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Thank you very much!

Not sure how they'll perform (especially with a new codex incoming) but I'm happy with how they turned out.


The army shot may have to wait a bit as I've started something which will require me to go back and add some detailing to completed models...

Codifying/organising the army.

Here's the current draft, which will have images added and will be edited into this thread's first post when it's ready.

Any advice and feedback would be most welcome.




Organisation and unit markings

Markings by role

In addition to division of armed forces common throughout Imperial Guard regiments across the galaxy (tank squadrons, armoured fists, ordnance batteries and the like) the forces of Kierdale’s Shrine World are marked according to their battlefield role in a manner akin to that of Arcadian regiments (c.f. the Arcadian 5th).

  • Units fulfilling a command role such as company command squads display yellow markings.
  • Units in a support role have blue markings. Examples include heavy weapon squads and dedicated transports.
  • Assault units such as cavalry and many veteran units are marked with green.
  • Infantry squads and other such line/tactical units are indicated by red markings.
  • White indicates conscripts.
  • Black indicates penitents.
Infantry display these colours on hat bands, trouser stripes and epaulets (in the case of those wearing `soft` armour) or as a vertical stripe over the helmet and the front, back and lower side trim of shoulder pads (in the case of those wearing `hard` armour). Should an officer wear an aiguillette, the primary colour will be that of his unit type, with yellow or gold tips indicating his command position.


Dual roles are indicated by combining two colours in these locations.


This medic (white crescent trim) is assigned to a company command squad (yellow epaulets and hat band). Were he assigned to a platoon command squad he would have white trim on red epaulets.


This sergeant commands an infantry squad, hence his red hat band and the fact that his epaulets are red trimmed with yellow and his aiguillette is red tipped with yellow.


This lieutenant commands a platoon command squad, hence his yellow hat band and the fact that his epaulets are yellow trimmed with red and his aiguillette is yellow tipped with red. Note that while platoons may include support and/or assault elements (heavy and special weapon squads) their colours are not indicated on the markings of the platoon command squad.


This guardsman belongs to an infantry squad, hence his red markings.


This sharpshooter belongs to a special weapons squad, hence his blue markings.


His squad leader here too has a blue stripe and blue trim. As he is not a sergeant he lacks yellow markings (which would be a single yellow stripe along the top trim of the shoulder pads).


This guardsman is a member of a veteran unit assigned to a close-assault role (tank-hunting, specifically) and so has green markings. Note that many veteran units dirty up their unit markings in the field to reduce their visibility.


His sergeant: green trim and yellow command additions, weathered.


This unit of homo sapiens variatus has a non-regulation standard in black, indicating their penitent status. Their custodian, a junior priest, has black trim upon his armour to indicate their role and his acceptance of leading the flock to their retribution.


Ground vehicles primarily display these colours upon heraldic shields (mounted on the right side of any turret present), and occasionally other locations.


This Medusa fulfills a support role and so its shield has a blue background.


This is the shield of a Chimera transport assigned to a command squad, thus it displays both blue and yellow, with added red to reflect the squad’s role in commanding line units. The golden wreath indicates the high rank of the officer aboard.


Regiment, Company and Platoon


A guardsman’s regiment is generally not indicated on individual uniforms but rather on regimental, company and platoon standards.

Company is indicated by a capital letter on his or her right epaulet or shoulder pad.

Platoon is indicated by a number on the left epaulet or shoulder pad.


In the case of vehicles…WIP


Additional markings

One common marking seen upon infantry is a skull on the shoulder pad.


This indicates a heroic action by the individual. It is coloured as per the individual’s role and/or unit type. The above image shows a tank commander’s shoulder armour (left), then that of a special weapon squad leader (center) and a penitent squad custodian’s (right).

Edited by Kierdale

It sounds good to me, but I wonder if it might be a little too complicated? I'm sure it'll look good on the models and make sense, but it'll be a right pain to do on everything and then explain to anyone who asks. Maybe it might be better if you simplified some bits, for example the leaders of a section are the same colours as their troopers rather than mixing and matching different command structure colours?

Thanks for the advice. I should have been less hasty done the photos then posted it, as I think that will make it clearer. A picture paints a thousand... and all that. :)

I did some painting last night, adjusting epaulets trims and have brought my two squads of veterans with me to add their shoulder pad trim today/tomorrow. Once that's done that should be all of the adjustments.

I'll get the draft reposed with some images.

I don't think it'll be too difficult to explain. At least there'll be some visual indicators rather than an unmarked tide of green clad men.


Anyway, images will help!


Oh, I am however, having slept on it, going to leave out the company and platoon markings for the time being. Perhaps I'll come back to that once things have settled after the new codex hits.

  On 2/20/2014 at 9:01 AM, WarriorFish said:

To be fair in my experiences nobody really cares that much for the finer details of your army background anyway, so it likely won't come up much :P

Exactly. It's more of something for myself. :)


Got the green trim done on my 20 veterans (and some yellow on the two sarges) in my lunch hour. Will have them shaded and weathered tonight or tomorrow so I can upload the article again with images at the weekend.


Then comes the army shot.

I think I'm the only person who knows the background for my armies... in fact I don't think anyone even remembers their names half the time :ermm: As you said it's not that important as long as it's still there right? :tongue.:


I still need to source some equipment suitable to take into work for painting, but I must once more do battle with my PC. On the positive side I think I might have finally found the problem (probably?), but all this Knight stuff has me eager to complete projects even more than before! Keep posting pictures Kier, they're always good to see and it helps keep me motivated :biggrin.:

Likewise! Thank you.


And I'm glad to hear that soon I won't be the only one getting funny looks from his coworkers during his lunch hour. :D

But seriously I find it nice to be able to work on two projects at once, albeit both at rather glacial rates.


As for those knights, I think I'll wait until after all the new IG stuff is out, and then choose.

I'm normally left in my own world at work in my corner, just as well as it gives me prime B&C time :tongue.: I have way more desk space here too and it would provide a more immediate outlet to inspiration drawn from topics such as this :smile.: Great for big kits such as a Knight or Baneblade too... As you say it's a great way of having a couple of projects on the go at once which for serial hobbyists like us is a good idea. I'll have to be careful not to get engrossed in it and forget when lunch ends :laugh.:


I agree that waiting is for the best. As much as I may be salivating at the idea of a Knight I need to complete projects first. My signature tally has been unchanged for too long and I should correct that. Then I will earn some of the kits I've promised myself :biggrin.: Besides, I need to research all the Knight stuff to see what I might like to do.


Then there is the ETL III, of course...

When does the ETL III start, I wonder? I need to get some models build (but paintless) in preparation...

And, I took all the photos needed!
The Observers Guide to Markings of the armed forces of the Garrison of Kierdale's Shrine World is now found in the 1st post. :)


Didn't have time for the army shot...must hit the sack now!

Nice to hear you have so much room to use at your workplace! Looking forward to seeing the fruits...

Me too, I hope to sort things out ready to start next week :) I'll have to try and be less messy than normal though!


There is no date set for the ETL III yet to my knowledge, I think there's a couple of other painting challenges going on maybe but we'll find out once Captain Semper decides and gets the ball rolling. I think we've got a while before it starts though so time enough to clear the decks in preparation for glory!


I am eager to see the army shot, but I suppose I can wait a little longer :P

And here is an army-so-far pict:


And some closer-in picts:

Platoon I command squad in front of their two squads (a position they only find themselves in on the parade ground :wink: )


Company command squad (Throne! The CO's blade is warped. Ruddy Finecast and storing it in a small foam compartment. Will have to turn a hairdryer on it)...with master of ordnance and Marbo front-right.


The front squad of the two veteran squads.


Chimeras. Leftmost (command) APC was completed most recently. I need to go back and redo the vision blocks and weathering of the rightmost one, and the Medusa and Russ.



Will likely add at least one more piece of artillery come the new codex (depending on rules). Perhaps a Griffon, Colossus and Manticore...

The penitents (Damnatio Ad Bestias) behind the CCS.


High shot of first platoon. I have at least one more infantry squad to add, as well as a mortar HWS.


Veteran squads I and II, and the sharpshooter SWS (actually an element of platoon I) at the back.


Now to get back to work on the Psyker Battle Squad...

Great stuff! They do look great all together. You've done an excellent job of running a consistent theme through the army. It's also very inspiring to see how much you've accomplished since I started reading this thread.


How many points worth do these photos represent?

brothers in arms standing shoulder to shoulder to bring the imperium's wrath upon those who dare to cross them! they look awesome dude, your passion has shown through in all of your pics but this really captures the scale and scope so far. may kierdale's world continue to thrive under your benevolence. 

Thank you, all :)

That little lot comes to a measily 1,280 points or so!

The models I have in the pipeline should bring me to 1,500 points...and with the models on my shopping list, 2,000 points.

I think once I hit 2,000 (perhaps even 1,850) I'll let my Scythes or Psychopomps take the limelight for a bit.

But don't worry, that's not likely to be anytime soon!

Ahhhh... A painted army shot! Looking good man! I like the stripe painting a lot, mine are thinner and are a little harder to make out at a distance(darned super close vision;)

Looking forward to seeing your next block of points to get you to 1500.

Thank you, Lion.


The Psyker Battle Squad is taking a lot of time! Lots of scrolls and scribblescript. I hope to have them finished by the end of next week.

I might post a WIP this weekend, time permitting.

The PBS is done!

...however their bases are not!


...but I'll have them finished in my next session (hopefully tomorrow).


After that?

I keep saying "I'll do this next..." and then doing something different, but I don't feel like doing another unit after this one. A character-model next, I think. :)

Here they are at last!

First up the full squad shot.


Squad overseer. I tried to do his helmet as if the old-looking armour actually contained a HUD, thus lighting his face from above.


A close up showing the scribblescript on the scrollwork hanging from his helmet.


And the psykers...



For experiment's sake the same shot with a different camera


WIth many of them I did some of their robes covered in scribblescript, including a good few forearm wrappings. Who knows what arcane knowledge inscribed upon them...



A lot of lead in his base!

I put the icon of the Adeptus Astra Telepathica on many of them, as they come from the Scholastia Psykana (one of the AAT's divisions).




Crazyboy...even his facial wound is leaking warp energy.

Though perhaps not as crazy as this one...


"Guys, trust me, I'll hit the pinata next time! Guys...guys?"

And lastly,

Genua nunc flectantur omnia!

Let every knee be bent now!

I give you the fide defensor himself...

The Invulnerable Bede!


armed with his trusty sawn-off double-barrelled shotgun `Rectitude`.

Has three shotshells in a strap on his front (you can see in dark grey) and another three at the back of his belt. Still need to do greenstuff work, add Aquilas, etc.

Edited by Kierdale

Excellent stuff! They look fantastic and fit in really well with your army, the details in the scrolls and glowing warp fire/eyes is really good. Blood looks good too, you must get them on the table for your next game :D

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