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The Violators - 2013 E Tenebrae Lux W.I.P.


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Here's my W.I.P. for my 2013 E Tenebrae Lux vow.
These models are part of a project I've been working on since the beginning of May when I bought a very dusty and used army of Chaos Space Marines. Most of the models were in pretty rough shape and unpainted. The models that did have some paint on them didn't suit me at all, so I've been stripping and repainting them. The models out of the collection I'm repainting will be built into a small warband made up of World Eaters and Red Corsairs, called The Violators.
At the starting date of the E Tenebrae Lux I'd nearly completed the first two squads of my Warband. They won't be a part of my vow, of course, but I'm including some pictures of them for completeness and so you can see where the models I am entering into my vow are headed.
The Violators
  • Squad Frankenfer (not part of my vow)


  • Squad Tarsus (also, not part of my vow)
(in progress)
  • Hugh's Havocs - most of Hugh's squad are taking a dip in engine degreaser right now.
  • Zodd's Berzerkers - Zodd himself will be taking a degreaser bath as soon as Hugh's boys are out of the way.
  • Khârn the Betrayer - Khârn will also be stripped along with Zodd.
Thanks for following my project!
I got to spend some time working on my Violators chaos warband project today. I managed to put the finishing touches on squad Tarsus.


Then I got Zodd stripped and his berzerkers cleaned up, mold line scraped, and put back together, ready for primer.


I also started getting Hugh's havoc squad put back together, but about half of his squad is still in the stripping dip.


I got Khârn all cleaned up too.


Thanks for following my project. I think I'll start putting paint on the Berzerkers next.
Here's a little update on my Chaos project. Champion Zodd's Berserkers, more specifically.

I've got the whole squad base colored and highlighted, and I went ahead and finished this one model as a paint test. Over my next few painting sessions I'll be making the reat of the squad look like this guy.

  • 2 weeks later...
Yesterday was a good day. I got to spend a good potion of the day working on my Berserkers of Skallathrax.
I finished up the paint on Zodd and his merry band of Khorny Berserkers, and then I finished reassembling Hush's squad of havocs.


Anyone paying close attention might notice a few extra models in the squads. That's because this whole project has been a restoration of old, used models and, happily, I managed to salvage more models than I'd first though I'd be able to. So I'm just painting up the extras as I go along.
Once the Havocs are done, all I'll have left to finish the first stage of my project will be Khârn.
I've also picked up a Landraider and two Daemon Princes to add to this warband, and I hope to get my hands on a couple Chaos Spawn models soon.
I'm thinking the Landraider will help deliver Zodd, Khârn, and the Berserkers to Chopsocky time ph34r.png. Of course, if I just put one landraider on the table it'll just get shot, so I'm going to build a flying Daemon Prince to take some heat off the landraider.
The second Daemon Prince and the Spawn (that I don't have yet) are for Boon List compliance thumbsup.gif
Thanks for following my project!
  • 4 weeks later...

I put my 4th of July day off to good uses yesterday and finished painting Khârn and Hugh's Havocs! This completes the original goals I had for this Chaos project. I do still plan on adding a few more models to my Berserkers of Skallathrax, though.

I'm thinking they need a Land Raider, two Daemon Princes, and a couple Spawn. Maybe I'll get some new projects planned and pictures of them up soon.



Thank for following this project!

I'm in for a second vow...

I, Creeger, answer the call of E TENEBRAE LUX and vow to complete the following from Codex Chaos Space Marines, with a total value of 215 points, on or before August 15th. Success will bring eternal glory to The Violators Berserkers of Skallathrx and failure will doom me to bear the Badge of Shame until the year-end.
  • Daemon Prince of Khorne, (1) with Murder Sword & Power Armor - 215 points


The Violators Berserkers of Skallathrx, FOR KHORNE!!

Thanks Ludovic, I'm glad your following my project. It's nice to get a little feedback from time to time. Keeps me motivated to paint and post.

I now have my Boon of Chaos Daemon Prince assembled and the, FREAKIN' HUGE!!!, joints in this model puttied up.
I'll spray some primer on him tomorrow and get started on his paint job. With a little luck, I should made fast progress on this model. I plan to put a pretty basic paint job on him, the same as I've tried to do with the rest of my chaos project. Being a gift of chaos daemon, I doubt he'll even see the table much anyways.

I got Boon primed and started his base coat today. I'm going to try and slowly transition from his armor color to his skin color because there are few clear lines where his armor ends and his flesh begins. We'll see if it turns out pretty soon.


  • 4 weeks later...
I've completed my Winged Daemon Prince, Maulg, and my 3rd and final vow for this year. (My second Vow post and competition post are currently missing) I've had a great time participating, just like last year, and once again would like to thank the good Captain Semper for his efforts. The first skull Maulg claims in battle, will be for Captain Semper!
Over all I'm pleased with how Maulg turned out. I spent more time on him that any of the other chaos models I've done thus far, but he's such cool figure I couldn't help myself.
I struggled with his axe and the etched details on his armor, changing their color a few times trying to find something I liked. In the end, I just kept them pretty simple. When in doubt, don't try anything fancy, I always say.



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