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Gotta love the humble old bike.. :biggrin:Can´t believe it is so long since they were released..


Can you still get them? I guess not..? Last time I built any of those were four, or five, not sure, Wolf Guards.. iirc they even had the auto-launchers from the (metal) Attackbikes. But I did them in 4th Ed and don´t think they had that as an option then..


Good work! And they look better with oval bases than the 25x50 (?) cavalry bases..Square..

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Posted (edited)

GW discontinued Firstborn Space Marine Bikes last year. I got mine on ebay. There are quite a few of the kits floating around, especially as a Bike also came with a magazine called Conquest. The Captain himself was made from my bitz box, primarily the old Firstborn Space Marine Commander. 


Yeah I couldn't have those ridiculous bases they originally came with. The ovals just work right don't they. 

Edited by The Praetorian of Inwit
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Kind of a yesterday thing, but finally got some more of the Imperium set done. This time the special captain, outriders and ATV. Captain pictured with his LTs that are going to be in the force once done. Still need to finish the firestrike and then the Redemptor dread. 



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TITH I discovered new/remembered old ways to spend money.  I've got this old Hellhammer that I picked up and put together way back when Apocalypse and the Baneblade kit first came out, but as a marine player it's never quite fit in with my army.  Then I remembered Blood & Skulls Industries, and that they make a bunch of conversion bits!  A little looking into it shows that they closed up shop, which was sad, but they sold on their business to Elrik's Hobbies and the parts are still available.  So I've got a Fellblade waiting for me, when I've got time to do the conversion.

Edited by Moonstalker
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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, The Praetorian of Inwit said:

@Focslain They look awesome 

Thanks, I just have the two units left and I'll have about a 1K army of these. It's not a good 1k list, but it is a functioning one. I was hoping to get to use it soonish, but I have to pivot to AoS next month then to nids for the Call to Arms. 


After those I'll finish the redemptor and be mostly done the Imperium mag kits. 

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With the price hikes on the horizon, I grabbed two Solar Auxilia Medusa/Basilisk tanks.  Figure I probably won't ever want 3, and if I do getting one more won't be too hard.  Kinda throws a bit of a wrench in the aesthetic of my force, but I think I can modify them enough to make em work.  I don't lean super hard on the Leman Russ chassis in my current set up, though the tank commanders I am building are 3 Solar Auxilia Leman Russ's, the idea being that the Tank Commander is more likely to have a fancier tank, ergo, they get the old version.  I've only got 1 modern Leman Russ, holding out hope for a refresh and update.

So yeah, the SA force grows ever larger, since you can't find a regular Basilisk anywhere that isn't super overpriced.

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Got my order from Elrik's Hobbies for the Blood and Skulls Industries bits; unfortunately they sent the wrong tracks for my Predator and Whirlwind Scorpius, but everything for the Hellhammer -> Fellblade conversion arrived.  Sent an email to them about it.  I've spent a lot of time removing stuff that I know needs to go, like the tracks, sponsons, engine detail panel, etc.  Got the big stuff cleaned up on the resin parts, sprue gates and the like, but they all still need some sanding, straightening, and filling to make them perfect.  Been spending time in Photoshop figuring out the rest of the scratchbuild/conversion process, the stuff that I'm going to have to do with plasticard to make this tank look like a Marine tank and not just a modded Guard tank.  Current headscratcher is if I want to do anything with the heavy bolter turret up front, maybe just cutting the bolters off and building a shroud/casemate for them like the Fellbllade proper has.


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Hope those tracks are sorted for you mate! I´m sure they will? But sooner rather than later then.


Got a box of Death Maidens and Wyld Runners today.. Kitbashed a Queen for my gang (did not plan to use more than two Wyld Runners anyways)





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