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XIV Dragoon, VII Grand Company, IV Legion (13Jun2015)


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Alright, Kage and Greyall. You unintentionally got your wish. My new batch of bits got here today, and it looked too awesome...


Keeping the beakie, though...


Holy censored.gif, did we bend the iron within?

Joking aside, it does look awesome. I'm glad you realized the awesomeness and compromised every so slightly to change it.

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Much as I like that mohawked face, I think I rather liked the beakie better. He looked like a grunt doing his job before, now he looks like an anti-hero with a grudge. Course, if that's the preferred image, go for it. It is a good image.
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Beakies with shark teeth?

 My Dragoons are not animals; we're bastards. No teeth, my man.


This thread is full of awesomeness.


Including the poetry!

Keep it up, and you'll follow Russ Brother....





Much as I like that mohawked face, I think I rather liked the beakie better. He looked like a grunt doing his job before, now he looks like an anti-hero with a grudge. Course, if that's the preferred image, go for it. It is a good image.

He's the last of my PW toting Vets, so yeah; a killer with a grudge will fit him decently.

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Funny enough, I'll be avoiding that, for the most part. Short, military cuts, dead eyes. Disciplined still, but heartbroken. The snarls on their faces are of men doing something distasteful, something they wish they were not doing, but know must be done.


These will be men that have seen too much, even for Iron Warriors. This is not about vengeance, or anger, or hate. This is justice. This is about dethroning a monster.


Even at the cost of family beloved.

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I was actually working on a despoiler today as a tester. I am finding I DO NOT LIKE GREEN, AT ALL. and yes I blame you!tongue.png

If I can't get into the Green, I am breaking out my Yellows!

DO IT! I'll just leave this right here.....


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Posted that to turn prime to the dark.... Errrr.... Yellow side.


And to poke heathens a tad ;)


You're gonna need more than e-tools to break the palace amigo!


But all joking aside your models are looking amazing man!

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Firstly - it's lovely and warm out here in no-man's land :p the constant shelling keeps me warm at night and the occasional Iron Warrior grunt makes for a tasty snack ;) my Lord Ferrus approves...


Onto better things - the running theme of wildly inappropriate poetry combined with the thousand-yard stare that headsman has is brilliant, sadly (yet a very good thing realistically speaking) it reminds me of my uncle when he talks of Northern Ireland - good work Heathens :) can't wait to see what you do for the command echelon :)

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Btw Heathens, any chance you'll sneak in some bionics in your guys? Considering they are in the grinder all the time, its not too much to assume that not all of your Iron Warriors have made it back with all their body parts.

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Could be worse. Jaspcat could be a Traitor too. Oh wait.....



Traitors? Loyalists? But loyal to whom? The father who has walked with in us in the heart of a thousand battles, who has shed his blood and sweat alongside us?  Betraying what? A tyranny, which would see us break our backs in the mud to build a palace of lies? In truth, all such petty labels are irrelevant.


There are the conquerors, and the conquered. The victors, and the vanquished. We do not wage war to determine who is "right" in some light of some metaphysical ideal. We fight to determine who will be LEFT to rule the galaxy when all others are dead.

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Could be worse. Jaspcat could be a Traitor too. Oh wait.....



Traitors? Loyalists? But loyal to whom? The father who has walked with in us in the heart of a thousand battles, who has shed his blood and sweat alongside us?  Betraying what? A tyranny, which would see us break our backs in the mud to build a palace of lies? In truth, all such petty labels are irrelevant.


There are the conquerors, and the conquered. The victors, and the vanquished. We do not wage war to determine who is "right" in some light of some metaphysical ideal. We fight to determine who will be LEFT to rule the galaxy when all others are dead.



Umm, yes?
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Maybe the next book will have the blood angels telling the world eaters that they are wrath incarnate on wings due to a massive air assault...

That way I can play with air support and not have to justify it tongue.png lol jk

In my opinion, if the World Eaters are okay with a danger-close orbital bombardment, air support might be a more comfortable change of pace.
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Thats why I like having a master of signal in my force (I renamed him Decurion Des'ha, Ordanatii Designate) as it is fluffy and awesome to use.


Hes kinda like one of those detached air controllers from the air force that the army uses. He marks targets, calls out ranges, and gives after damage reports to the gunships in orbit.

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Eh, I was just reading the part of Angel Exterminatus where Poppa Pert has a wall to wall counseling session with his boys for referring to the Emperor's forces as "loyalists". It stuck with me.


You know what, Pert? If you don't like the labels, maybe you shouldn't have made them required. There wouldn't be any Loyalists if there were no Traitors, you know. Your whole "conqueror vs. conquered' thing would be all fine and dandy if your betrayal hadn't screwed that all up.

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