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Andys Dark Angels


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Greetings Brothers!

My name is Andy, I am 31 from Australia, I have been lurking on this site for a while and I just wanted to make a thread thanking you guys for having awesome inspiration and how to’s on this site! Your site has helped me to finally do dark angels justice after many years!

My Dark Angels path started in 1993/4 when I got my hands on my first Deathwing model. I didn’t know much about the Deathwing but ended up reading the Tale of Two Heads Talking and I was totally hooked. I bought a few more Deathwing models and used to play with an especially sneaky Eldar player who used to stretch the rules quite badly, eventually I went away to boarding school and cricket and rugby scholarships took over my time and the Deathwing went into a box in all their plain white with no details glory never to be seen again.

1998 rolled around and I finished high school and had some more time whilst at university. Somewhere around this time a bunch of new Chaos models came out and I bought the raptors because I really loved the models and then some Chaos Terminators and Abaddon. Thus a black legion army was born. Once again these were painted just terribly, I more or less sprayed them and painted the silver bits (didn’t even do that very well) and that was it. Chaos was not really my thing, was still pining for Dark Angels, and so after a few years the hobby fell by the wayside as working life began.

Some time later the new Dark Angels Codex was released along with the very cool veterans in robes box set. I went out and grabbed the codex and a nice new box of Veterans with the intention of finally painting up some Dark Angels. I glued all the models together in all these cool poses….then never painted them!

About a year ago I found them on my bookshelf again and decided to do something about this painting thing. But of course I was a sook and instead of painting them as Dark Angels I took the easy option and painted them as Guardians of the Covenant. I say easy because I knew how to dry brush and I saw a how to on here about their robes. I got as far as finishing the Veterans, getting a hooded company master from eBay and painting him up and also a Dreadnought. However once again the feeling that they were good but not Dark Angels set in and I lost motivation, I also didn’t like the idea of having to remove Dark Angels iconography from everything, so once again progress stopped.

When Dark Vengeance came out I loved the models and knew that due to them being so heavily laden with Dark Angels features I would have to paint them up as Dark Angels and I would finally have a Dark Angels army after nearly 20 years of wanting one.

I set about studying up on The Bolter and Chainsword, of particular use have been the “Quick and easy way of painting Deathwing” the “How to paint black Power armour” and the “Make your own wet palette” threads. I also kept my self motivated by looking at the awesome work you guys have been doing.

A month ago I bought Dark Vengeance and now only have the Chapter Master and Chaplain left to paint. I am really quite happy with how my models have turned out for what is my first serious attempt at painting something but I would really appreciate your comments and guidance on making them better!

My Librarian is the first one I managed to get an ok photo of so I will start with him and throw the others up as soon as I capture lightning in a bottle and get an ok picture!

The Librarian needs a few tidy ups and I have no idea how to deal with the sword so some advice there would be great. The Base is bad, buts it temporary while I painted him. Also I gave him a white eye with a tinge of purple around the socket to kind of make it look like storm from Xmen when she is doing her thing, does it look ok to you guys? Or should I give him a regular eye?

Have at it boys and girls! Cheers, Andy


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I think he's fine as is. I particularly like how you did the blue armour. However (it may be the flash), the robes, gold piping and keys could do wish shading/wash (Earthshade?). The belt also looks unfinished. Ditto the base.


In any case, these are only some suggestions that you can freely ignore... :P

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I think he's fine as is. I particularly like how you did the blue armour. However (it may be the flash), the robes, gold piping and keys could do wish shading/wash (Earthshade?). The belt also looks unfinished. Ditto the base.


In any case, these are only some suggestions that you can freely ignore... :P

Thanks for your comments! I had never painted anything blue before, so it was a total experiment that worked out pretty well, I wanted him to be a Darker Blue so he fitted in with the rest of the army. The flash did make the robes look too white but I think in looking at it i will run some wash into the areas closest to the legs. The pipes are meant to be brass so yep I will hit that with some brown wash and I totally missed the keys and the belt! I finished it last night fairly late...not sure how I will do the belt now as my blue involved a lot of drybrushing but I will work out somthing! Thanks for the advice and for spotting the belt! Not sure how that one slipped my attention!


Oh and the base needs lots of work, not sure what style of base I am going to go for with these guys, I just quicky did somthing to cover the paint on the base from his construction

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Ok here are the rest of them, this taking pictures of minis is not as easy as I thought :S!

First up, Deathwing. Pretty happy with these, I wanted them to be whiter than depicted in the codex, I think I achieved that fairly well for a first go. Dont know what to do with the power sword


Next up Ravenwing, in taking the photo I can see i need to redo the feathers, pretty untidy, bit disappointed with that. Also mine did not fit together at all well, how do I close the gaps? Liquid greenstuff?


Finally the tacticals, the photos turned out terrible they are a much less drab green in real life but could not capture it on the camera.


Once again any advice is appreciated!

Cheers, Andy

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These are really well painted mate, I especially like the robes which can sometimes come out a bit dark in the resesis ( sorry about the spelling lol).


Can't wait to see more!



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Lovely painted bikes! but please look into liquid green stuff or something similiar to "remove" the gaps on the next bikes you paint. Also the bolters on the right one should been cleaned better from "mould lines".


Keep up the good work!



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Wow, what a great post!


I get such a warm fuzzy feeling inside when people register only to say thanks...and it gets even better when they post pics and then I know they're here for good muhahaha


Welcome on board, congrats for some GREAT models and keep it coming B)

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Welcome to the rock Brother - may you stay long and your Dark Angels grow.


Liking the models but just need to add to the previous comments that you could paint the armour bendy bits (inner elbow/back of knee/wrist) in a dark silver then wash with black ink to give a bit more pazazz!


For the bases try this shamless self plug

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I like your Deathwing and Ravenwing (greenstuff could help there, though...). The Tac Squad is fine (but could use a highlight and wash).


Re: bases. You could simply get some small, flat stones (from the garden is fine). Glue them on, paint them gey and drybrush highlight them. Quick n' cheap.


All in all, pretty good start. Decent table top standard. You'll only get better the more you paint. Keep it up.


Oh, and please drill out the barrels of weapons....an Imperial Saint dies eveytime someone doesn't....

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Hello everyone! Thank you for your comments, its encouraging to know that my models are of a tabletop standard, I want to play a few games around the place in future and I dont want to be the guy with the awful army that no one wants to play! I will get some liquid green stuff for sure as I am especially unhappy about how large of a gap was left on the bikes, I even had to do quite a bit of filing just to get them to that level. One particular bike didn't fit together at all until I applied my girlfriends power nail file of doom to it!

Elmo, thanks for the link to the basing how to, very nice, I will give your method a go for sure! I will also paint the bendy bits as suggested, I had not decided what to do with them and I like your suggestion

I had a lot of trouble accurately capturing my green on camera I did get a slightly better representation of it in these two WIP pics


However if you guys think I would still be better highlighting some more I will have a go and see if it makes it better! I am just soaking up as much knowledge as I can at the moment.

What do you guys use to drill barrels? I have a bit small enough but only a dremel or power drill to drill with and they seem a bit unwieldy for the task! I have not done it yet as I am afraid of wrecking my models with the heavy duty tools!

Thanks again guys!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Its been a little while since I have had the time to paint anything as I just purchased my first home and had to move ect, but I pulled my finger out and joined the path to redemption, I am aiming to have all the DV stuff painted up by christmas so I can have a few games with my nephew over the break. For my first vow I painted up the DV Chaplain. I hope you guys like him!



When moving I found an old Guardians of the Covenant command squad along with an awesome hooded company master and a venerable dreadnought, in the new year I plan to strip them back and repaint them as Dark Angels. Hopefullt the codex comes out in time so I can load them out legally and not have to change anything later.

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About a year ago I found them on my bookshelf again and decided to do something about this painting thing. But of course I was a sook and instead of painting them as Dark Angels I took the easy option and painted them as Guardians of the Covenant.

GotC are easy? Easy!! EASY!!! :)


Just kidding, welcome back to the Rock! :)


I like the Chaplain; very cleanly painted. If I was to give 1 piece of cc I would say that the front tabard could benefit from a bit of shading in the recesses to make is a bit more dynamic. ;)

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About a year ago I found them on my bookshelf again and decided to do something about this painting thing. But of course I was a sook and instead of painting them as Dark Angels I took the easy option and painted them as Guardians of the Covenant.

GotC are easy? Easy!! EASY!!! :)


Just kidding, welcome back to the Rock! :)


I like the Chaplain; very cleanly painted. If I was to give 1 piece of cc I would say that the front tabard could benefit from a bit of shading in the recesses to make is a bit more dynamic. ;)

Ha ha sorry to offend! Easy for me in that I didnt need to learn anything new, I kinda only chose them because of that reason. To do them as well as you do would be just as hard as anything else!


I agree with your assessment of the tabard, for some reason it did not turn out as darkly shaded as the others, will have to go back over it!

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About a year ago I found them on my bookshelf again and decided to do something about this painting thing. But of course I was a sook and instead of painting them as Dark Angels I took the easy option and painted them as Guardians of the Covenant.

GotC are easy? Easy!! EASY!!! :)


Just kidding, welcome back to the Rock! ;)


I like the Chaplain; very cleanly painted. If I was to give 1 piece of cc I would say that the front tabard could benefit from a bit of shading in the recesses to make is a bit more dynamic. ;)

Ha ha sorry to offend! Easy for me in that I didnt need to learn anything new, I was kinda only chose them because of that reason. To do them as well as you do would be just as hard as anything else!


I agree with your assessment of the tabard, for some reason it did not turn out as darkly shaded as the others, will have to go back over it!

Hehe! No worries, I was joking :) I actually started painting my early infantry in metallic colours for exactly the same reason - I could get some halfway decent results without that much painting knowledge (you should see the first few models I painted - epic in their awfulness!) :P


Re: the tabard - often I find that when I look at a model with the naked eye I think its finished, but its only when I photograph it that I notice things I've missed, or things that didn't turn out quite as I had planned. Its as if the photograph resets my internal picture of the miniature. That's one of the reasons I started photographing and posting my minis in the first place :)

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Haha Facman! I just found some of my first models, today when I was looking for my company masters head :S I might post up them and the GoC I have before I strip them just as an interesting log of how my abilities change lol


You are right about the photographing, it shows so many things to touch up!

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Cheers for the kind words guys!


Hey Mithril! I am in Brisbane but I do go to Melbourne from time to time for work, and am generally cooped up in a crappy hotel for a week or two, so next time I will bring my 40k gear and look you up for a game!

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These are my Goc from around 2 years ago that I will strip and turn into DA. I can see right away that the wet palette has markedly improved my painting, the paint no longer looks thick and blobby like it does here!


Really looking forward to doing this guy as DA, should I make him bone or green though?


Really wish I didnt file off the DA iconography on most of this guy :unsure: he will probably just be a veteran or part of a command squad or something as he really does not have much to mark him out as a Company Master.


And my old command squad, will be probably fitted out as one again when the new codex comes out.

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That Command squad is eerily similar to the Veteran squad that I painted about 18 months ago.....



Now I'm weirded out ;)


I like the shin guards on the Dreadnought, they are very cool! In fact, I may have to steal that for my Ven Dread which is currently vying for my attention on the paint table :D

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Oh wow they are really similar! And steal away my friend, I look forward to seeing your take on the shin armor :)

Looking at my photos is making me kind of want to keep GoC and redo them to a bit better standard...but NO I must not stray from the path! ha ha

Finished the DV company master now. I tried to make his cloak black to stick to the Green, Bone and Black colurs of the 3 'wings' on him but could just not make it look right so I went with what I know and did GoC red. Once again all criticisms welcome ;)



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