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+++E Tenebrae Lux II - Dark Angels Strategium+++

Captain Semper

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Facmanpob reporting in. Vow 3 complete! Photos will be edited into this post as soon as I can get them off my phone and on to the PC. :)


That takes me up to 1000 points, which was my target (I did about 750 points last year) for the entire competition, so vow 4 (later this week) is a happy bonus :)





Great stuff facmanpob - your performance this year deserves the highest commendation! The DAs are certainly putting tremendous effort in ETL II...


Just don't forget the pics. ;)

Ah, well, here we go again.....

Vow 4

I, facmanpob, being resigned to the fact that I can't put off painting my Black Knights any longer, do hereby vow a Ravenwing Command Squad of 300 total points for the glory of the Dark Angels. Success will bring eternal glory to 1st Legion and failure will doom me to bear the Badge of Shame until the year-end.....

Ravenwing Command Squad: 5 Black Knights, Champion, Apothecary, Standard Bearer with Standard of Devastation - 300 points

Starter picture to follow when I dig them out at home smile.png


And vow Two is complete




I Deadboytat2 answer the call of E TENEBRAE LUX and vow to complete One Command Squad One Dreadnought and one Aegis Defence line Codex Dark angels of total value of 530pts on or before August 15th. Success will bring eternal glory to The Dark Angels and failure will doom me to bear the Badge of Shame until the year-end.

Ok Librarian with Plasma pistol and power Ax with power field generator


​Dreadnought with twin link lascannon


Command squad with Banner of devastation Company Champion and Apothecary


and a aegis defence line with quad gun


In the FAQ it states


Q: How about special rules or items that cannot be physically represented? Some of them are even compulsory like Daemon Princes’ allegiances…
A: Only upgrades that can be physically represented on the miniatures earn you points for the ETL! So Psychic Powers, extra Mastery Levels, Tank Hunters and such will not be counted. Now Marks of Chaos can in principle be represented on a mini through appropriate painting and modelling. So Marks of Chaos are allowed BUT bear in mind that the overriding principle of the ETL is to avoid “getting something for nothing” so you really need to make an effort an produce a convincing effect of the Mark you’re aiming for. We need some common sense and goodwill for that to work – it did last year, so let’s hope it will work again this year…

OK I edited dropping the 35 points for the added mastary level. I was gann ask anyways if I could make a amendment to this vow and add the contemptor dread to it because it just showed up in the mail today. Or do I have to finish this one first?

@ deadboyat2: Congrats on completing your second vow - and going for a third one! ohmy.png Now regarding the mastery level, it's just one of those ETL mechanics that are designed to keep disputes at a minimum. Undoubtedly one could make an elaborate enough paintjob to convey the mastery level but it can also potentially become a point of open dispute or, worse still, silent bitterness ... So the best way to do it is to keep this level for everybody and just exclude it.

As for adding to your vow, I'm afraid this cannot be done once you've made it. You can make minor alterations like the loadout of a character for example but that's about it. The idea behind it is to avoid having people bypassing the 5-vow limit by amending their exisitng vows. I know this is obviously not the case here as you just submitted your vow, but again I have to keep the rules level for all to avoid any disputes... Keep the Contemptor for the next vow, or alternatively, if you really want to paint it now, you can edit out another similarly priced item of your vow (say the Dread) and I'll be happy to allow whatever point difference there is. smile.png

Argh.. got my vow done this past weekend, but my friggin' camera has died. Wanted to go out and get a new one, but my wives tires needed replacing, so thats on hold for now.


Just got my contemptor dread in as well, and wanted to do that for my vow #2, along with a TH/SS Belial, but with no camera... maybe I can get it replaced in time.

Look, even a low quality picture from a cell phone will suffice - you can get better pictures later... It's importat so you can start with your second vow (the before pic of which can also be a low quality cell phone pic).


If you do this within the next urmm... dunno, three hours? you may make it to this week's update. Otherwise you'll have to wait for next week! :)

at last, my first vow is completed. horray for me.

it was rather unconfortable (literalypinch.gif ) but i managed to finish it


now, the event ends around mid august correct? that gives me around 1 month to finish a second vow. i will have to look into the stuff i have around and choose something whistlingW.gif

Look, even a low quality picture from a cell phone will suffice - you can get better pictures later... It's importat so you can start with your second vow (the before pic of which can also be a low quality cell phone pic).

If you do this within the next urmm... dunno, three hours? you may make it to this week's update. Otherwise you'll have to wait for next week! smile.png

Issue is my cell phone is what I used to take pictures, and it fell and now won't turn on. No insurance on it... not sure what I'm going to do. At work currently. I'll figure something out...

after some messing around i decided on my second vow


I Aradiel answer the call of E TENEBRAE LUX and vow to complete 10 deathwing terminators (1 pair of lightning claws, 1 thunder-hammer and storm shield, 2 chainfists, 1 plasma cannon and 1 assault cannon) from codex: Dark Angels of total value 490 points on or before August 15th.

Success will bring eternal glory to the Dark Angels and the Emperor and failure will doom me to bear the Badge of Shame until the year-end.




that gives me around 3 days per model. i hope it will be enough


for the Emperor and the Lion.

Enough procrastination! Here's my before picture for my first vow.

Ravenwing Attack Squadron with six marines, two plasma guns, sergeant with combi-plasma and melta bombs, attack bike with multi-melta, and land speeder with heavy bolter and typhoon missile launchers

Ravenwing Command Squad with four marines, apothecary, and Ravenwing Standard

Sammael on jetbike

Librarian on bike with auspex



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