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Today in the hobby I....


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TITH - I received my copy of Lost Patrol in the mail.  Thanks ultra fast ebay shipper person!


Can't figure out if the look of contempt from the wife is because I sneakily bought more plastic space men or if she's dreading that she's gonna have to play a game or two with me.


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Can't figure out if the look of contempt from the wife is because I sneakily bought more plastic space men or if she's dreading that she's gonna have to play a game or two with me.

Not sneaky enough brother. Let her play GS so she can give your naught plastic scouts an in-universe whupping.


TITH i printed out 3/4 of an epic warhound before realizing i needed to rescale it to match the other one. Guess i have a new terrain piece to make.... bah!

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TITH I...oh dear. I've worked out the completion goal for my guard regiment. It's gonna be a tough one.


I'm going to aim for a full Company. As my regiment's structure is based on the 501st Clone Legion from Star Wars that means...

4 full platoons. 612 models if I decide to use conscripts. Not including transports.


I think I might need to change some things.

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Still having trouble trying to find motivation to paint my vow :sad.: But have managed to pick up a massive bits order online for multiple Nurgle conversion projects ​including trying to fix my damaged Spartan tank

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The Beaky obsession continues.


Today in the hobby my LoTD troops came in



I learned the Finecast is an absolute pain in the ass because GW likes spider-web gates that are all over the freaking models.


However, after cleaning the models finecast really shows how much better it is over the old metals. I almost thought I was working with intricate Forgeworld minis (then again LoTD finecast costs as much as forgeworld marines...)




I made my own sergeant with power axe and grav-pistol from the vanguard box set. I am super tempted to keep his head unglued and recast it since it would be an Excellent alternate skull-helmet for my chaplains.




After that I converted two LoTD marines by cutting off 2x MK7 heads and replacing them with some old MK6 heads I casted years ago (new beaky heads too big for older marines). The soft resin was easy to work with and instead of using the dremel and getting toxic dust all over I used drill bits by hand and a fresh blade on my hobby knife.






After that I swapped in two more beaky heads on the LoTD troops that come stock with empty head slots



Edited by Duymon
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I am super tempted to keep his head unglued and recast it since it would be an Excellent alternate skull-helmet for my chaplains.

Do it.




Today in the hobby I searched for "Angron" on fimfiction.net and was delighted nothing came up.




Okay, I was a little disappointed because there was the off chance putting Angron in a Friendship is Magic story would end up with him murdering everything that moves and most things that don't.

Edited by Knight of the Raven
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Today in the hobby I spilled almost a whole pot of Carroburg Crimson.

Little bit of blue tax/poster putty on the bottom of your pots helps with that.


In a tangential hobby, got a new handgun today, and I got to shoot a AWESOME Winchester rifle and colt pistol.

Edited by Trevak Dal
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TITHI may have, uh... Slipped and bought a ton of Skitarii and Cult Mech goodies secondhand. 3 Dragoons, 2 Onagers, 6 Destroyers, 4 Kastelans and their two handlers, plus both decks of cards and Ryza and Mars transfer sheets for $320. I also immediately bought a big jug of Simple Green and they'll be going in soon, for the most part. Pretty excited for those Dragoons!
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Tith I convinced the wife that we should have an allotment in our budget for me to buy materials to make terrain. I think she even wants to help make some! I'm pumped about it. My friends and I have had to cancel games due to having nowhere to play, so this will help with that.
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Today in the Hobby I...


Finished putting together/converting a five man squad of Assault Terminators into Black Templar Sword Brethren Assault Termies.


Only cut myself once, too.


Terminators with tabbards so that no one will ever not know they're Templars?


Yes, please.

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TITHI have searched on a dozen sites for Chaplain-ish heads. Haven't found anything, and since I'm not going to butcher a €21 model for a head, that means that the search continues...

If you haven't already looked at them, consider the FW night lords heads.
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Today in the hobby I swore vociferously at a Fire Raptor. Warping was fine, had to shave down the resin to get the bloody plastic hill section to fit. Here's hoping the rest of the build is smooth sailing.



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TITHI took some Cult Mech models out of the Simple Green soak and brushed most of the Ryza off of them. Back to black. I still need to get the magnets out since they were poorly mounted. I hear acetone can weaken CA glue bonds? 

I also tried tearing down the legs of a Sydonian Dragoon so I could work on converting some. I had them in the freezer over night. It worked, sort of, but I got a little zealous and maybe broke it a bit. I also managed to lose one of the hip caps, so I'll have to cast that somehow. Oh well. I can't really find any other projects of reposed legs on the web or this forum. Anyone know of one I could look at? Seems like you can rotate the hips a bit, and should be able to cut up some leg joints a bit to get a range of motion. 

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TITHI took some Cult Mech models out of the Simple Green soak and brushed most of the Ryza off of them. Back to black. I still need to get the magnets out since they were poorly mounted. I hear acetone can weaken CA glue bonds?

I also tried tearing down the legs of a Sydonian Dragoon so I could work on converting some. I had them in the freezer over night. It worked, sort of, but I got a little zealous and maybe broke it a bit. I also managed to lose one of the hip caps, so I'll have to cast that somehow. Oh well. I can't really find any other projects of reposed legs on the web or this forum. Anyone know of one I could look at? Seems like you can rotate the hips a bit, and should be able to cut up some leg joints a bit to get a range of motion.

NO ACETONE! Please don't! I tried using it to strip paint and after about a minute of contact my models were ruined.
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TITHI took some Cult Mech models out of the Simple Green soak and brushed most of the Ryza off of them. Back to black. I still need to get the magnets out since they were poorly mounted. I hear acetone can weaken CA glue bonds?

I also tried tearing down the legs of a Sydonian Dragoon so I could work on converting some. I had them in the freezer over night. It worked, sort of, but I got a little zealous and maybe broke it a bit. I also managed to lose one of the hip caps, so I'll have to cast that somehow. Oh well. I can't really find any other projects of reposed legs on the web or this forum. Anyone know of one I could look at? Seems like you can rotate the hips a bit, and should be able to cut up some leg joints a bit to get a range of motion.

NO ACETONE! Please don't! I tried using it to strip paint and after about a minute of contact my models were ruined.



For reals? Crap! I had heard that it was safe for plastics. :( 

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