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YITH I lost a game because killing Huron have my opponent six victory points. He had Assassinate, Witch Hunter, No Prisoners and Kingslayer, and he was my Warlord. I'd have probably won if not for that, as it was I lost by a point.




Pics or it didn't happen!


YITH I went to a new-to-me store and played a game. Met some nice guys and had fun learning the new edition. I. HATE. IRON. HANDS. I did kill Guilliman so I got a bit of a moral victory!

TITH I finally opened up my Dark Emperium box and was very impressed with what was in it. :thumbsup:  I cut off two of the Primaris Space Marine Intercessor figures as I want to see how they compare to my regular marines.  I will sell off the Death Guard models as I only build Space Marines.  :biggrin.:   I still have to think if I will buy any other Primas Marines  as I no longer play.   I just like to build and paint to suit myself.  I also enjoy reading all the background material especially Black Library stuff.

TITH I heard that power fists are going to cost alot less with the new marine codex.


So I broke a few models I had recently removed the power fists from to switch them back to power fists. 

This is like an eternal cycle with new editions and codex releases it seems going back many many years.


It is almost fun now for me and Sgt broken arms both =)

Edited by Crimson Ghost IX

TiTH I got bummed out because Monsoon season in AZ means no time to really paint. :sad.:

I hear you. I think next year anything I think I 'might' want to work on will get primed before monsoons.


YITH I ordered the codex. Should have it in a few days.

YITH my Cadian 182nd E Company with substantial 10th Cadian Armored Company support participated in an 8000 point 8th Edition Apocalypse style game. 4000 points of my IG plus 4000 points of IG and Imperial Knights from my partner faced off against two huge Ork forces.


Together, we cut down a gargantuan squiggoth in one round of shooting and reduced another to 10 wounds. As we ran short of time, the game was called after round 3. The Imperial forces lost the battle. IG 5 VP, Orks 7 VP.


As this was my fist battle of 8th edition, I was very happy with the outcome. I believe had I had another turn, I could have easily gained the two VP back to at least draw.

TITHI... moved a couple hundred pictures from Photobucket to my B&C galleries! My albums are here, feel free to have a look through. The pics are in no particular order, though they're grouped by army/terrain. You'll see some previously heretical, now acceptable Ork pics, too!


Let me know if you see any posts of mine with the Photobucket "upgrade" image. :rolleyes:

The last few days in the hobby have seen the mass building work of 20 Breachers, 10 Heavy Bolter Marines, 16 Missile Launcher Marines, 10 Plasma Cannon Marines and two generic Sergeants, meaning I've thoroughly filled up potential Force Organisation slots for my Death Guard! Need to get two more Heresy Missile Launchers to round off that squad (as had two other Mark IIIs already kitted), and then on to getting those last details sorted before spraying and painting.

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