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VIII Legion 96th Company/ I Legion 74th Company


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What are you going to use the last pack of helmet for?

I'm not sure entirely what magic rabbit Capitano is going to pull out of his hat with them- but with some clever cutting work they would be pretty interesting honor guard helmets or even alternate mk2/3 helmet face plates. 

What are you going to use the last pack of helmet for?


actually I have some guardsmen I had bought for body parts but I might add them to my cult trooper squads I have gotten from eBay and the two DV sets I have gotten...

  • 3 weeks later...



I have a Dreamforge Leviathan Crusader...will hopefully be here sometime this week...


w00t w00t....I assume is where I should go with that...haha


But here is my old Dark Angel Contemptor that has been put in the process of being reissued within the VIII Legion




  • 4 weeks later...

so my computer took a :cuss...on the boss ldys laptop right now as she is in bed haha


got a 1500 point tourney this saturday in Taylorsville, NC 


hope to go from there




darn technology



I took for the 1500 points




4 Khorne Trooper Squads 8 man with VoLW and Icon of Wraith, and Rhino Champion 2 Swords, 1 Axe and 1 Fist


5 Man Terminator Squad with 2 PF, 1 CF, 1 Axe, 1 Mace, 2x combi weapons and a Reaper Auto Cannon


First Game was against 2 Riptides and a Gun Line with Relic.


I played as a Loyalist Marines instead of Khorne Worshippers and that was my mistake by turn 3 I was touching the line but it was to late as most of my guys were dead. 0-1


Second game was against Deathwing with Belial a Land Raider God Patter and a few squad of Deathwing Terminators, 1 squad of Inner Circle Knights


They died in such a painful fashion I enjoyed it a lot...haha...Tabled him 5th turn 1-1


Third game was against Space Wolves...Rune Priest, Wolf Priest 4 packs of grey hunters, long fangs and some Wolf Guards for sarges, and a razorback


it was fun I ran my rhinos flat out popped smoke next turn rammed or tank shocked and let him blow them up...they did their job.  it came down to him rapid firing me and letting me charge and then seeingif he got counter charge which he did 3/4 of the time but it matters not with WS5


it came down my army had lost 3 rhinos and he had lost most of his guys 2-1 gave me 4th place in the tourney...darn haha


I learned this though


The Terminators in this low game are not worth it...I played like a Khorne worshipper and played balls to the wall deepstrike in their face rhino mad dash stab stab stab...and it works...should have done that game one and I would have won that one...


The first game the Terminators mishape off the table then ripped apart in the warp...


second game deepstriked to far to do anything otherthen tie up one squad of DW Terminators...but they did that well with their 3++ haha


the 3rd game they rolled up and stopped the wolf priest atleast allowing my champions and Khârn to rip apart the greyhunter packs and buying me time...


Khorne Berzerkers are worth their points if you play them balls to the walls...if you tip toe around like a loyalist you will die as they are not set up to be to far away...like ultramarines...they are set up for stab stab stab...get them there and they do their job...


.....I enjoyed running my one Champion with +1 WS, eternal warrior and poisioned weapons haha..

  • 3 weeks later...

This is for my Dark Angels squad of fallen to be attached to the 96th company along side the Fallen Angel




I dont know if you can see it or not but all the purity seals have been cut off those Dark Angels...small things like that makes chaos ok in my eyes...haha


And seeing that I have a bad habit of just painting I did my first coat tonight as well






and because we need the fallen with his basecoat foundation paint from back in the day haha




anyone else notice the guy in the first pic with the giant claymore pointing a gun at those guys...just an angry traitor smurf...dont worry about him...haha

The Next part of my vow where I painted up a sqaud of dark Angels to use with my Night Lords to show not even the first legion is above reporch...







Front View of my Khârn Model with Table Top ready paint job 


Gorechild Night Lord Style with his Plasma Pistol






thanks man


those Heads I ordered back a few months ago are a bit to small for Marine heads but might work great with IG units or cultist at a later date...


I was really bumed out that the desert heads would not work that would have been great for a few Night Lords or my Alpha Legion Cell I have sitting there collecting dust haha

Fifth Claw has hit the next stage


I do not know why those Dark Angels were so quick...ehhh


But Base Coat is done as well as ammo clips barrels and soft armour joints and teeth on chainswords as needed


Fifth Claw Over head view




Fifth Claw Champion




Fifth Claw Gun Slinging Anti-Hero




Fifth Claws Aspiring Tech Priest



Working on finishing my 5th Claw up


just need m gold paints seems mine are either in the trash being a few years older then my kid or well used up because it was still good haha



Finished The Vow







Ahriman the Fallen




The Warpsmith Brothers from rival Legions




The Wolf Lord and his Axe along side his Wolf Guards...I MEAN CHAOS LORD AND CHOSEN...my bad



The Traitor Raven Guard



Name those Chapters of Blood Angel Successors that have fallen to Chaos and walk alongside the Night Lords 96th Company



And we all know what happens to the Red Gloves in the VIII Legion when you are no longer needed



Here is my 3rd Vow with Base coat and some raven guards finished


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