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your dark vengeance minis

Brother Nathan

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Greatcrusade that is an awesome start. I may need to check out some of your other works!


Finally received my box today! Although I have many pieces my chaos force is unpainted. I'm wondering if I should paint through some of the lower rungs before painting the Chosen.

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A quick question... I noted the Lord's body and cloak are seperate, but I have only been able to see pics of the lord's front. Would it be possible to see a pic of the Chaos Lord's back without the cloak on? It would be much apprieciated!
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WIP Update on my M'kar model. Had to do some green stuffing to fill in jointing and I am done with first and second layers. No where near to the paint control of GreatCrusade08 but one day I will.


M'kar Front



M'kar Face w/ Crown of Thorns



M'kar Back



Attempts at a tainted Ultramarine Symbol:



Eyeball glove:



I tried sticking to the idea of red skin due to his Crimson armor when he was mortal and the ultramarine chassie as per the story. Seeing as it was the posession of a loyalist dreadnought (who normally don't have trim like CSMs) I kept the various arrows and trimmings (I would normally make a different color) the same, as if the armor was changing shape and design but not so much colors.


All the eyeballs and teeth on the model are giving me fits. Everywhere I turn there is some tooth or eyeball I missed on the first 13 passes. It's like trying to play Where's Chaos Waldo's eyeball and teeth

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Here we go:


Group shot:




Arkos the Faithless:




Not really twins anymore:




Dark Apostle and converted twin:




These guys are my first stab at Alpha's! I'm really digging the colour scheme!

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+++snipped awesome stuff+++

Dark Apostle and converted twin:



OK, how did you build the back of the helmet from the apostle? It looks great!

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I always knew Arkos had some serious armpower, hehe! :confused:


Nice job on the twin, good use of the champ helmet. Although I am a huge fan of the Mk IV helm on my twins...



Glad to see another Alpha Legionnaire out there! Hydra Dominatus, keep up the good work!

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greatcrusade08 - I really like the vibrant silver tones you've achieved on your lord, really makes the armour trimming stand out.

Love how you've painted the sword too. The purple really fits with your scheme (word Bearer's??) and suits a deamonic looking sword perfectly.

Any chance you could give us a brief rundown on how you painted the sword?


Ammonius- It's a shame GW themselves didn't use the Champs helemet for the duplicated model, I think its one of the more menacing faceplates from the set so its nice to see it being used to add some variety to an otherwise brilliant uint.


On my side of things i've now assembled my hellbrute who is awaiting a good blast of chaos black primer, then he's ready for some paint.

I also rather stupidly slipped whilst cleaning-up the lord's sword arm and the resulting cut removed a considerabke chunck of his gauntlet and a bit of the swords pommel. Gutted! :)



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thanks for the kind words, much appreciated


Any chance you could give us a brief rundown on how you painted the sword?


it was the first time ve done a coloured sword so im sure it could be improved, i also still use older paints so a conversion chart will be needed if you a modern paint user.


basecoat black

-first step paint the whole sword area in liche purple (i kept the hilt etc in metal)

-then blackline around the daemon parts in the centre of the sword, make them stand out a bit.

-paint warlock purple on the daemonic faces, tongue and other detailed parts

-highlight in tentacle pink

-further sharp highlight of white (use sparingly)


i did a small pink highlight on the edge of the sword..

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+++snipped awesome stuff+++

Dark Apostle and converted twin:



OK, how did you build the back of the helmet from the apostle? It looks great!


First I left the back of the original twins head in place to make a form to work off of. THen a little greenstuff in the gaps and a thin layer over the original head and presto, new helmet! THe hard part was getting rid of his thumb from the front of the helmet. Very careful knife work.

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+++snipped awesome stuff+++

Dark Apostle and converted twin:



OK, how did you build the back of the helmet from the apostle? It looks great!


First I left the back of the original twins head in place to make a form to work off of. THen a little greenstuff in the gaps and a thin layer over the original head and presto, new helmet! THe hard part was getting rid of his thumb from the front of the helmet. Very careful knife work.


Awesome sauce! :P

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Been working away painting up mine and I'm finding it quite difficult as I tend to semi assemble my models then paint them before gluing all the sections together. Going to get the cultists sorted first I think once I figure out a scheme for them
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All the eyeballs and teeth on the model are giving me fits. Everywhere I turn there is some tooth or eyeball I missed on the first 13 passes. It's like trying to play Where's Chaos Waldo's eyeball and teeth



That seems to happen with many of my models, unfortunetly I never notice until I've put the paints away and washed the brushes! >.<

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Hey Guys Normally a Loyalist myself but have been painting these up for my little brothers birthday!


The Hellbrute





WIP Chosen grenades etc need doing


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started on my first cultist and am trying to match it into my iron warriors, so thoughts and opinions on the colours so far please!



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started on my first cultist and am trying to match it into my iron warriors, so thoughts and opinions on the colours so far please!


Can't see the colours that well (it could just be that my eyes are tired :P ), but I like the "muted" quality of them. That is to say they aren't bright but functional, which I think fits well with the IW :P

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Here we go:


Arkos the Faithless:




Dark Apostle and converted twin:




These guys are my first stab at Alpha's! I'm really digging the colour scheme!


I feel weird quoting my self, but I have an issue with these two guys. I'm not quite sure what colour to do the cloaks on Arkos and the Apostle... I'd like to stay away from green if possible, as I think it'd overpower the highlights. I'm open to any suggestions and if anyone has painted pics of Alphas in cloaks of various colours, I'd love to see them.

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I feel weird quoting my self, but I have an issue with these two guys. I'm not quite sure what colour to do the cloaks on Arkos and the Apostle... I'd like to stay away from green if possible, as I think it'd overpower the highlights. I'm open to any suggestions and if anyone has painted pics of Alphas in cloaks of various colours, I'd love to see them.

Personally I'd go for a really dark red. It will contrast well with the blue/green but won't be overpowering if its kept pretty dark.

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Chaos Lord painted up in Iron Warriors colour. Chaos Lord a really great model to paint & my favrout from the set.





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I feel weird quoting my self, but I have an issue with these two guys. I'm not quite sure what colour to do the cloaks on Arkos and the Apostle... I'd like to stay away from green if possible, as I think it'd overpower the highlights. I'm open to any suggestions and if anyone has painted pics of Alphas in cloaks of various colours, I'd love to see them.

Personally I'd go for a really dark red. It will contrast well with the blue/green but won't be overpowering if its kept pretty dark.


This, especially if it's a "muted" colour, a bit like how some painters paint Flesh Tearers, a dirty red.


IP I love that mini myself, so am leaving that one for last. Hopefully, I can get my painting-fu to a better standard by the time I get around to him. I like yours a lot :huh:

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i liked that model, til i accidentially cut one of the balls off his sword. cant find it to fix it so it feels meh now...(just cause its not quite right...)


to the iron warrior painters, how are you painting the tenticles on the bolter backpack. gone for a pinky red but im not settled on it yet. also how are you painting all the tubes on the general marines? im tempted to do them hazerd striped like how i did on my aobr warboss but its a lot of awkward to reach cabling so am unsure... thoughts


as a suggestion for the alpha legion, how about a dark purple or looking up lizard pics for inspiration?


regardless good work guys keep them comming!

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