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+++E Tenebrae Lux II - Imperial Guard Strategium+++

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My Krieg second the notion of 16 hours of bayonet drill a day and the glory of dying in the assault for the Emperor! Many people are surprised to see me charge them into dedicated assault units, but so long as it has WS4, Krieg can take them! Hell, they'll charge things that have better than WS4, but they just need to increase their numbers since they'll be hit 2/3 of the time instead of half of it.

The first game I played with our current codex I completely wrong footed an eldars player by not sitting in cover and shooting - silly space elves and their assumptions. Mobility and fire power normally wins the day, but there is little more satisfying than bludgeoning eldar to death in combat with Guardsmen smile.png

Rumours have it that by the time ETL III comes along, you may have a fresh Codex out... So get into position brave Guardsmen, for more fighting lies ahead!

Again congratulations to all and especially your Champion, ubewolfe for leading the effort. Also WarriorFish? You certainly qualify for Commissar! Hahahaha!!!

Whenever the Emperor calls the Guard will always respond and fulfil their duty! As for being Commissar you should be careful what you say or I might just take you up on it laugh.png

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've been giving it some thought and I've decided on a few things for my glorious Guard forum Veteran squad biggrin.png

My current Veteran squad has done me very well and is fielded in pretty much every battle. Their meltas and heavy flamer have proven very effective in supporting the rank and file in their advance so I want this Veteran squad to do a similar job but perhaps with less of an emphasis on movement. Maybe something like moving up to a point and then holding it, like objective securing while other units proceed ahead to engage and destroy the enemy.

So something like:

- Plasma

- Sniper

- Autocannon (Argun)

Similar weaponry with some range and power to it (plasma also providing some shots on the move) and hopefully the sniper can pick off the odd juicy target with a precision shot. They should be a good complement to the other Vet squad too. Like all my stuff I'm not necessarily looking for the most optimised set up but something useful and cool that I like smile.png

I'm going to try and do extra bits and that to jazz them up a bit like my other Veterans, but it depends on what I can rustle up. Expect some more berets though! We may not have technically reached our goal but let's give our ETL efforts the send off they deserve biggrin.png Let me know what you think and if you'd like one of the special weapons (Argun's got the big gun!) smile.png

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I forgot to take a before photo, but here is my pennance vow for our failure. We will crush them all in the next ETL with our 100%. We will make them quiver in their power armoured boots when facing a tidal wave of devoted guardsmen. For the Emperor, for the Guard.



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Looks good, Kantor and the Crimson Fists are pretty cool so you could have picked worse tongue.png

You're right about next year, if they've any sense those power armoured booties will be alarmed by the strength of our first push - but they're probably too busy bickering among themselves to notice us laugh.png

I've got a few projects on the go at the moment (Marine ones on hold until I get the codex and give it a good read) which will keep me busy, but once I've done my victory squad I might put the brakes on all Guard work. That way I can wait ready for another glorious offensive - we should have a new codex and models by then if all holds true!

Though I can't guarantee I won't be tempted to get a Vanquisher to paint up... :D

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My ear is always to the ground for new rumours so I'll report back if anything interesting crops up. I'm really hoping for our missing artillery kits and some Rough Riders - that would be all I'd need to make me happy. Of course I'd gladly accept more :lol:


I just hope that the SoB don't have to wait long for an update...

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Well, I'm getting underway on the projects that I'm working on, but want a little clarification...


I vowed that I'd paint up 5 Angry Marines for a pennance vow. Last I checked, there was nothing saying they'd have to be alive or complete models. Anyone want to help clear that up? (Either way, there's going to be one that's going to wait a month or so for paint.)

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  • 1 month later...

Hmm... Long time no updates. Well, sadly I don't have any pictures yet due to internet problems at home, but I have been working on the squads! Currently, Fasha, VS Semper, VS Argun, CCS Sviar, and a few unnamed models. I've also finished that project in the above post, and will definitely be putting it up on the forums (Hopefully soon!) because it rocks!

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I'm up against it at the moment, just can't find the time for modelling and painting sad.png What spare time I do have I'm too tired to do anything with, at least not without risk of buggering something up badly. I'm afraid this won't change until work calms down which doesn't look like it'll happen any time soon. I have to make do with talking 40k instead!

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