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TITHI Got a mate into the hobby, He's chosen to field that most zealous of chapters, The Black Templars :whistling:


YITHI Found a positive side to being diabetic, the injection pens I use have replacable nibs, These have little plastic covers which are just the right size and shape to make traffic cones out of.


So expect roadworks to delay traffic in the near future of the grim dark :devil: 


Oh and I'm redoing the wraith knight (Ulthwé colours) I thought I'd finished the other month as painting the groin armour in bone colour has left him loooking like he's wearing an adult nappy :facepalm:

TITHI Got a mate into the hobby, He's chosen to field that most zealous of chapters, The Black Templars :whistling:


YITHI Found a positive side to being diabetic, the injection pens I use have replacable nibs, These have little plastic covers which are just the right size and shape to make traffic cones out of.


So expect roadworks to delay traffic in the near future of the grim dark :devil:


Oh and I'm redoing the wraith knight (Ulthwé colours) I thought I'd finished the other month as painting the groin armour in bone colour has left him loooking like he's wearing an adult nappy :facepalm:

Fellow diabetic here and I’ve always thought of using the needle lids for something too but never got round to it.


TITH I received a reply from our saviour Duncan about edge highlighting colour shift paint. He was stumped :biggrin.:  but suggested I use a really really thinned down silver. I replied with thanks. 

Well I just bit the bullet hard. I've been sitting on some Primaris Intercessors, a Redemptor (might also have some Aggressors but I'll need to double check), and I added to that: a Primaris Chaplain, a box of Centurions (going Assault with them), a Land Raider Crusader, a Repulsor, and an Inceptor. Add in the Emperor's Champion, Helbrecht, and Grimaldus and I think I'm starting a pretty decent little Crusade (going to need that starter box though, I want to use the Primaris Captain in that box as a Marshal as part of a story for Crusade games).


Basically I need to paint a lot of black in my future, but I regret nothing. I refuse to regret anything because that would mean my +ZEAL+ was not great enough. :wink:

TITH I will hopefully be successful in touching up all the hideous blue overspray I had yesterday when doing the base coats for my World Eaters Dreadnought Drop Pod. If all goes well, I should be ready for decals and enamel washes tomorrow. Edited by Lovecraft0110

TitH I knocked up a tray to turn an Ikea Poang armchair into a paintstation. I'm used to hunching over on a bar stool, so this is a luxurious upgrade:



As someone that sits cross-legged on the floor to paint until my legs sieze up, that looks like heaven to me. Good job. :)


TITH, I consolidated my pile of shame. This is my entire pile of shame.



Meanwhile I keep trying to trip over mine since I dug stuff out of storage...

That's impressive. I boarded out my loft specifically to hide my pile of shame away!



TITH, I consolidated my pile of shame. This is my entire pile of shame.


Meanwhile I keep trying to trip over mine since I dug stuff out of storage...

That's impressive. I boarded out my loft specifically to hide my pile of shame away!


Sprues take up a lot of physical space.




TITH, I consolidated my pile of shame. This is my entire pile of shame.


Meanwhile I keep trying to trip over mine since I dug stuff out of storage...

That's impressive. I boarded out my loft specifically to hide my pile of shame away!


Sprues take up a lot of physical space.


Oh, my sprue box is decent-sized too - is that considered part of the pile of shame?





TITH, I consolidated my pile of shame. This is my entire pile of shame.


Meanwhile I keep trying to trip over mine since I dug stuff out of storage...

That's impressive. I boarded out my loft specifically to hide my pile of shame away!


Sprues take up a lot of physical space.


Oh, my sprue box is decent-sized too - is that considered part of the pile of shame?


Usually, yes.

Well my pile of shame is getting slowly chipped at. Land Raider Crusader is mostly done (haven't decided if I want to attach upgrades to the tank just yet), and did some more kitbashing:


Crusader Helms and Terminator Shoulder Pads to try and channel in the Black Templar feel a bit more.

Well my pile of shame is getting slowly chipped at. Land Raider Crusader is mostly done (haven't decided if I want to attach upgrades to the tank just yet), and did some more kitbashing...Crusader Helms and Terminator Shoulder Pads to try and channel in the Black Templar feel a bit more.

Nice - I've done the same headswap on all my Gravis troops

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