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Avoghai's 5th company and support Update : ETL adds on

Master Avoghai

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Thanks guys ! as promised I've finished it today and I can pass to the next step : v2 predator destructor. Hopefully done on Wednesday.




Hope the pic will fit SG standards :unsure: (maybe too much light?)

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Great looking vehicle Brother, love the SoB additions, they give it heaps of character.

With lighting, try shining your lamp away from the model and directly onto a piece of shiny white paper that is aimed to reflect the light back (kind of like a cheap photographers umbrella thingie). With a bit of practice with the distances/angles etc you will get really nice soft lighting and less glare.

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I happen to have a real soft spot spot the old metal-plastic hybrid Preds - good job on yours! :)


That said, I always felt that GW put too many rivets on the metal components, and it made them look odd compared to the relatively sleek Rhino hull. Far fewer and smaller rivets plus a new front glacis plate would have improved the visual coherency of the two Pred models so much more.

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Well the rivets are numerous but they are nice points for easy highlight so I don't complain...


75% of my vow done...



Actually it's even 80-85% since I've treated all the metallic part. I'll do the rest next week cos I don't think I'll have time to touch a brush in the next 4 days...

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Well long time without posting but not without work!


I've mounted lots of models principally, missin heavy weapons and marines for my tactical squads and also 4 lascannons for my devastator squad. I've also mounted champ banner and apo for my RW command squad (man I love this boxset).


And I've actually painted too! The 1st wave of additional marines.




And a second RW attack squadron



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Actually I think that's the light that make them appear shiny.


To thank them for what they did this week end I've decided to paint my squad #10 lascannons. :lol:



I'll make a little tzeentchian break after all those DA but I come back soon on my company cos I have looooooads of models to paint...

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Bare-headed or helmeted? If the former, perhaps the half human, half-machine head from the tactical squad box, otherwise, why not pick the Techmarine head from the Ravenwing upgrade sprue? That would emphasise both the chapter and the techmarine aspect of it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Profites from the sun and free time this afternoon for taking a picture of my battle company with support tanks.


It helps also classifying the squads and knowing what option is missing (please note that each tactical squad has all weapon option + a sgt with combi -weapon = 18models/squads). I'm on the way to finish it. Just a few heavy/special weapons here and there and the whole tactical squad 5 (appears on the pictures thanks to unused models from other squads :P ). I've just finished to mount the models for it, now it's more time to paint...




I've also started converting a chappy with mass of Redemption, he's still WIP as I want to add more details...





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