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I have to say the mustard-brown yellow you've got going hasn't been doing it for me on the fists, however I'm reserving judgement until I see what you do for the bases as that makes all the difference. Given your skill though I'm sure they are gonna look ace when finally finished.

the colour is based off my friend Proms recipe whos army i adore, plus i wanted to avoid going down the same path as i did with the lamenter stuff and going very bright.. so stole the yellow from him.



couple of links to Proms work.








done a little more work.. and put him on a base for you Heinrich.. need to add a little bit of weathering to the legs to tie him to the base a bit and add a few bits of static grass.. also will be doing some chipping to the armour before he's finished



Edited by Lorenzen
I forgot how much I loved that company champion conversion of prom's; thanks for linking to it and refreshing it in my mind! Could you potentially post the ow recipe? I personally adore that mustard yellow you've achieved.

The recipe is prime black, airbrush VMA armour brown zenith VGC heavy brown over that then filter VGC gold yellow over the top. Prom shades with agrax earthshade, but i chose to use an oil wash of ak streaking grime instead, then highlight with VMA aged white.


He's almost finished now, need to tidy the black up, add a few more spots of weathering and maybe some tufts of scorched grass to him.



I really like the yellow! normally I don't like Imperial fists, because their armour it too bright. This however, looks quite good.


The skin-tones on his face are also amazing.


I'm looking forwards to see Sigismund, painted like this. 

Cheers, i enjoy painting flesh quite a lot.


speaking of Sigismund...






I had to give him some hair, as the description of Sigi mentions him having dark blonde hair.. plus it makes mine just that little bit different to others :)

Cheers, I'm enjoying painting the mustard yellow style Fists. Done a bit more work on him (mainly the black sword and started his base) but hes coming along nicely.. Not 100% sure what colour to paint the big studs on his shoulders.. any ideas?




and as requested some close ups of his face.



I bought him at the WHW grand opening as an early release.. shouldve got him on the day but there was apparently none delivered from the factory (downstairs.....) so i had to wait a few weeks.


Done more work on him.. chose gold for the studs eventually as it helped tie the knee to the upper half of the model.








I'll do an updated skin tutorial at some point if people want? been quite a while since i did the one in my fire angel thread.

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