Barabbas Sogalon Posted November 16, 2016 Share Posted November 16, 2016 Today I dismembered the Calth Praetor in an attempt to get rid of that stupid pose. I think it worked alright, now I just need to do something about the left arm. I also spent a few minutes watching paint dry. Fun times. After that I sat down with Collected Visions and decided to finally make my 2009 dream of a Sons of Horus army reality. Brother Handro 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AndrewChristlieb Posted November 17, 2016 Share Posted November 17, 2016 Welp I started working on my bits box (as in an actual place to put my bits that's not a cardboard box full of sprues). All part of my procrastination plans to not actually get anything done on my army :D I'm about 1/3 of the way done and man does this suck. I had no idea how much stuff I had till I started doing this... Now I'm procrastinating about finishing the bits box ;) Fun times. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dolchiate Remembrancer Posted November 17, 2016 Share Posted November 17, 2016 Bought a new pot of Abadon black and going to try one of the terxtured paints for the first time. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BlueBelly1863 Posted November 17, 2016 Share Posted November 17, 2016 TITH I will work on the final three Salamanders I have left on my painting desk. Plus I eagerly await the arrival of Forge World goodies (Firedrakes!! SQUEEE) *ahem* Also hopefully going to get my guys out on the tabletop tonight. Shake off the rust and actually roll some dice Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
treadhead Posted November 18, 2016 Share Posted November 18, 2016 TITHI Bought a pack of raptor / warp talons just so I could rip off the jump packs (suitably deteethed of course) for my destroyers, Then grabbed my night lord warp talons and de jump packed them as well to get the ten I needed. Cue the montage of me drilling, Cutting, Reworking the chaos trim into more regular shapes and gluing in thirty magnets, I now have a ten marine unit of destroyers with the option of being jump packers. Step two is going to be finding some chaotic jump packs I like the look of (currently leaning towards Cromlech's chaos legionary ones) to reequip my poor night lords NITHI Shall attempt to restrain my urge (probably unsuccessfully ) to get some Vorax battle automata's for my XIIIth legion. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AndrewChristlieb Posted November 18, 2016 Share Posted November 18, 2016 Ah ha! I've organized my bits... Now I can procrastinate in a nice orderly fashion! We use these boxes at my work and I liked how it was layed out so I picked up one for myself to use for hobby stuffs. Company is called Keter and was about $30 US from Northern Tool, but there are a bunch of different sellers and a few color options if anyone is interested. Claws and Effect, Dosjetka, Space Truckin and 1 other 4 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Barabbas Sogalon Posted November 18, 2016 Share Posted November 18, 2016 Today I figured out a solution for the Praetor's annoying left arm. All that remains is to build up the courage to go through with it. Had a laugh while looking at FW stuff. Turns out I still can't take the motorboat on legs they call Deredeo seriously. shandwen 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Viridia Posted November 18, 2016 Share Posted November 18, 2016 TITHI had a breakdown after trying to deal with the Ahriman and a SoS figure from BoP. Giving the former away to a friend of a friend, and the latter, well, I'm just dropping it like it's hot. Had a go at gluing more of the Geigor model together and a Custodes, now those are beautiful models. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
deathspectersgt7 Posted November 18, 2016 Share Posted November 18, 2016 (edited) Tith primered some MKIII Marines . Ordered another squad of Custodes and MKIII Scythes of the Emperor Pads . Edited November 18, 2016 by deathspectersgt7 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gorthaur Posted November 19, 2016 Share Posted November 19, 2016 I bought two tubes of testors non toxic plastic glue, which I have used for years to glue all my plastics. And glued together a tartaros terminator with lightning claws for the thousand sons. Now that i'm stocked on glue I can at least continue assembling them. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Soldier of Dorn Posted November 19, 2016 Share Posted November 19, 2016 Today in the hobby I played Warframe for six hours instead of painting Blood Angels and Imperial Fists like I should have been doing... ...I'm not very good at sticking to plan. :P Also bought two cans of primer, as I was running low. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Perry Posted November 19, 2016 Share Posted November 19, 2016 Today in the hobby I played in a mini 40k league. Lost against a dirty Necron Formation, won against some Thousand Sons and lost against a Blood Angel Dreadnought army. Daemonifugue 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Barabbas Sogalon Posted November 19, 2016 Share Posted November 19, 2016 Today I developed an intense hate for the Calth Praetor model. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Daemonifugue Posted November 20, 2016 Share Posted November 20, 2016 @ Perry. BattleUx? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Soldier of Dorn Posted November 21, 2016 Share Posted November 21, 2016 Yesterday in the hobby I picked up the last book of the Beast Arises and read it. I enjoyed it: it was a suitable capstone to the series. Also finally gave into a years-old temptation and bought Visions of Heresy. Very happy that I did. Love it, love it, love it. :D Today in the hobby I primed stuff, and then for the first time in a few weeks posted an update to my WIP thread. Hopefully I can get back into the rhythm of working on my stuff and updating more frequently then I am currently. :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Deafbok Posted November 21, 2016 Share Posted November 21, 2016 TITH I bought the Kill Team box set and helped a friend start his own collection of Tau. Probably one of my all-time most satisfying purchases. Harold 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
feuer_faust Posted November 22, 2016 Share Posted November 22, 2016 Today in the hobby I finished assembling a ten-man vanguard veteran squad. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CommodusXIII Posted November 22, 2016 Share Posted November 22, 2016 Today I registered for Adepticon: Inquisimunda, Kill Team, Combat Patrol, and AdeptiCon Titanicus. I might be filling out my spare time with other hobby seminars, but I wanted to hit the major points before they sold out. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RandomMarine Posted November 22, 2016 Share Posted November 22, 2016 Today I built primed and started on a spartan paulJam 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Sefiel Posted November 22, 2016 Share Posted November 22, 2016 GreetingsFought 1.5k anything goes this evening.Was expecting horrific nastiness, so finally took my four Land Raider Iron Hands Anvil Strike Force (command tanks, Phobos, Crusader and Redeemer, plus three Whirlwinds and techmarine). Excelsior was my warlord. Hoped to ally with infantry army against enemies of the Imperium - but ended up fighting my would be comrades, as the other forces were chaos and tyranids. Good for shooting, but not so much for holding objectives - a disadvantage for Maelstrom 5! We decided to have a fixed five-turn game to ensure an early finish.Three objectives were near the enemy backline, one on mine, and two near the centre (but on my side). My force was somewhat hindered by terrain at the start of the game. Set up the artillery on the left flank, the big tanks and the Primaris on the right. Opponent placed a shooty dread to my left, devastators in the centre, and Mephiston, Priest and tacticals on the right, all in decent cover.I had first turn, and managed a hull point and shaken on his dread, and dropped several members of the tactical squad. Advanced a Whirlwind to capture an objective and a Raider for another. Two points to me. He responded with a pod on my central objectives with tacticals split into two squads, one with a meltagun headed for the Primaris. However, the meltagun only managed to take the plasma gun. Devastators managed a hull point on the Primaris, and Mephiston put another on the Crusader. Two on the Whirlwind holding objective one, however. One point to him.Turn two saw me trash the pod and most of the tacticals, including those guarding Mephiston, but at least one was still in my deployment zone to be a threat to the Primaris (which managed to glance itself with its plasma gun). Fixed the Primaris' plasma gun with the tech. Retreated the damaged Whirlwind and obscured it with another. Two points to me again, including First Blood. However, his reserves - three units of terminators, two of which could double shoot, and one that could charge, arrived! A risky drop right in front of the Excelsior paid off, as my opponent would only need 3 to contact my nearest tank. I lost both forward Whirlwinds and took two more points on the Redeemer through psychics and shooting. The charging terminators (three of whom had hammers!) only managed one hull point on the Excelsior, however. He scored another point.Turn three was fairly critical. I had to deal with all these terminators. The Excelsior retreated from the hammermen - well, it turned slightly, until it contacted difficult terrain, and promptly became stuck. This was very bad, as it was still in base contact with terminators. However, I moved the tech to it and fixed its Immobilised result! Putting in a lot of effort, also managed to bin the hammermen, plus most of the other TDA. Double shots for Big Guns Never Tire served me well! Only one victory point, though, and the dread and devastators managed to pop the Primaris and the Redeemer. The Excelsior was left on two hull points. Convenient objective cards allowed the opposition to begin to catch up.Worse was to come in turn four, as I I drew two objectives that were on his side of the board and didn't destroy the dread, having to waste more shots on a couple of terminators that were well-hidden behind the wrecked Redeemer. Only managed one victory point. Then two terminators managed to contact the Excelsior. Furious Assault served them well, and they caused two penetrates and a glance. Just saved one with the 6++ - there went my Warlord. The Blood Angels and their successors had taken the lead, 5-6!My last turn left me in a tricky position. I could just about squeeze a victory if I could claim three objectives, but it required Mephiston to be off the one that he was currently holding. With my only shooting being one Whirlwind - which missed - that wasn't going to happen. I did get a last point to bring us to a draw, but the next turn would have seen my opponent capturing an additional objective and claiming a point for being in my deployment zone - plus, possibly, battering another tank to pieces...An honourable victory to the Blood Angels and their descendants.I was a bit lucky to keep the Primaris in the first turn, but was, perhaps, a bit unlucky to not deal with the dread, although the critical luck failure was when the Excelsior became stuck. A good, close game, though. Machine God 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Harold Posted November 23, 2016 Share Posted November 23, 2016 Today in the Hobby I found I had enough bits to build a 5 man assault squad with only having to buy jump packs, which lucky for me, my Rogue Trader had from an order that was never picked up! And after going through my bits, I wondered to myself " why didn't I just stay with Lord of The Rings SBG" !?! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Viridia Posted November 24, 2016 Share Posted November 24, 2016 YITHI finished reading 'The Beheading'. Grimdark. There's a lovely twist or two in it, and I do heartily recommend it to fans of politicking and/or space marines. Also picked up a Vanguard Squad for use as part of my planned Astral Claws Honour Guard unit. There's an awful lot of thunder-hammers and storm shields in the kit as compared to regular power weapons. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
deathspectersgt7 Posted November 24, 2016 Share Posted November 24, 2016 LNITH finished one Scythes of the Emperor MKIII VetSgt . Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
paulJam Posted November 25, 2016 Share Posted November 25, 2016 TITH (and actually T-oday for a change) i bought the new WhiteDwarf. have got all of the them so far and i've been quite impressed by the new format, specifically the efforts made to buff up the content. yes, there are plenty of new and upcoming product 'ad's but they're also getting in to the nitty-gritty of the new release games and factions so you can go 'yep, that actually looks interesting' or 'not my cup of tea, pass'. the game variations/scenarios that are included demonstrate an effort to appease those people that play rather than just collectors. like. like. and of course lots of glossy pics of well painted models cos who doesn't like paintPorn. without wanting to sound like ad for WD myself, it's been good so far. keep up the good work GW. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Soldier of Dorn Posted November 26, 2016 Share Posted November 26, 2016 You know that feeling when you misplace a model? Especially a character model? Frusturation, anger, sorrow (or am I just too attached to my miniatures?) Well, it's even worse when it's a limited edition model... yeah. Today in the hobby I realized I have no idea where my 2008 Games Day Thunder Hammer marine is... he's not in my case, as I thought he'd be, he's not on my painting desk, as I hoped he might be, he's just... gone. Not a model I normally carry in my case, either... so yeah. That's something. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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