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Tzen's Word Bearers WIP Blog!


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Work continues!




Hopefully have him finished by the end of today. Then I have Kranon to paint from the Dark Vengeance Chaos stuff. Not sure I want to tackle him just yet!

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Share pics when you finish painting them Shvagyer! :D


Final Chosen done!
I may eventually paint the second bolter Chosen, and I still have Kranon to do, but for now I may move on to something else.
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The light is really poor near me at the moment due to typical British weather. So apologies for the dark picture!






Fairly happy so far, have been painting this pretty quickly (for me!), so I am happy how it's turned out.

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Well, Kranon is finished!






I am pretty happy with this guy, it only took me a day and a bit to finish. It's nothing spectacular, but he's done! 


I can now focus on other things, stuff I will actually use in my army. 

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Cheers man!


And spacehulk is on hold sadly. I will eventually get back to them, but most of my time is taken up with work these days, so I only get to paint on my days off. :/

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