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Tzen's Word Bearers WIP Blog!


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Apparently I can't "like" stuff any more, but ta chaps! *like*.


I think going forward I will be painting my Word Bearers in this new dark red scheme. It may mean repainting some stuff in the future but I am not going to worry a great deal about that. Just "wing it".

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Apparently I can't "like" stuff any more, but ta chaps! *like*.


I think going forward I will be painting my Word Bearers in this new dark red scheme. It may mean repainting some stuff in the future but I am not going to worry a great deal about that. Just "wing it".



Everyone has a limited number of likes per day. Use them wisely. ;)



Great stuff as usual Tzen.

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Ta man! :D


Been working on some terminators to finish the 5 man squad off. 
They aren't finished, but I realised I hadn't shown an actual WIP pic in ages!
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Thanks Thrillhouse! :D


After finishing my Predator tank I decided to return to the two remaining terminators I had left from a box I semi built years ago.
I'm not sure how well this guy will fit with my current terminators as the paint job is much darker. However I still feel this darker shade of red is just more fitting for Word Bearers.
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Hoping to get him and a second one finished over the weekend, maybe even a cheeky game in too!


Think I will just keep going with this darker red scheme and if I feel like repainting the odd thing now and the I will. To be honest it doesn't worry me too much.


Very keen to do some more ultras and other projects started and finished. So much hobby, so little time :(

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I always feel a black background makes my Chaos minis look better, however here is a white background pic of my latest terminator.




I have one more of these guys to do then I might do something completely different for a change!.. of course I could just do more chaos! :D

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Haha! Will do! :D


I am hoping to get my army down to my local store tomorrow for armies on parade, so I will be takign a few pics of my army and several others. I haven't done a board or anything for it, so I am not expecting to take home a badge or anything, but it's always fun to take part! (And see other armies! :D)

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I can't believe I've never posted in your thread, Tzen. I love your work. I'll be honest, I didn't really like the bright color scheme, but your paintjobs are always incredibly clean. I really dig the new direction you're going in with the Predator and the Terminator - the dark red in combination with the orange highlights looks fantastic. It actually looks firey, which I think is incredibly appropriate for Word Bearers. Can't wait to see what you do with this in the future.

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The fifth terminator is under way!




Once this guy is done, it might be time to paint some Forge World Goodies!

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Final terminator finished!




I think I may have to paint some Horus Heresy stuff next, in celebration of the new game GW just announced! 

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