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received some old boxes from the family loft and saw things that eyes had not seen for 15 years!

Rogue Trader era Rhinos and three Whirlwinds (two of which were the "Journal" conversion using Rhino doors, a large creature base and a super glue nozzle :D ), and two of the first metal Dark Angel dreadnoughts. Lots of the first scenery I ever made, the "crags" still hold up well (turns out I was pretty good at covering a rough shape with sand & PVA and dry brushing with grey!). Three "Wargames Series" games in fantastic (played once, possibly not even played with) condition; The Battle for Armageddon, Horus Heresy and Doom of the Eldar :) Also, more of my Blood Bowl and Necromunda figures including 36 of my Escher gang! :D :)

Today and for many days since and hence I have been struggling to find a reason not to start modelling and possibly painting again.


The more I see amazing works both 30k and 40k on the B&C the more it makes me want to build some of my own once more but I have this horrible aversion to painting because I suck at it. I tell myself I can take a month on one Marine if that's what it takes but still.. There's this nagging doubt.


*exploding brain*

Today and for many days since and hence I have been struggling to find a reason not to start modelling and possibly painting again.


The more I see amazing works both 30k and 40k on the B&C the more it makes me want to build some of my own once more but I have this horrible aversion to painting because I suck at it. I tell myself I can take a month on one Marine if that's what it takes but still.. There's this nagging doubt.


*exploding brain*

I was the same a year ago, still not much better at painting but glad I got back into the hobby. So many aspects of it please me :)


As for painting, I'm sticking to base coating & inking as cleanly as I can, as I get better I will go back and do detail and highlights but at least in the mean time figures are getting paint on them and my hand is getting steadier and back into the hobby (so when I go back to do detail & highlights etc it will be with a steadier hand.)

I've also spent a lot of time just watching videos of people painting. I've been learning about pigment, and viscosity and I even watched a 40 minute video about the "colour wheel" which is something I'd never stopped to think about either :) (basically ~ lots of stuff to do with painting so I can avoid "proper" painting, but all getting my head and hand up to speed ready for painting.)

received some old boxes from the family loft and saw things that eyes had not seen for 15 years!


Rogue Trader era Rhinos and three Whirlwinds (two of which were the "Journal" conversion using Rhino doors, a large creature base and a super glue nozzle :biggrin.: ), and two of the first metal Dark Angel dreadnoughts. Lots of the first scenery I ever made, the "crags" still hold up well (turns out I was pretty good at covering a rough shape with sand & PVA and dry brushing with grey!). Three "Wargames Series" games in fantastic (played once, possibly not even played with) condition; The Battle for Armageddon, Horus Heresy and Doom of the Eldar :smile.: Also, more of my Blood Bowl and Necromunda figures including 36 of my Escher gang! :biggrin.::smile.:


You wouldn't want to donate an Escher ganger to my Queen Bee project, would you? ;) 



You wouldn't want to donate an Escher ganger to my Queen Bee project, would you? :wink:


What project is this? I Googled "Queen Bee project" and, well ~ Bees...



There's a link in my sig, brother. It's the Knight I'm working on, piloted by a woman. Have a look. :D 

received some old boxes from the family loft and saw things that eyes had not seen for 15 years!


Rogue Trader era Rhinos and three Whirlwinds (two of which were the "Journal" conversion using Rhino doors, a large creature base and a super glue nozzle :D ), and two of the first metal Dark Angel dreadnoughts. Lots of the first scenery I ever made, the "crags" still hold up well (turns out I was pretty good at covering a rough shape with sand & PVA and dry brushing with grey!). Three "Wargames Series" games in fantastic (played once, possibly not even played with) condition; The Battle for Armageddon, Horus Heresy and Doom of the Eldar :) Also, more of my Blood Bowl and Necromunda figures including 36 of my Escher gang! :D :)

That's awesome. Jealous.


Like your hobby display cabinet as well.

Today in the hobby, I searched on eBay for various items (a Ven Dread, Scout sniper squad amongst other things) and was outbid each time :sad.: However, I saw a metal Gabriel Seth for £12.50 (buy it now) and am now waiting for him to arrive in the post soon :happy.:


Looks like the itch to do Flesh Tearers might get scratched after all! :laugh.:

... am heavy contemplating some filthy greenskin gitz and perhaps a Chimera, even though I barely have chances to play the game, and haven't painted in ages either (starting on my ETL III stuff has been... slow to say the least, damned work and all). So much stuff to paint, including all but one of my filthy greenskins...

Today in the hobby I...


...contacted customer service to get a replacement skull sword sheath off the web exclusive space marine because mine has inexplicably disappeared.  No luck (not surprising, but had to try, right?)  Now I gotta find some way to get my hands on one that doesn't involve ebay and paypal because I haven't been able to access my accounts after heartbleed. despite changing passwords and contacting customer service numerous times.

Edited by The_Chaplain

Today in the hobby I...


...contacted customer service to get a replacement skull sword sheath off the web exclusive space marine because mine has inexplicably disappeared. No luck (not surprising, but had to try, right?) Now I gotta find some way to get my hands on one that doesn't involve ebay and paypal because I haven't been able to access my accounts after heartbleed. despite changing passwords and contacting customer service numerous times.

You could consider the Lamenters chapter. Your luck seems similar....

Get well soon. :-)


Today in the hobby I...


...contacted customer service to get a replacement skull sword sheath off the web exclusive space marine because mine has inexplicably disappeared. No luck (not surprising, but had to try, right?) Now I gotta find some way to get my hands on one that doesn't involve ebay and paypal because I haven't been able to access my accounts after heartbleed. despite changing passwords and contacting customer service numerous times.

You could consider the Lamenters chapter. Your luck seems similar....

Get well soon. :-)


Thank you Taranis. 

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