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Finally updated my completed DP into my painting log and put up the progress on my Helbrute. Not much painting today, partially because I'm feeling dead on my feet and partially because I keep starting at Thousand Sons stuff in relation to Kill Team.

TITHI basically painted an entire Imperial Fists hellblaster just so I could try out chipping medium for the first time.  It's not my favorite BT model so far but it'd didn't come out as terribly as I feared it would.

Edited by Phantomzero17

TITH, I finally placed an order for a bunch of FW bits to make up my first Veteran Squad and a second rhino... and in a related note of how weirdly ridiculous that is, I also managed to finally grab a full army picture of my 65th company.


I bought half the Citadel paint range... Yikes.


I've been sitting on the Primaris side of the Dark Imperium box set since last year, but it wasn't until a few months back that I found myself between jobs with nothing but time to kill. So, I've gradually built up my collection of bits, tools and even acquired an ultrasonic cleaner, but today was the point of no return.


I've researched all manner of techniques and recipes to get the colours I desire and made a hefty list, yet it wasn't until I saw all those paints with a price next to them that I realised I'm in the great game now.

I bought half the Citadel paint range... Yikes.


I've been sitting on the Primaris side of the Dark Imperium box set since last year, but it wasn't until a few months back that I found myself between jobs with nothing but time to kill. So, I've gradually built up my collection of bits, tools and even acquired an ultrasonic cleaner, but today was the point of no return.


I've researched all manner of techniques and recipes to get the colours I desire and made a hefty list, yet it wasn't until I saw all those paints with a price next to them that I realised I'm in the great game now.

Welcome to hobby addiction. :)

TITH....I'm summing up a couple days ago, but sometimes that's important too....


I've been pouring over Kill Team battle reports, watching regular bat reps and generally selling my soul to Tzeentch. It wasn't planned but my Marines Malevolent project stalled a little bit as I'm trying to work out how I want to build the army and Kill Team gave me an excuse to pick up an army I've always liked the look of but was hesitant to pick up: Thousand Sons. Considering my history of not running Psyker armies for several years now (last time I had a psyker in an army was 5th edition with a Warp Timing Daemon Prince back when that boosted your initiative) I was always hesitant to dabble with the warp again and with Kill Team I had an excuse to get my feet wet. 


And I ended up picking up both a box of Rubrics and Ahriman, so I guess my inevitable fall to Chaos was a given at that point. I'm looking to finish the Rubrics and Ahriman this week (and get some nice group shots for my project log) and pick up my first box of Tzaangors (which I need for my Kill Team and what is looking like the start of a new army). I am both rather fond of GW's painting method of doing the gold first as a primer and annoyed with it. I mean it does a lot to help make doing the trim easier, but at the same time I've found myself running into problems with splotching the gold a bit when painting the blue leading me frowning a lot more than I'd like painting the army. Add in a number of sub assemblies needed to make painting easier and this is a bit more ambitious than I've done in a while to be honest.


But dang does that blue look good.

TITH I traded some non-hobby stuff for a sealed copy of Forgebane. My son has wanted Necrons for a while so this gets him a decent starter army and gets him into Kill Team. I've wanted to make a knight army and have an old copy of the Renegade box so this gets me a couple Armigers to add to that when I get around to it. I also plan on using the AdMech to build up a small Kill Team as well.

YITHI Finished the other armiger helverin in time for the game, but only had time for two of the three planned matches so they didn't see any action, dang it (highly disappointed that i didn't get to watch them succumb to new model syndrome) but on a positive note i did manage a draw (18 all) against orks with my smurfs and a win (17 to 7) with the smurf and custodes list.


TITHI Will be helping my nephew finish off his newly acquired captain (after i finish magnetising him) and his redemptor dreadnought, while simultaneously working on my own mechanicus stuff.

TITH I kinda got 'blessed' by nurgle and managed a frustrating head cold. Bleh, but despite that, I finished up some work on my first squad of vets, and am planning out how in the eye of terror I can build 2 sets of Kill Team core terrain and 2 Renegade mechanicus sets.

Oh, and yay vets. Probably close enough.


TITH I kinda got 'blessed' by nurgle and managed a frustrating head cold.  Bleh, but despite that, I finished up some work on my first squad of vets, and am planning out how in the eye of terror I can build 2 sets of Kill Team core terrain and 2 Renegade mechanicus sets.

I'm not surprised Nurgle got you. You appear to have been up around the clock for weeks painting and cheering others on for ETL. And you did one heck of a good job at both. Thanks for the support you gave me and everyone else on AoD! :tu:


Oh, and I'd have given you a like but I'm out of them.


And TITH I started to put my studio back together from having it torn apart by the electrician this weekend.

Last night I made bases (by painting on brown then a Agrellan Earth crackle paint) for my Thousand Sons and put Ahriman partially together as I've finished with parts of him and don't need him in as many subassemblies at the moment (I also stole the GW painting trick for painting the Icon of Flame for the Disc's fire but I may need some more coats of green to get it to look just right with the larger surface area). Putting him aside today though as I work on getting the blues fully blocked in on the Rubric squad since I've been procrastinating too much on them. Goal is to have them table top ready this week so my next purchase doesn't push them off further.

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