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Andys Dark Angels


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I use GW purity seal and it actually dulls the paints. Gives them a nice flat look and protects the paint from rubbing off. It's a little pricey (who am I kidding it's GW EVERYTHING is a little pricey) but I like it..
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Thanks for those replies guys! I found a can of purity seal in my closet so I will use that first and dry them in the fridge as suggested in that article.

Also did some basing over the last few days






didnt turn out exactly as planned but they look a lot better with some sort of basing done.

Also finally managed to capture on my camera what my green really looks like, do you guys think it needs extra highlighting still or is it ok? Comments gratefully accepted on that one!


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  • 1 month later...

Hi guys!


I am currently painting up a Venerable Dred. I am painting him bone as described in the codex, I have opted to go for the style where the Marine inside's head is exposed. What Colour would you paint the Marine himself? I have him bone, but it isnt sitting that well with me as you really only see Terminator armour in bone. Would you paint him black? as being venerable he may be pre heresey colours? or Green? But once again that does not really make sense as venerable dreds according to the codex served in the deathwing so wouldnt really be wearing green power armour!


Or am I reading a bit far into it all and confusing my self! ha ha. In any case I would love to hear your opinions to help me make up my mind!




Cheers, Andy

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Hello all!


Finished my Dred, I had a horrible time taking photos of it, will try again tomorrow in better light. Over all I am relatively happy with it, but would of course appreciate your comments.


2013 02 06 19.30.13

2013 02 06 19.34.04

2013 02 06 19.34.31

On to painting my Veterans in power armour, then I can buy some DW knights!
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Thanks mate! I didnt like the bone at first, realy wanted to paint him green but it has grown on me and is now probably my favorite thing I have painted so far. The shin guards are in the Venerable Dred kit, I then added the angels from the veterans kit, the wings obscured the stained glass look I was going for on the shin guards so I clipped off the wings and filed them flat on the back.

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Thanks! I tried to keep it black bone and green to represent his time in the battle companies, ravenwing and deathwing. however I needed to go with red as i could not get the outer cape part to look good in black
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Looking good there.


Slight complaint though ;) - can you post bigger photos next time so we can see it in all its glory....

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Yeah had a bit of trouble posting to the forum in its new format, if you click the pics it will take you to a bigger pic in the gallery, or are you saying they are too small too? I cut them down a little because I was mindful of the whole 'big pictures causing problems for the update' thing.


In other news my girlfriend, who is a special effects make up artist, has agreed to let me use her airbrush to base coat some models, I went out and bought some paint yesterday so I will be giving it a go later in the week, I am a little bit excited about it!

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  • 9 months later...

Hello everyone. Long time no post. I am picking up the brush again after some time off. I have a crusader here and I plan to use it for the most part to cart deathwing nights about. If I do this does it have to be a deathwing vehicle, and therefore painted bone? Or can I take it as a heavy and put the Knights in it? I plan to use it to carry Azzy and his command squad sometimes so maybe paint it bone with a big green stripe? Either way I am pretty excited, it is my first 40k tank!


Any way colour opinions would be much appreciated! Cheers, Andy

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If you take it as a dedicated transport, then only the parent unit can ride in it IIRC (although I think you can attach a character to the unit and still have him join the parent unit in thier transport). Advantage of this is that it doesn't take a Force Org heavy slot.


If you take it as a heavy slot choice, then anyone in your army can ride it - even different squads throughout the game.


Anyway, that's the basics of that choice; I'm sure somebody will correct me on any specifc subtleties I got wrong if not! ;)


Colour-wise... Green with bone sections and lots of DA iconography gives you the freedom for it to fit thematically with either the Deathwing or the regular troops. I think that that painting it as Deathwing exclusively might cause confusion when you run it as non-Deathwing (mostly becuase all Deathwing Vehicles have to have the Deathwing vehicle upgrade). However, if your opponents are cool, and you are happy to inform them each time when deploying it what it is, I'm sure it won't be an issue anyway. :)

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Hello everyone. Long time no post. I am picking up the brush again after some time off. I have a crusader here and I plan to use it for the most part to cart deathwing nights about. If I do this does it have to be a deathwing vehicle, and therefore painted bone? Or can I take it as a heavy and put the Knights in it? I plan to use it to carry Azzy and his command squad sometimes so maybe paint it bone with a big green stripe? Either way I am pretty excited, it is my first 40k tank!


Any way colour opinions would be much appreciated! Cheers, Andy


Land raiders taken as dedicated transports must have the Deathwing vehicle upgrade. Land raiders taken as heavy support may have the Deathwing vehicle upgrade. This last point was clarified in the latest FAQ/errata document. How you represent this in your painting is up to you. I'm painting my Dark Angel land raiders green because I don't like the bone white tanks. I reserve that colouring for terminator armour only.


If you take it as a dedicated transport, then only the parent unit can ride in it IIRC (although I think you can attach a character to the unit and still have him join the parent unit in thier transport). Advantage of this is that it doesn't take a Force Org heavy slot.


If you take it as a heavy slot choice, then anyone in your army can ride it - even different squads throughout the game.


Anyway, that's the basics of that choice; I'm sure somebody will correct me on any specifc subtleties I got wrong if not!


One correction - only the parent unit (and any attached independent characters) may deploy in their dedicated transport. Once the game begins anyone can embark, subject to all the usual rules for transport vehicles. The only reason to ever take a land raider as a dedicated transport is when you need the heavy support slot for something else.


Good luck with the crusader. That's my current project too. :tu:

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One correction - only the parent unit (and any attached independent characters) may deploy in their dedicated transport. Once the game begins anyone can embark, subject to all the usual rules for transport vehicles.


Gah, knew I'd missed a detail! Thanks. :)


Also, if you buy a Land Raider, it's worth magnetising the sponsons and turret as complete units - you can get just the weapon frames for either variant from GW Direct (or ebay), and swap them as you need without having to buy another tank. I'd presonally do a Crusader and a plain Land Raider, and not bother with the Redeemer at all.


As a bonus to the above, if you get a Razorback and give it twin Lascannons, you can then swap whichever LR turret you're not using into the Razorback if you wish. So, if you're using a regular LR, you can drop the Assault Cannon turret onto a Razorback for example. I realise that magnetising isn't to everyone's taste, but with things like turrets and sponsons (and banners) it makes sense as they also make it easier to put into a carry case without damage. ;)

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Thanks for the advice guys! I have started on the interior today but am yet to make up my mind about the exterior colour. I painted my dred white against my better judgement and really liked the result. I am leaning towards painting it like the digitally rendered one next to the land raider entry in the codex, mostly bone with a big fat Green stripe across it. Never done that before so I sort of want to challenge my self. I think this will be one of those decisions that happens as I paint!
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Having a tonne of fun with this model! Here is my progress so far, I am going to get LEDs for the interior, I want to be able to see the work i did in there!


Here is my progress to date.


20131117 192820

20131117 135711

20131117 135436

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Haven't seen an LED build in a while, looking forward to it, as for the interior it looks great the details and very nice also looks like you varnished the screens and lenses from the shine I

can see.

Thanks mate! I had some Tamia clear here left over from some car modelling projects years ago. Gives a good glass effect when you lay it on thick. I have never done the LED thing before but this model seems just perfect for it so I will give it a go!
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It looks like there's loads of crusaders being built at the moment. Looks like the DW will not be short of taxis for the next battle.


I use gloss varnish on all my lenses/screens too.


Looking forward to the leds. ;)

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So its been a few days, and I have to say this kit is great fun! After spending a bit of time around a few D11s of late I had a good look at how and where they lose paint and attempted to add this to my model, I also added some grease around the sprockets ans any moveable parts like the assault cannon mount, I have never attempted any weathering before, what do you think? I didnt want to go muddy or beat up, I just wanted it to look like it has been driving around in a city and running through and over a few things!


I never fully appreciated how much of a chore painting hurricane bolters can be but I am happy with how the first one turned out, just need to dull down the barrels a little, like wise with the assult cannon, the asslt cannon gold bits are not really that gold, just a camera trick I guess. 


The LEDs are on the way as is the transfer paper i intend to print some artwork to, I am no Elmo so I need to cheat a little with my art work.


Anyway, here is the progress and any advice (or encouragement to tackle the second hurricane bolter!) would be appreciated.


Cheers, Andy

20131120 163506

20131120 163441

20131120 163532


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I feel your pain with the hurricane bolters as I will be painting my second set tonight and have been putting it off cause I know they take a long time - but it will be worth it in the end :)


Cheating is ok. My angel of death on the vindicator was a paper template I drew around to get it just as I wanted it. No shame as long as it looks good ;)

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