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Jolemai and Not-Blood Angels. I still can't quite wrap my head around that!


Well, after years of waiting they'll finally be stripped in the coming weeks. With me, they've only ever been used as Blood Angels and if you check the banner top on the central model, they were always destined to be become Blood Angels :wink:

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

It begins...


Second strip done. Plan this week is to get them based (should take 1-2 evenings - I literally get maybe an hour to myself these days...) and undercoated. Lets see if I can manage that...

Meanwhile, the Apocalypse game is booked for Valentine's weekend next year :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ooof. I've managed to avoid the ol' Craftworld Warhost as yet. It all worries me excessively.


Don't get me wrong, I'm confident in my ability and that of my Codex. I know my rules inside out and I know my opponent's (which may be in my favour), I just don't know if a themed list is strong enough to compete with a (potentially) top tier list due to all those lovely, lovely buffs.

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I do worry excessively, it's true. It's a geneseed quirk of mine, I think. The Warhost is something that provides an enviable mix of brutal power and delicious fluff, and its hard to look at that, and not worry a touch.

If you were going to tailor your list, how would you go about it? Is there any way to sort of fold some of those ideas into what you've already got without sacrificing the TAC and fluff of the list?

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I do worry excessively, it's true. It's a geneseed quirk of mine, I think. The Warhost is something that provides an enviable mix of brutal power and delicious fluff, and its hard to look at that, and not worry a touch.

If you were going to tailor your list, how would you go about it? Is there any way to sort of fold some of those ideas into what you've already got without sacrificing the TAC and fluff of the list?


This is what I'm expecting:



Whilst I don't know the ins and outs of his list, I can guess the following:

  • No Storm Guardians and no Jetbikes means the Core part will be a Guardian Battlehost. There will be no other Core bits.
    • Farseer, Vyper, War Walker, Support Weapon, 3 x 10 Guardians with free weapon platforms
  • Command will be either a Seer Council and/or a Hero of the Craftworld (Autrach most likely)
  • Auxiliary will include the following: Dire Avenger Shrine (Wave Serpents), Aspect Host (2 x Warp Spiders and maybe Fire Dragons for BS5), Wraith Host (Wraithknight, Wraithlord, Spirirt Seer, 3 x Wraithguard). Possibly Wraith Constructs and Outcasts if points are needed. So far, he's not a fan of the Vehicle Squadron rules, but I may see a Squadron of Falcons (Engines of Vaul) set up.

Cullexus in a Drop Pod, Tactical in a third pod (to enable the Meltacide and Cullexus to arrive early), a second squad of grav bikers. Assuming a bought a third Pod to do that, I could drop the Cerberus, Terminators and the Land Raider and rejig some stuff (maybe switch from FTSF to BSF or even CAD), Veritas Vitae Warlord, toss in the Sicaran - just stuff like that, but then I resort to a typical hybrid list.


Of course, this adds a moral dilemma; do I tailor for a one off game - which is something I've tried hard to avoid reverting back to - or do I continue to improve myself as a general by taking these lists and playing in this manner? Don't get me wrong, I'm happy to tweak, but to outright tailor? I'll likely be up against it regardless.


I suppose what I seek is to get as close as perfect as possible with each themed list I make (see sig). So I would be looking to min/max to the best possible outcome, whilst at the same time, making use of my collection rather than the same old stuff over and over again.

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RTS update

Found the time to apply the PVA seal to the base and get them undercoated. It's entirely possible that I didn't go to "work" yesterday to achieve this... :sleep.:


Bad picture aside and ignoring the front models (they got their base sealed too as I had some watery PVA left over), I get to start painting as soon as possible.

  1. Do the black bits
  2. Silver the black bits where necessary
  3. (Touch up with white)
  4. Paint the white armour bits red
  5. Paint the rest of the white bits brown
  6. Wash the armour and brown bits
  7. Paint the red bits red
  8. Paint the red bits red :dry.:
  9. Do the fine detail
  10. Do the base*
  11. (Apply highlights)

* Base: ink black, drybrush grey, drybrush light grey, drybrush bone.

Yeah, this wont take long with 21 models...

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This thread lacks heresy models.

Does this count?

Started work on a heavy flamer chap using these.

Trouble is, I need to find a suitable right hand. I'm using the SM Tactical box as a basis and the arms in their lack right hands (they are molded onto the guns)...

Found a set of arms. You know the sprue they send out with blisters or Finecast stuff (the old backpack, 2 x shoulder pad, two arms, boltgun) one? Seems like the arms fit fine and they come with the hand too. Pics before the end of the week (hopefully).


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  • 2 weeks later...

... and the chap with the titans in my group has just teased an almighty pile of boxes from FW. Guess facing a Warlord in February has been confirmed.


... Help.




I dont know how i felt that was relevent. Guess it was the lines:


It is time pick up yours arms

nova bombs and plasma guns


It is a 2700pts contraption. How many drop pods filled with melta bomb carriers does that buy you?

Also you still have time to plan a ski trip that accidentally  lies in February. 

Edited by Jønke
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... and the chap with the titans in my group has just teased an almighty pile of boxes from FW. Guess facing a Warlord in February has been confirmed.

... Help.

FTSF full of Meltacide, Tactical Melta, Vindicator lasers etc :O

As much as it saddens me to say this, the darn thing is immune to melta (and haywire) :( . Still, I hope you have a blast

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... and the chap with the titans in my group has just teased an almighty pile of boxes from FW. Guess facing a Warlord in February has been confirmed.

... Help.

FTSF full of Meltacide, Tactical Melta, Vindicator lasers etc :O
As much as it saddens me to say this, the darn thing is immune to melta (and haywire) :( . Still, I hope you have a blast

I don't know why I thought it wouldn't be...

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