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Night Lords "Tenebrous Winter" (GREY KNIGHT 08/12)


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I know that ADB's novels set a prime example of what and who the night lords are...what's your opinion on the other Undivided legions? Do you think they are scavengers too?


I feel that the current chaos marine models make a chaos army look generic while you get a better feel with some FW models and random chapter bitz for flavor..

  • 4 weeks later...

@Magnus: Yeah buddy, and they are pretty awesome!

@Lexington: Thanks dude!

@Knights of the Raven: The regular plastic rhino just didn't give me enough of a chaos vibe, even with the GW "chaos" upgrades (i.e. 5pik3s pL3ase :tongue.: ).

@Synidus: Thanks a ton dude! It means a lot!

@Recon: Thanks for the kind words, man! I've always felt the regular Chaos squad kit was kind of bland. Honestly, I think all of the undivided legions need to scavenge. Certainly some less than others; legions like the Iron Warriors may not even need to but perhaps they do to pursue innovations of their own based on Imperial templates. I definitely think a lot of the legions are more like the VIII'th though in that many just maintain their armor via third parties such as serfs, and when new equipment is needed they raid local systems.

So after a long period of quietness, I am back! And bearing gifts...:





So, I'm pretty pleased with how she came out :smile.: I also grabbed a ton of other stuff in the meantime that I've been finishing the rhino up (including the new FW Night Lords transfers), but more on that later on :wink:

As for what's next, it's rhino #2! Hopefully it will go a bit quicker and we can move on to more exciting stuff, like terminators! More to come and thanks for looking! :smile.:

@Recon: Thanks, man!

@Magnus: Thanks a bunch dude, plenty more to come!


I'm working on assembling the 2nd rhino right now (it's all rubber banded up), so I'll get some pictures of it once it's all ready to get primed. I'm seriously looking forward to getting to the models following the rhino. More to come!

So beautiful :wub:


But there is one thing that bothers me a bit: the headlights. Compared to the rest of the model, they look very unfinished. However, could be the lighting and the angle.

@Alpharius: Thanks! Do it, dude! That's how I felt at first and now I'm ankle deep in murderous bastards :tongue.:

@Augustus: Thanks a ton man! Your fists are coming right along! any chance of seeing Sigismund? The Dorito dread looks promising :wink:

@Raven: Thanks! I just wanted to do something a little different and I always felt the pintle-mounted bolter made it look a bit front-heavy, so I went with this.

@Heinrich: Thanks, dude! If we lived closer I'd love to get a game in for some nice fratricide :tongue.:

@Grizzly: Thanks, man!

@Tyrius: That's really cool to hear, man! It's always awesome when people tell you their stuff inspires them :wub.:

@Hydra: Don't worry man I'm sure I'll paint some Legion again at some point! I'm just loving this project so far and it's the farthest I've come on an army in quite some time!

@Gordon: Sorry buddy, no airbrush here :wink: All by hand! I've been thinking about getting one purely for basecoating the blue, but since I have already painted the one rhino and started the second it seems moot at this point :tongue.:

@Dosjetka: Thanks buddy! Yeah the picture washed out the yellow quite a bit for some reason, they are highlighted all up to white! Sometimes my camera does that to the reds too :smile.:

@Razakel: Thanks a ton man! :smile.:

Got the 2nd rhino togrther (and since primed):


Thanks a ton for looking and leaving awesome comments; it's always cool hearing everyone's feedback! More to come soon guys!

The FW extra armour and NL doors/glacis are an excellent combo, and show off your excellent highlights.  Love your paintwork.


I see you are not going for variety with the flamer option on the second Rhino. Pity that the C:CSM limits our weapon options; the rear hatch cries for something heavier, even if not to equal a Razorback.

@Psykic Scribe: Yeah I would love for Chaos to have access to Razorbacks; they are my favorite of the SM tanks, seeming to be more of a SM transport proper :smile.:

@Geektom: Thanks buddy!

@IP & Dosjetka: Right now I have a few things in mind...



So pictured above is a Sicaran, 5x Cataphractii w/ 2 special weapon sets, the pre-heresy tank crew kit, and Lord Zhufor (who I plan on butchering to use as my lord, primarily using the axe, trophies and cape :tongue.: ). Up after the rhino I'm planning on probably doing some terminators since I'm a bit burnt out on vehicles currently. PLENTY more to come! Thanks for looking!

  • 2 months later...

WOW, long time no update! Rest assured I have not been sitting idly by and ignoring my Night Lords, and now that I've gotten a new computer for Christmas I can post some new pictures!

First up, I decided to re-base all my duders on the 32mm bases and also FINALLY add some snow:


I decided it was finally time to start the Sicaran, and little did I know how intensive the prep for this thang would be:




And finally all assembled:


As you may notice, I added a few extra bits, including some from the Chaos tank sprue.

I will be posting plenty more pictures in the coming days, as the Second Claw Rhino is done but I haven't had a chance to photograph it yet. I'll be sure to get some group shots in there as well, with the squads and their transports.

I'm pretty damn excited to get this Sicaran going, so more to come and thanks for looking!


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