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cheers guys, there will be more DG soon dont worry.. ive got a huge unbuilt pile of resin for them (including a falchion and multiple preds..) so will be returning to beige before too long im sure..


All the colour is to break away from my "goes unnoticed" failings of past years at gd.. i figured bright green and a model that i didnt see a single one of last year was a good idea.


and a repost of the sicaran just for you Chaeron






did a bit more work on the fistnaught, not sure if he should have a white stripe on his head or not though..



Edited by Lorenzen



stripe added ;)


Sicaran wise Paul Rudge initially put his on the front pannel of his sicaran, but changed it to be in the same place as mine after deciding he liked it better. 


Sicaran wise Paul Rudge initially put his on the front pannel of his sicaran, but changed it to be in the same place as mine after deciding he liked it better. 


Interesting to know! Did you use masking tape for it? I'm still (truthfully) undecided, I like the placement of yours, Iciban's is slightly further forward, some use just the recesses and others use the green as a spot colour. I'm wondering if the main recesses would be most suitable to match my tanks (Raiders and Rhinos).


Plenty of food for thought anyway, really appreciate you sharing again!


And that Contemptor, lush!

  • 2 weeks later...



slow progress on the fist dread, ive been playing about with getting the shoulders to not look too flat mainly and adding more line highlights. the kheres is a placeholder as i need to paint his actual one up and get the barrels clean enough to get a better layer of chrome down than on this one.

Not a huge update today.. But I've been working on some stuff for House Makabius




now that the warden kit is coming out ill be changing the fist on the errant and adding a few more knights im sure.. got another plastic one still to build and need to press on with getting them all painted (and matching in the case of the casti..)

i actually have 7 knights now.. just 2 aren't built yet!


done a bit more work on them anyhow.. mainly the Errant (who is being painted up as black saker from the heresy books)




reworked some of the paladin too, though his trim needs to be updated to the newer gold and a few symbols reapplied.


also been working on my mechanicum allies..



I've not really got many wip shots of the castigator but when im next doing some photos ill try and get a few shots of him for you.. the pose is pretty simple though it required a LOT of heat to bend the ammo feed to fit the pose and its starting to split a little on the this side of the curve.


done some more work on Vulkan, the scales are slowly driving me mad.. so many scales.. and i havent even started on the sculpted ones! *gulp*



Thanks :) I spent quite a long time trying to figure out how I was going to do the skin so that it looked black but not "lifeless".. There are a fair few Vulkans that are a cold grey or use blues to highlight his skin and i've never really been a fan of how they looked.

Cheers these models are a little out of my comfort zone paint wise.. they arent grimy and dingy!


11329940_10152881273216406_7324011410547 started working on transfering the yellow of the dread over to infantry.. needed to test it out before sigismund gets delivered..

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