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Tzen's Word Bearers WIP Blog!


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With the Gal Vorbak completed I have returned to the last four Possessed Chaos Space Marines in order to finish the squad.




After that, it may be time to paint a vehicle!

I actually think the possessed sprue isn't that bad, and before the Gal Vorbak came out, I thought possessed looked the most Chaosy (for obvious reasons). Some of the heads are crap, but in general they looked good. 


Now the Gal Vorbak have been released, I want them to make smaller plastic versions for possessed. :/ Cos they look so good.

Work continues on the final Possessed!




Slow stuff really, trying to paint them all at the same time, but I've never been great at painting more than one mini at a time! I may eventually focus on one at a time once I've completed a few more of the basics.

I agree with everything that has been said! :D


Who knows, maybe they will re do the Possessed (rules too) in time. I do like the current sprue though, it's amazing for conversion work if nothing else.


I decided to work on the Possessed one at a time after putting the base colours on them.




So far so good. This guy should be completed by tonight. Slowly but surely getting these chaps done!

Eighth Possessed Marine complete!




Well, nearly. As always I need to finish the base. This isn't a "great" paint job. It's good enough, but the magic of these models has died a little bit since the Gal'Vorbak came along. Who'd have thought!


I may add a little more highlighting to the face tomorrow, but generally speaking I am just looking forward to moving on to something other than these guys!


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