will bring eternal glory to the Ravenwing and failure will doom me to bear the sign of damnation until the year-end.


I seem to be making forward progress with these small vows. The speeder is already well underway. For details, please see the link in my signature.




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