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+++E Tenebrae Lux+++

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We must continue to press onwards, not letting up, until our opponent's will to fight is crushed.


Let nothing stay the victorious arc of your sword. Though your weight of arms has achieved many victories, press on! The Crusade continues!


Be invigorated by the trail of rent bodies in your wake! Rejoice in their tired expressions and dismay! When their arms become too weary to lift their weapons in defense, let us bless them and release their mortal coil!


May the mountains tremble and the seas boil in the wake of our righteousness! Let nothing keep you from your commitments and oaths!


There is victory and nothing else!


Only sweet victory is eternal!


Rejoice, Brothers, for victory is ours. All that remains is to claim it!"

- Attributed to Master of Sanctity, Chaplain Lombardicus, The Supra Crusade, 967.M38


* Edited to remove non-historical addition of reference to "Russ's panting dogs". Obviously, the panting dogs were not involved in the crusade when this sermon was originally preached.

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I have now completed my fourth vow,Master of sanctity, w/ a bolt pistol, and artificer armour, Marshal, w/ termi armour, a master crafted thunder hammer and a storm shield, Marshal, w/ termi armour master crafted pair of lightning claws, an adamantine mantle, and melta bombs.




a little blury i am sorry my camera did not like such a cool chaplain.

and for my fifth vow I am pledging to complete 3 terminator command squads for a total of 629 points;

terminator command squad one; 4 terminators w/ 1x cyclone missile launcher, 1x assault cannon, 1x chain fist, 4x crusader seals

terminator command squad two; 4 terminators w/ 2x assault cannons, 1x chainfist, and 4x crusader seals

terminator command squad three; 4 terminators w/ 2x assault cannons and 4x crusader seals

wish me luck as I move into my fifth and soon sixth vow brothers!

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The new rules have made the 2 Rhinos I'm working on virtually useless, but fear not brothers, I will finish them as promised if only to banish them to the holy moth repelling mechanicus unguents and styroplast packing in the lowest and darkest hold of my strike cruiser...
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Oh, Captain Semper...


I Brother Darklight, yet again answer the challenge of the Unforgiven and vow to complete...


from Codex:Black Templar of total value 865 points on or before August 15. Success will bring eternal glory to The Black Templar and failure will doom me to bear the sign of damnation until the year-end


*clears throat*


Command Squad - 6 man: - 261 points

Sergeant: Power Weapon, Terminator Honours

Apothicary: Power Weapon, Terminator Honours

Standard Bearer: Power Weapon, Terminator Honours (Redoing the banner)

Company Champion: Terminator Honours

Initiate: Melta, Terminator Honours

Initiate: Plasma Gun, Terminator Honours

(They will all have shiny cool things on them to show Terminator Honours, to keep Captain Semper happy :))


Crusaders!!! - 604 points

34x Crusaders

5x Neophytes

(Divide em up however you wish, it's all the same total)

Initiate with Power Weapon: (Yeah, yeah he looks done... I'm going to repaint him. The original paint scheme for the cloth looks horrendous to me now, so he's getting re-base-coated)

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There is a very simple and very undeniable way to show that a PA model has Terminator honors: said model would have the Crux Terminatus on his left shoulderpad


only problem is that's a rather difficult shoulder pad to come across (and I'm USELESS with Greenstuff -_- )

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@ Chaplail Cliff: Your status is updated - these are some cool HQs there - in a winter environment too.. Good luck with your next vow - the 5th is it? You guys are buildinga legacy for yourselves! ;) Just one point: can BT Termies get meltabombs? Don't have your Codex at hand right now so please cross-check that. And even if it is allowed, I can't see it on the model. Could you please point it out to me? I know is a very small part of the vow points wise but I'd like to cover all the angles. ;)


@ Brother Darklight: So brother... I see you decided to be brave. Good... good... a 46 model vow? Excellent! Good luck - because you'll need it! :) As regards Termie Honours something that could work is a purity seal painted in a striking color - say gold. Don't know about you but I got so many of them lying around... It's not like they are are hard to find. Status and new vow updated!

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I found a few sprues lying around at 3:22 in the morning, and inspired by the valiant effort my Brothers have put in:


I Grey Knight Purifier, answer the challenge of the Unforgiven, and vow to complete a Squad of five Black Templar Initiates, armed with three bolters, a Plasma Gun, and a Missile Launcher, from the (Emperor's Favorite) Codex: Black Templar of a total value of 96 points on or before August 15th. My assured sucess will bring eternal glory to the Black Templars, and on my honor, I have no chance of failure.

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OK Larden, looks good - I'll update your status once you finalise your points; Updating is an tiring process :)


BTW this Strom Shield looks somewhat unpainted... can you get a better pic before I update your status! :P

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(They will all have shiny cool things on them to show Terminator Honours, to keep Captain Semper happy :D)


If the crux terminatus power armor shoulder pads are hard to come by for you, remember that it is also often worn as a cross shaped token attached to shoulder pads, chest plate or belt. Or as Lexicanum writes:

Sergeants, Captains and Librarians have different versions to identify their status. Those awarded with the Crux Terminatus often wear smaller versions when they fight in power armour, often hanging them from banners, weapons and belts. It is also usual for them to paint this symbol onto the knee or shin plates of their standard power armour.


There are lots of little cross bits on all kinds of sprues for decoration, so it should be relatively easy to come by those.


Good luck on your vow brother! May the Emperor guid you(r paintbrush)!

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(They will all have shiny cool things on them to show Terminator Honours, to keep Captain Semper happy :lol:)


If the crux terminatus power armor shoulder pads are hard to come by for you, remember that it is also often worn as a cross shaped token attached to shoulder pads, chest plate or belt. Or as Lexicanum writes:

Sergeants, Captains and Librarians have different versions to identify their status. Those awarded with the Crux Terminatus often wear smaller versions when they fight in power armour, often hanging them from banners, weapons and belts. It is also usual for them to paint this symbol onto the knee or shin plates of their standard power armour.


There are lots of little cross bits on all kinds of sprues for decoration, so it should be relatively easy to come by those.


Good luck on your vow brother! May the Emperor guid you(r paintbrush)!


Excellent! Thanks for the pointers. I'm certainly looking to those when I paint them. May even start tonight :cuss

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I have updated for Larden's and Ginger Avenger's completions but I have yet to add Larden's second vow since he has not finalized the points.


You're doing well guys - You have crossed the 10k level of completions! Well done! :D





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My second vow:


Emperors Champion -90 pts


Assault squad -5 initiates 145

melta bombs


2-plasma pistol


Crusader squad-7 -157

5 bolters 2bp&cc


missle launcher-

plasma gun



smoke launchers


p.s. checked bits and treads and decided that jump initiates will be needed in my crusade.

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