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XIV Dragoon, VII Grand Company, IV Legion (13Jun2015)


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I am a avid WWI addict, and am fully aware of slam fire (and the attempted legal ramifications afterwards), but my point still stands. We're talking about specialized rounds that can never again be made. Each shot needs to count.


Waves of buckshot down the length of a trench, or within an enclosed space, is indeed insane and murderous, but against other astartes, I would hope the good Corporal would use common sense and pick n' drop his targets. I'd hate to have to execute him afterwards for "munitions waste and abuse", and pass the weapon down to someone who could be a bit more frugal.

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I just had an awesome mental image of an Iron Warriors quartermaster enacting some kind of ritual as he allots fifteen rounds of melt-slugs to the battle brother for the entirety of the Siege of Terra, while saying something witty about the 'red of their targeting lenses'.





Just had a thought, will you be going with red eye lenses or the black eye lenses like Christian Dunn's Iron Warriors?

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Ah Iron Warriors, this is going to be sweet. I like the idea of using shotguns as meltas. I need to pick up some more Heresy stuff and paint them as Iron Warriors to attach to my Sons of Horus (the Sicaran looks bad ass in IW colours...)




Isn't that the guy who survives Aliens only to die in his sleep in Alien 3?

Yeah but he does feature in Aliens: Colonial Marines which despite being a not great game (story/technically/graphics) was nice to see him again.

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I hope you're not thinking of quitting, Heathens. We need more awesome IW models on this board.


Oh, and holy crap man, I just saw your post about a Mk I termie. I'm looking at doing the same thing, inspired by Greyall's pic. >_>


Glory to the IV!

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I left 40k, this is true. I love this hobby though, so I decided to time-travel to 30k, where everything is grim-dark still, and bro-fists and hugs to xenos are only given by enraged Dreadnoughts.


Forgeworld has been great and respectful to 30k, and is pumping out one quality model after another, all within the proper setting and with the proper gothic spirit of the good old days of 40k (The horror of 3rd edition comes to mind), yet making it all unique enough to make it their own. Glory to Alan Bligh, glory to the year 30,000.


Games Workshop has decided to market 40k to Halo-addicted,  anime-loving 12 year olds. My inner child died when the Dreadknight came out, and it's corpse has been urinated on with every new "superholycrapcenterpiecemodel" that comes out, or batch of fluff that has been altered into oblivion. Wolf-Riders. Air Dropped Land Raiders. Helldrakes. Chaos-fueled Grey Knight Lords who carve names into primarch's hearts. The Centurions (cursed be their name) were the death-knell of my joy in the 40k setting.


This 30k Iron Warrior Company, my friend, is my personal protest towards the direction 40k has gone. I will bring the horror and hopelessness back, mark my words.


This is my Oath of Moment; I shall not look away from a difficult task, nor suffer concepts of hope and happiness. Humanity will become extinct, and I will make the first steps to ensure this fate. Death to the False Emperor.

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 (The horror of 3rd edition comes to mind)

Weren't we talking about that last sunday! I love my Deathwatch army and all, but I still am avid GRIMDARK fan. and grimdark is sadly lacking of late. I can't wait get some resin and bring grimdark back with you and ALL OVER YOUR STUPID IRON COVERED FACE!!!!


ahem, sorry. can't wait for this weekend man, I need to delve deep into the mind of heathens and bounce some I deas off you!


Stetsons on, Rattle them sabres, and Scout Out!

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Ladies and Gents, I ask that you send the kids out of the room. I'm about to horrify you with the level of nerd-ness I have achieved. Below you will find the TO&E of both my Legion Battalion and my Mortal Regiment. Mind you, these are "dream levels" of an army I could achieve. As in, if I had unlimited time and money. Since both are consistently in flux, in the end I will most likely only have slices of each. Without further ado:


And my soon-to-be started Imperial Army detachment, which will be heavily inspired by Dave Taylor's Genswick 33rd...


Thoughts and opinions welcome. Off to bed.

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This is promising. Also, reading "Dragoon-Captain Mahdra" has been proved to increase testosterone production among both males and females of the human species.


Although, I've just spoken the name aloud and now my neutered cat has been reborn.

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that organisation list seems cool as all hell, i'm glad i'm not the only one who spends hours thinking about how my IW is organised, how many troops there are, or how much support they should have.


keep bringing pictures to the thread, it just pushes me more and more towards the GC/HH era!

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