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Onwards Brothers!


Let our efforts blaze a path that no chapter shall ever consider to follow. Let Dorn shape your zeal and Sigismund determine your path. It is the eleventh hour and none can deny us!


Templars Forward!

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I'm getting close to finished with my current vow... should be another day or two at max. I'm going to my FLGS today to see if there are any neat HQ characters I might be able to buy and paint quickly to keep us moving forward in vows and points.
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Mission Accomplished....

Three Tactical Dreadnaught Armour Squads..One ten troop Sword Brethren Terminator Squad (Shooty) with two chainfists, one assualt cannon, and one missile laucher, and ten crusader seals, AND one ten troop Sword Brethren Terminator Squad (Shooty - from Space Crusade era) with ten Crusader seals, and one flamer, AND one five troop Sword Brethren Terminator Assualt Squad with five Crusade seals for total points of 1,115.

1st Shooty Squad


2nd Space Crusade Shooty Squad


Assualt Squad


Full Crew...


With no further vows.. this Templar Brother locked in a total of 2,757 points for this challenge.

Once this challenge is over I would like to see a final post from each member of their entire contribution most especially some of you in your seventh/eigth vows.

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. Once this challenge is over I would like to see a final post from each member of their entire contribution most especially some of you in your seventh/eigth vows.


Ooor a certain Captain might do that for all particpants in the ETL along with tons of other stats... :D


Congratulations Brother Richard! A worthy completion you got there! Not to mention some retro Termies that bring back memories *the music theme of "the way we were" playing in the background* :angry:

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Solid job Brother Richard,


2nd vow fulfilled.


1 CC geared MOS

10 CC Terminators

5 Shooty Terminators

1 LR "Dorns hammer"







I Eberious vow one last time to strike at lose who dare appose our might, our power our purity. Once again my zeal has pushed me to vow again.


1 Limited Ed Emperors Champion.


Just sparyed it 10 mins ago.


To the brushes!!!

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. Once this challenge is over I would like to see a final post from each member of their entire contribution most especially some of you in your seventh/eigth vows.


Ooor a certain Captain might do that for all particpants in the ETL along with tons of other stats... :D


What I think Brother Richard means is to post a picture of Everything all side-by-side. Which is a great idea! You can expect this from me! :angry:

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I agree with Brother Richard/Darklight. I think it would make for a fitting epilogue to this crusade.


Does anyone else think Brother Richard should get +25% points for using classic termies? I mean, come on, how cool is that?


Brother Eberious...each one of your efforts causes me to catch my breath. Just brilliant work. I. Love. Your. Landraider.


Bravo Brothers!

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The table's updated! Please check it out - make sure everything is on order...


I decided to do this for my own vows myself. Honour also demanded that I meticiously go over the point values for all my vows.


I found these issues:

* First vow lacks description: "and two chainfists" under what the terimantors are armed with. I was allowed to add these to my vow when I realized that between two terminator boxes you only get eight powerfists.

* Fifth and final vow is completed but still says "incomplete"


Edit: If someone was fast enough to read the third issue I stated, I was actually in error and it was correct all along.

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OK then, as far as I'm concerned everything is in order in the first vow. You vowed 630 pts and you painted 630 pts, the vow is marked "COMPLETE"- all is well! :)


I'll fix your 5th completion - that was an oversight. Thx for cross-checking mate... :tu:





Keep checking guys - You have already placed 134 vows so far, the odds are heavily against me! :ph34r:

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3rd vow completed. Did finish him about an 2 hours ago but could not get on the B&C for some reason?


Emperors Champion Semper. In honor of his hard work running this painting event.






I Eberious vow a 4th time to paint....


Marshal Wilhelm & Marshal "no name"






You have my word the Thunder maul Marshal will be completely repainted. Just that it's 1.29am here and I prime my stuff outside.

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Captain Semper,


From discussions in my crusade thread, it turns out that I took an option for my Chaplain that is not allowed by the codex. I may not take a rosarius and an Iron Halo, so please reduce my third vow from 180 to 155 points.



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Eberious I love your work. That is an awesome EC!


I dug through some boxes under the desk and found another older tank so...


“I, Nards08, answer the challenge of the Unforgiven and vow to complete a Vindicator with dozer blade, hunter-killer missle, and extra armour from Codex: Black Templars of total value 150pts on or before August 15. Success will bring eternal glory to The Black Templars and failure will doom me to bear the sign of damnation until the year-end”


I have all day tomorrow so this will be an easy vow. Need to start looking for a tenth ;)

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@ Eberius: You honor me sir! The mini itself looks awesome - excellent paintjob on a very unique and characterful model. I see you're going strong with your vows - two termie Marshals no less. Do you think you can add a bit more details on the load-out?


@ Honda: That's fair play! I made the adjustment - thx for the heads-up


@ Lysere: Good luck - I actually think it's cool you intend to finish on the 14th - it will lessen my work-load for the 15th! ;)


@ Nards: Table updated. Look forward for your completion! And your 10th :D

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You're welcome Captain Semper.


The loadout I seem to have got wrong, sorry.


so Wilhelm has: storm shield, single L-claw and termie armour


no-name has: artificer armour(represented by the larger bulk), terminator honours, frag/krak nades, storm shield, thunder maul.


total point are 308. Sorry for correction. Was late last night and missed the basics of what they have.

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Vow Complete!









And now for my tenth vow


“I, Nards08, answer the challenge of the Unforgiven and vow to complete a Marshal with Thunder Hammer, Storm Shield, Frag Grenades from Codex: Black Templars of total value 121pts on or before August 15. Success will bring eternal glory to The Black Templars and failure will doom me to bear the sign of damnation until the year-end”

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Hail Brothers and Capt Semper,

I know I shot out to an early completion of almost my entire vow then life came crashing down. So without further a-do :) Here are the final two pieces to complete my total vow:

Before Shots:

Vindi 1 - gallery_66974_7235_26862.jpg

Vindi 2 - gallery_66974_7235_34642.jpg

After Shots:

Vindi 1 & 2 - gallery_66974_7235_832660.jpg


And that completes my entire vow, all 7 vows!! Almost 1400 points for us!!

Complete Vow Here:


And now I am spent - hart

edited - because I am retarded and too damn tired!!

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Aaaah my weekend is finally here, time to paint the :cuss out of this challenge. :huh:

Sixth Vow Complete










Feels like it took forever, but it's been a busy week. :woot:


Seventh Vow


“I Mystech1 answer the challenge of the Unforgiven and vow to complete a 10 man Assault Squad w/ Power Weapon and 2x Plasma Pistols from Codex: Black Templars of total value 240pts on or before August 15. Success will bring eternal glory to The Black Templars and failure will doom me to bear the sign of damnation until the year-end”


This is the last of the models I had available to convert to BT's and that would have forced me to stop at seven, but I decided to get more. :D You can expect at least 2 more Vows from me before time is up. Very few days left Brothers. If you haven't finished, get your :cuss in gear! :)

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I have finished moving across the country, and am now prepared to finish the final models needed for my current vow. I've got my first 6th games today and tomorrow, so painting will commence tonight.


I also just realized I have a few other single models that can go under the brush...so I may be able to sneak in another vow or two.

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