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Vazzy's Big Heresy Thread-Word Bearer Test Scheme 4/7/16


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Looking preety good, besides the things firepower pointed out. I do have one question. Remulus,  in 1st squad 4th detachment has a really weird scope placement on his bolter. It looks like one of the scout scopes, but you glued it onto the ba k of the bolter, above the pistol grip. I think it would look better if you places the scope closer to the middle of the gun, as it currently looks like it is hanging off the back.

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I don't have any C&C, sorry, as I've not painted in aaaaaaaaaaaages. However, I do have a question: How easy was it to fit that MkIII helm to the power-armoured praetor model? I have an idea, very rough, of converting a "Dorn's Champion" (read: Emperor's Champion), using that model as a base, probably with the character conversion kit for a bionic arm & bolt pistol. I would like to know if it would be easy to do, or needs a bit of work.



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I don't have any C&C, sorry, as I've not painted in aaaaaaaaaaaages. However, I do have a question: How easy was it to fit that MkIII helm to the power-armoured praetor model? I have an idea, very rough, of converting a "Dorn's Champion" (read: Emperor's Champion), using that model as a base, probably with the character conversion kit for a bionic arm & bolt pistol. I would like to know if it would be easy to do, or needs a bit of work.



It's a relativey easy thing, though the gorget will need to be filed down to fit properly.

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A new update that has photos from Noctis and my engagement as well as my Basilisks. I'm also thinking of using the new Hunters as Medusae. Opinions?


Untitled by vazzy2012, on Flickr
Untitled by vazzy2012, on Flickr
Commanders Duking it out. The XIII took victory here! Though my other Praetor got punk'd by lillith hesperax. 
Untitled by vazzy2012, on Flickr
Brother Sergeant Antillar's (cookie if reference recieved) boarding squad following the Evocati whose Raider was blown out from under them. 
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 "Loyalty is it's own reward. Wisdom spoken from our Lord's own mouth. But our Cousins have decided it isn't enough for them, :cusse eating Murderers they are. They have turned upon us, and have fallen upon the planet of Kamilut. We ride today my Brothers, and teach the cowards why the Hallowed First is so revered."

-Company Master Artur to the Astartes and crew of the Cruiser "Circum Mensam"



IMAG0664 by vazzy2012, on Flickr

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Holy :cuss Kol, My sides! 


photo (2) by vazzy2012, on Flickr
Start of my Breacher squads
"The Word Bearers Kept driving on the Arcology, and the bodies were beginning to pile up. Fourth squad had had the pass for two hours now, and had only lost three Battle Brothers. The Sergeant roared as he hammered his gladius into the guts of the Champion in front of him. Beside him, Crassus' graviton gun let loose with a Basso thrumm, dropping the charging traitors to their knees, ceramite cracking and shattering. The surviving Marines retreated, firing off desultory bursts of bolter fire. Antillar sunk into a crouch and pulled off his helmet spitting blood. "Glory to the Thirteenth." 
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I believe this is an intentional insult to me.

only my boarding marines should be allowed as WE excel at boarding actions.

I challenge you sir to a duel pinch.gif

Come at me bro. Fourth Squad is my go to team. They've killed a primarch. Angron....to be precise

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see I don't need to fear that because Angron will be tearing up the field with my rampagers whilst my boarding squad slaughter yours and meteors fall from the SKY AS THE APOCALYPSE BEGINS TO RAIN ASH AND BONE FRAGMENTS OF THE ONCE COMPLIANT PLANET...

woo nearly lost my cool there.

yes a challenge it shall besweat.gif

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You and Noctus game together!? Damn, I gotta move to Texas.


Nice start on the Breachers, though I can't say I like those heads. One of the few things FW has put out that doesn't get me goin.

It was a special circumstance, noctus and I live a ways apart(a whole hour). But if your ever in the Austin(during School) or Houston (Summer/ december break) hit me up

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No Pictures till morning Gents, but the first of my five Evocati are done. Here's a brief story to tide you over till the IA and photos surface later. 



Nuceria. The Red Angel’s :cusshole of a home world, burned. Smoke and the screams of the dying filled the air as the last of the Evocati stalked through the street. Having survived Calth unscathed, Vorenus and his men had volunteered to join the Vanguard fleet sent out with Primarch alongside the rest of the 129th company. But for the Evocati, the mission was personal. These traitorous whoresons had wiped out their brothers at Armatura, and the Evocati owed them a favor.  Every one of the Marines wore their horsehair crested Helms with pride, as well as to call out the enemy champions. Ahead of them stood a World Eater squad, howling and screaming, chain blades tearing the air. Vorenus sneered behind his visor. 

“Undisciplined Savages. Evocati, form up. One Salvo of Bolter fire, then we charge. “ He clenched the power fist and it crackled into a cerulean blaze, the energy field coating it. “Fire.” Bolts and the heat have of a Melta gun seared across the street, knocking several World Eaters off their feet, putting down 3 of them. The Sergeant turned and pointed his Power sword at the Charging Ultramarines, spewing jibberish and bloody spittle. Vorenus heard Tacitus’ grin.
“That one’s mine,” he snarled, relic sword sizzling as the blade glowed a blood red, electricity crackling along the surface. And then the two groups collided. 
The Whumph of Philo’s Thunderhammer was a constant, teeth-grinding noise as the Terran flung World Eater after World Eater away. The Evocati had held the square for over two hours now, but Marius lay in a growing pool of his own blood, Heavy Bolter, belching rounds less and less often.  The Captain and Mimeus, the squad’s apothecary had also rejoined up with them, and the Captain had already slain 4 terminators singlehandedly, contemptuously asking if this was the best the XII had to offer. Dormus was dead, at the cost of seven of the XII’ths rampagers,  his bolter spent, and gladius jammed through the snarling features of a Champion. Garrun had been obliterated by a Contemptor, his entire torso reduced to chunks of meat and ceramite by screaming Powerfists. Pullo had brought the behemoth down with a melta blast to the back, but by then it was far too late, the breach had been opened. 
Philo brought his hammer down, crushing a power flail wielding marines and staggering his two cohorts, who were incinerated by a blast from Pullo’s melta gun. 
The Evocati emptied his bolt pistol into the next challenger, before swinging a backhand technique, crushing the legs of another.
“Brother! Philo! Face Me!”
Lucius Philo, 150 year Veteran of Terra, turned and saw the one man he’d known longer than any other. His Twin, taken by the War Hounds, while he, the Ultramarines, Brothers in Blood, Brothers in battle. He strode forward, the dark grey feathers he kept as a keep sake rustling in the wind, Thunderhammer vibrating with pent up energy. 
“Let’s finish this!” He roared, charging.


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