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Today in the hobby I....


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Today in the Hobby I...am posting in this thread for the 1st time, but was crafting stuff for other people, not myself:




That is a belated valentine for @Atia in particular.  I made a separate thread including the fluff for these models at:




And then I also photoshopped an image for a FLGSmate.  He had this vision for the pilot of his Imperial Knight that I made real:




Feels good, man.  Not preaching, not saying "do unto others", but crafting stuff for other people takes me out of my comfort zone, to go where I wouldn't go otherwise.  Pushing the bar forward.  Celebrated with a carnitas burrito and a Jose Cuervo margarita.  Viva Los Hobby. 

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Today in the hobby I thought about using Krom to make a Thirteenth Company (back when they used to be awesome) wolf lord with the upgrade pack's frost sword... then I looked at the price - $43,50 for the whole deal, and I'd be using only one bit from the $13,50 upgrade pack.


So instead I bulldozed through the first Dawn of War's campaign.


EDIT: and later I christened my Solar Auxilia test model with my blood. Fingertips for the fingertips god!

Edited by Knight of the Raven
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TITH I finished painting a Vindicare Assassin, the second one out of the four new Assassin models, and it was a dream to paint. I'm tempted to get the Eversor and Callidus and have an Execution force ready to go!

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TITH i received my first batch of true epic scale marines (plus rhinos plus contemptors) and realised how chunky my printed proxies are.


don't get me wrong, they work perfectly well for shuffling around a board but it put into perspective the precision artistry of some of the 'serious' epic painters. damn.

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FINALLY!!! built up my Termies from the BaC box.  Decided to go for the heavy flamer, 4 bolters, 3x power fist and 1x chainfist combo with the sword on the Sergeant.  Pretty classic loadout.


Tomorrow ITHI.... will be taking said termies along with a tactical squad, 2 dreadnoughts and the BaC characters to my paintman and indulging in an 1850 point game.   Should be a good day!

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Today in the hobby, I received the Canoness (with combi Flamer), three new Series 7 brushes and worked out a revised list of what I have. The list is now at 1991 points. I'm now working out an allied detachment of my DIY Order's "parent" Order, the Order of the Valorous Heart. My aim now is to get to at least 3K by the end of the year. In any case, I need to review my transport options (most likely the middle case in the GW range)!
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Today in the hobby, I received the Canoness (with combi Flamer), three new Series 7 brushes and worked out a revised list of what I have. The list is now at 1991 points. I'm now working out an allied detachment of my DIY Order's "parent" Order, the Order of the Valorous Heart. My aim now is to get to at least 3K by the end of the year. In any case, I need to review my transport options (most likely the middle case in the GW range)!


Awesome on all fronts Aquilanus!


Today, I picked up a few paints for the collection to replace used ones (Ulthuan Grey, Ceramite White, and three Dark Tones) - and the Daemons datacards.

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YITH I started painting the red on my scouts. Just wanted to shout out to Augustus's Imperial Fist scout conversions using the Scions helmets as I've shamelessly stolen the idea, and it works beautifully.

Edited by kobrakei
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T(his week)ITHI bought and read Sabbat Crusade, Predator, Prey, and Curse of the Wulfen after the local GW manager sang its praises to me. Also bought the last Ulrik the Slayer model in the shop, to hopefully see use with some minor conversions as a vātis of the War Wyrms.

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TDITH I had a game with my CSM against some deluded followers of the Corpse God. This was the first game I've had after starting to assemble my daemon prince. I was certain that I was going to get an Ascension roll, with my DP so close to being playable. Nope. :) and the outcome of the game is unimportant :( loyalists and their fancy grav. Edited by Carrack
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YITH I finished Alexis Polux. What a fun mini to paint.


TITH I plan on doing some work on the handfull of semi finished projects on my table. Need to clear he que before the lovely gene cult arrives.

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Tithi.... Built up a 10man tactical support squad with 9 meltaguns and a combimelta.


Shameful to admit, it's also the first squad I've built where I've used the little accessories...in this case bolt pistol holsters.


Next step, 10 man heavy support squad with Volkite Culverins.

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TITHI Finished the base metal on my breachers and have done the first two marines gold bits, painted my third contemptor dread and have started doing some locutarus storm squad conversions (sanguinary guard based) now i just have too find some more jump packs:furious:

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TITH I realized that I haven't played a game since 2005.... and I think I can longer cal myself a player but instead a collector...


I've only every played three games of 40k: each with a completely different army and codex. Your record is probably better than mine in that regard :P

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TITH I realized that I haven't played a game since 2005.... and I think I can longer cal myself a player but instead a collector...


I've only every played three games of 40k: each with a completely different army and codex. Your record is probably better than mine in that regard :tongue.:


I can honestly only think of two games, one with stock Space Marines and one with BA. With the exception of a brief interest in Black Templars, I've stuck with BA ever since. If I get a game in within the next few months, I'll have played 3 games in about 20 years.

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