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The art of sisters


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The top image there has a shininess to it that makes me think of Dolfie face-ups. ^^; The artist's done a good job of making most of it look like an oil painting though, which isn't always easy to do in digital. If it really is an oil painting, then kudos to them!


The second one has some very nice ray effects, which do nicely to distract the eye from the sketchiness of the artwork.


The third one... the head is too large, while the face is vertically squashed. The Astartes left shoulderpad throws off the balance of the whole thing, especially when compared to the unnatural angle and shape of the right arm. The length of the gorget means her torso must be very short, and she clearly has shoulders designed for Terminator Armour. Her hips appear to come halfway down her thighs, as well. I can only imagine that the main reference image was originally of a Dwarf.

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The hammer is cool, but I find that actually critiquing 40k DevArtists tends to get me banned from their comments, unless critique is actively asked for. That's not even counting the lore issues.
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I'm in a weird mood today so forgive me if I can't say this right ...


Very seldom do you see a Sororitas with an appropriate expression. I understand the solemn or mournful looks after a battle but how many action shots are there like the center one above? It's a wonderful picture, but that is the way I look when I am wondering if I want to cook supper tonight or just order a pizza. I won't have to cook or clean up if I order out. But if I get a pizza, that's a ton of carbs. How many calories have I had today anyway? If I'm going to have all that bread I may as well just pick up some ice cream and wear my fat jeans for the rest of the week ....


She does not look like she is in the process of killing someone. At best she's spraying her flowers with insecticide.


OK. I'll shut-up for now.

Edited by Jacinda
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I understand completely what you mean, Jacinda, that was the first thing I noticed too. It's quite a jarring picture - lots of fire/light corona effects, pretty ok color use, but then that vacant expression. That's the way I look when I get forced to watch too much (like, more than 30 seconds) of someone's next top model show, and my thoughts fly off on their own course, somewhere far away from where my body resides.

Of course, expressions can be tough. But they're also rather important. :)

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There's a possibility that the third image is wearing some type of ceremonial armor.  That at least would explain the mismatch of styles. 


I agree.  The middle one looks like she's done a whole lot of really good weed.  Probably not appropriate for the Sisters, unless she's trying to get reassigned to the Repentia. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

She has that 'been there, done that, stole the t-shirt, burned down the shop and executed the shop keeper for heresy' look.  Hardcore veteran who is 'not' going to be impressed by your tales of how hard you've had it in the PDF.;)


If you're lucky, she'll merely give you a withering look of contempt.  If you're not lucky, she may decide to invite you to a barbeque.  The Sisters love them some barbeque, especially heretic barbeque.:biggrin.:

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