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TITH I finally unpacked all the boxes from moving to the new country and home :) I actually have way more hobby boxes than clothes :D


On to sorting, shelving and resisting the urge to reboot a project before the mess is cleared ;)

Edited by Isolia

YITHI decided that now that ETL's over, and suffering from burnout on building the berzerkers still, I decided to finish assembling and undercoat my Death Guard. TITHI started painting one as a rough and dirty colour scheme to see if I liked it. (Actually have done more work on this one since I took the photo, I really do like it!)



Not had much time to do much this week. Just done a second basecoat on some arms and shoulder pauldrons for my Consuls. May give them a third tomorrow but I’ll see. Also got two primaris intercessors basecoated in black with deathwatch shoulder paulsdrons and I’ve given them a coat of leadbelcher and I’ll probably give them another coat tomorrow.

TITHI Took my knight titans list up against 2k of orks, lost the pair of armiger warglaives.

turn three concession by the green skins


NITHI Plan on doing some more painting with the nephew, maybe painting some pink necrons with my niece (mostly to horrify my sis:devil:) and watching some z nation while painting some plague zombies

TITH I ended up getting in a bidding war on ebay for a Primaris army of Ultramarines and ended up winning it! A bit annoyed cos in the end I didn't want to win cos it was quite a substantial amount of money. I've paid it but I'm skint now for the next few months. gonna sell some stuff I haven't got round to building to try and recoup the money spent. Silver lining is that all but a captain and 5 hellblasters and 5 intercessors are beautifully painted so I should have an army to play with straight off the bat.


Oh and I started building a few more Deathwatch for my Kill Team.

I definitely wanna see that terrain, Warriorhunter!

TITH I put most of the finishes on my Kill Team Terrain (which is now shaping up to be the start of a new full fledged board) just gotta decide on whether to base it or not. Oh, also played my first game, killed 3 dark angels and only had some flesh wounds on one of my legionnaires. Off to the shop for me for more Kill Team terrain...


I definitely wanna see that terrain, Warriorhunter!  



Well it most definitely pales in comparison to your board: https://imgur.com/a/0cEmPQF


I've gotten two games in on it. One yesterday against a coworker and one today against my dad, who's never touched a game like this before. I do believe Kill Team is going to be my favorite system and supplant 40k.


Back to your board... HOLY CRAP!!! What airbrush are you using?

Dude, I still love the scatter and bits on there!  I'm gonna need to snag some crates and such as they are just so very cool.  Love the set up, maaay have to replicate it as a sector munitorum!  I know what you mean, mate, Kill Team has been huge and I've managed to get 2 new players into it after playing just my first game. It's a massive stepping stone and I do have a feeling 30/40K is gonna be more like that once a month special thing with more Kill Team games involved. Isn't it awesome that we can get new people that aren't part of the traditional 'crowd' in? 


-laughs- and thanks. yeah it's not really super hard or super special (that was done in a day, with about 6 hours dry time).  Just using a Badger Patriot 105 with 3 thinned vallejo and a single Minitaire paint (Glacial blue, Min Concrete, White Grey, Cold White) then an oil wash with water soluble Windows and Newton oils, secret weapon powders on the metal. 

Edited by Vykes

It looks fantastic. I've got a 105 that I picked up on a great sale but I still need a compressor. I'm hoping to get one in the next several months because it will make the large surface areas of my terrain look 100x better.


The crates and scatter terrain is nice. It doesn't affect movement because of its size, but it's beg enough that it provides some cover for obscured shots in more open areas.

Edited by thewarriorhunter

Aye, I just use an old shop compressor in my garage honestly.  Those 105's are nice and beefy, good parts even if they lack a bit of control.  And I do agree, airbrushes really make those large surfaces pop with nice gradients and the like. Aye, the scatter terrain is great and I am really do need to snag some and some barricades (GW did some a while back, were they resin?  My mate has some and they're a bit stranger than I recall.)  Making obscured shots, saving troopers from going down, and looking great.  

YITH I finally got my studio put back together enough that I can start painting again. It was a major hassle to move nearly everything out and then back in, but well worth it to finally have power. Just wish the electrician hadn't decided the last weekend of ETL was most convenient for him.


Vykes, have you ever tried the High Roller trigger on that 105? I did a review here: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/348256-review-badger-high-roller-airbrush-trigger/

That looks incredible Vykes - some wonderful shades!

TITH, I'll be breaking out the airbrush myself again as part of a Sons of Horus test squad... I did the initial testers yesterday, and now want to do the whole unit to see how it'd work!

Thanks mates!  I'm just kinda thrilled with the new terrain stuff in general (waiting to see if my 'local' shop has some of the killzones in stock).  


Hmmmm, Fortis I may very well have too try it out (I've used my airbrush enough that it actually pitted the bottom of the trigger so it wasn't making contact.  I had to fill it up with JB weld :tongue.:


Veeery cool Chaeron, make sure you get some pictures for us, eh mate! I'm always thrilled to see peoples' take on the 16th legion!


Post Scriptum: Today in the Hobby I picked up a squad of clan Escher for my 16th legion miitia, and the Killzone Sector Munitorum and Mechanicum sets.  They didn't have any core left, bleh. 

Edited by Vykes

TITH I finally started going through a ziplock full of bits I received when I bought an extremely thickly painted Ultramarines lot in a co-op parking lot a while back (some are still sitting in simple green to this day).  Of note there was obviously unofficial kits for a Stalker, Hunter, Vindicator, and Whirlwind.  Since I had two unbuilt rhinos I decided to put together the Hunter and the Vindicator today.  The resin smells oddly of citrus and is noticeably brittle.

TiTH, I finished up the Kill Zones Mechanicum and Munitorum boards. Tempted to go back over as I totally forgot about adding transfers, buuuut we'll see how I feel after a few games. Still, cool stuff, real battlefield in a box sort of thing they got going on.


I'm learning more and more that while working on getting an army painted and ready to play I should lock myself in a hovel in the mountians so I can finish it instead of getting distracted.


I've been spending most of the last week slowly working on a Repulsor. It'd be closer to finished if I didn't decide that Screaming Skull wasn't a strong enough highlight for my yellow and went back to the highlighting, this time with Pallid Witch Flesh which works a lot better. Though now I'm questioning my method of painting yellow and generally wondering if it's too yellow.


I'm starting to (half) consider Deathwatch just to make my life easier to be honest. Well that or painting Red Hunters and running Deathwatch for the rules to represent their more Inquisitorial bend. Seeing those new ORk Buggies isn't helping me keep my focus either sadly.

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