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Scars Episode XI Updated 16/10 (Spoilers)

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A&O are closer in power level to their sons, I doubt they'd be capable of throwing a Space Wolf a distance across anything. Also, it's a too flashy move for them...

I find this hard to believe. They're more in stature to their rank and file, but they're still Primarchs and thus vastly superior to any Astartes. I'd wager they're great CCers as well, mainly relying on feints and distraction, similar to fencing.

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Aye, can't imagine the weakest of the Primarchs wouldn't be able to fling Space Marines into the air. Why would the Emperor engineer such a disadvantage? It doesn't prevent the Primarch from disguising himself as an Astartes, that's just a matter of controlling one's strength.

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To be fair, A&O's power level is just speculation either way. I don't remember reading anything about them actually fighting anything anywhere in any of the books...

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Demons folks, I bet my bottom dollar on that. The Alpha Legion crossed the line, good chance is they are part of the Gribblies of Tzeentch.


Tzeentchian daemons aren't big on throwing.  Melting and lighting on fire, yes, but not really the throwing.  Rule of cool trumps all though.

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Well, in Serpent Beneath, Alpharius was the one talking to the Cabal representative and it was Omegon who flushed the same representative out the airlock after orchestrating the destruction of an installation that was just keeping the White Scars isolated in the Chondax system. The destruction of that said installation resulted in the Alpha Legion having to confront the White Scars, which is now being portrayed in Scars, if I have kept up with everything.



On a side note, the Alpha Legion joined up with the Cabal in order to destroy Chaos. So if Omegon is acting against the Cabal, is he loyal to the Emperor, or Chaos?

Which reminds me, do you have some sort of flow chart or something?



I picture you in a room with a computer and dry erase boards on each wall.  Arrows pointing this way and that detailing connections between events and Traitor/Loyal/Unknown statuses.

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Well, in Serpent Beneath, Alpharius was the one talking to the Cabal representative and it was Omegon who flushed the same representative out the airlock after orchestrating the destruction of an installation that was just keeping the White Scars isolated in the Chondax system. The destruction of that said installation resulted in the Alpha Legion having to confront the White Scars, which is now being portrayed in Scars, if I have kept up with everything.



On a side note, the Alpha Legion joined up with the Cabal in order to destroy Chaos. So if Omegon is acting against the Cabal, is he loyal to the Emperor, or Chaos?

Which reminds me, do you have some sort of flow chart or something?



I picture you in a room with a computer and dry erase boards on each wall.  Arrows pointing this way and that detailing connections between events and Traitor/Loyal/Unknown statuses.



Yeah some of us just have it ingrained in our psyche.

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Yeah, no flowchart. Just memory. I'm amazed at how much I retained over the past couple of weeks as I only just got my books back yesterday.


Don't worry little babies, Daddy will never leave you again. No he - *Ahem.

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How could you part with them :/


Even when I move they stay with me, I love my books and I'm thinking of fighting for their rights to be recognised.


Stuff equality for humans my Heresy Series needs to be recognizeeeed

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So, this weeks spoilers



Bjorn was confronted by a Contemptor, he had a good go at it but was close to being owned until Russ turned up and ripped it a new one. He then asks why Bjorn is on his ship, Bjorn explains but Russ then says, there's nothing the matter, he'd turned the shields off himself to try coax Alpharius to battle, he then commands him to accompany him to the ship.


The Stormseer is having a dream where the Khan is brought low by a voidless form, he then wakes recalling his previous conversation with Ahirman about there being faces int he warp Ahriman laughs it off, but the Stormseer remains discontent with it and knows he sees what he sees and it's not simply a dream. He heads to the bridge and the navigator says asks for them to drop out of warp, the stormseer says ok and then has a "sixth sense" type feeling and orders everyone to battle stations and to don armour.


Shiban is at the helm of his ship who has been ordered on perimeter duty and the alpha legion are literally shadow boxing with the White Scars, nothing much happens there's just a lot of frustration within the crew who are like horses about to race.


Russ is back on his bridge and is pissed off that Alpharius didn't face him, he eventually calms down and orders a retreat to a nebula, he finally remembers the Khan is nearby and orders everyone to focus their astropaths on chondax. After dismissing the command Bjorn reminds him he's there, the Primarch says "Much work to do," he said, his voice deep, almost mournful "Watch and learn, One-Hand. This is how a Primarch faces defeat"


Back to the Stormseer, they come out of war and are confronted by a ship baring the Sons of Horus livery, they are confused but then a vox comes over commanding them to declare themselves or be destroyed, the Scars are still confused then the ship opens fire, Stormseer is confused more so by the fact he senses equal apprehension and confusion on the enemy ship.


The ship opens fire and eventually the white scars void shields go down, the opposing ship teleports marines aboard, they see the stormseer and declare him a witch before opening fire on him, the stormseer does a crap load of tricks which knocks them down and incapacitates them all. He then advances on a guy with artificer armour and a thunder (yeah you know what's coming) The storm seer goes " Perhaps you explain colours of your armour" The marine at his feet is not a Son of Horus, it's green trimmed with bronze with sigils of fire. 


The marine says if he wishes to kill him then do it, he'll not plead, the stormseer responds "Have no intention of killing you, if eyes do not deceive you are Salamander. I know of no quarrel between your legion and mine" The Salamander has that suprised look on his face and goes "Are you serious?" There's some Iron Hands about to. They have a wee conversation on how if they really thought the scars were the enemy they wouldn't of hesitated etc, the salamander is Xa'ven, Captain of the Thirty Fourth Company. He asks whether the Scars no nothing of the Massacre, the Stormseer says they do not, please tell us everything.


Then it goes to the Khan he's on the bridge discussing tactics, his master of astropaths come to him and states she herself has clear orders from Dorn to return to Terra, stating they now have their orders he says they do not, (similar fashion to Russ haha) he says they do what they want, and how only now does the throneworld recognise it has 18 sons. He says something else is going on, he figures the Alpha Legion have deliberately just shadow boxed them because they wanted them to hear this order, they wanted to forestall the White Scars, they didn't want to fight the White Scars, so he decides sod to what they want and orders the attack just as they had discuss prior.


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I forget, is this before Nikaea, or are the Scars disobeying the Edict as well?



Not sure I understand the Alphas' intentions by boxing the Scars and them wanting Khan to hear Dorn's orders.


Also, interesting comment by Khârn on the 18 sons. Really independent spirit, that one. Does he feel neglected or something?


Anyhow, scratch another Visions fluff, the Scars stay and fight.


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I forget, is this before Nikaea, or are the Scars disobeying the Edict as well?



Not sure I understand the Alphas' intentions by boxing the Scars and them wanting Khan to hear Dorn's orders.


Also, interesting comment by Khârn on the 18 sons. Really independent spirit, that one. Does he feel neglected or something?


Anyhow, scratch another Visions fluff, the Scars stay and fight.



Its after Nikea, the White Scars regard to the Edict is quite dismissal, the most they did was to send them back to Chorgris, they still train etc though. Well the Alpha's intentions are still not clear, Khan himself came to the conclusion the Alphas wanted the White Scars to hear orders from Dorn, maybe Alphas opposing the White Scars at the moment are those lead by Alpharius who destroyed the Tenebrae installation so the White Scars could hear the orders.


Khan does come across as having a sense of neglect though in regards to the 18 sons comments and them being the masters of themselves. The idea the Khan was discussing with his commanders was to break through the Alphas as they'd noticed a weak point in their battle line, it required some fighting however, but I think the Khan is going ahead with it to push confrontation and find out what the Alphas true motives are for just sitting there.


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They're pretty much stopping the Khan from plowing through what's left of the Wolves and allowing him to figure out who are the traitors after all. Pretty nice guys...?


Funny that Russ foreshadows Horus' shield-down trick at the Siege of Terra. And is Leman's fight with the Contemptor cool?


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I forget, is this before Nikaea, or are the Scars disobeying the Edict as well?



Not sure I understand the Alphas' intentions by boxing the Scars and them wanting Khan to hear Dorn's orders.


Also, interesting comment by Khârn on the 18 sons. Really independent spirit, that one. Does he feel neglected or something?


Anyhow, scratch another Visions fluff, the Scars stay and fight.



Its after Nikea, the White Scars regard to the Edict is quite dismissal, the most they did was to send them back to Chorgris, they still train etc though. Well the Alpha's intentions are still not clear, Khan himself came to the conclusion the Alphas wanted the White Scars to hear orders from Dorn, maybe Alphas opposing the White Scars at the moment are those lead by Alpharius who destroyed the Tenebrae installation so the White Scars could hear the orders.


Khan does come across as having a sense of neglect though in regards to the 18 sons comments and them being the masters of themselves. The idea the Khan was discussing with his commanders was to break through the Alphas as they'd noticed a weak point in their battle line, it required some fighting however, but I think the Khan is going ahead with it to push confrontation and find out what the Alphas true motives are for just sitting there.




Oh, they just happened to notice a weak point in the Alpha's battle line?  Obvious trap is obvious?


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Sometimes a weak point is just a weak point. Just saying.


So wait, the White Scars are disobeying the Edict by keeping and training their Stormseers even though the Edict said no Librarians? Was there any reason given as to why? I admit, I just jumped and looked at the last posts.


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They're pretty much stopping the Khan from plowing through what's left of the Wolves and allowing him to figure out who are the traitors after all. Pretty nice guys...?


Funny that Russ foreshadows Horus' shield-down trick at the Siege of Terra. And is Leman's fight with the Contemptor cool?


Well as far as I can discern, the White Scars are still confused due to point 2 below and then point 8.


From previous communications they had been told the follow:


1.Russ and the Wolves had gone rogue

2.The White Scars were ordered to reinforce the Alpha Legion at Alaxxes, thus meaning the Alpha Legion are allied with the Warmaster so why are they sitting there without communication?

4.They were commanded to return to Terra

5.Ferrus Manus had killed the peacock Fulgrim

6.Mars was in Open revolt

7.Some of the messages showed time readings from months some days

8.The final message that leads to the Khan deciding to steamroll through the Alpha Legion states they are to ignore all other claims of fealty, in particular those of the Warmaster who has been declare traitor along with any Legion answering his summons and they are to make swiftest possible passage to the Throneworld.


His fight with the Contemptor is pretty quick, he rips the body out of the Contemptor and tells him he should of stayed dead lol



I forget, is this before Nikaea, or are the Scars disobeying the Edict as well?



Not sure I understand the Alphas' intentions by boxing the Scars and them wanting Khan to hear Dorn's orders.


Also, interesting comment by Khârn on the 18 sons. Really independent spirit, that one. Does he feel neglected or something?


Anyhow, scratch another Visions fluff, the Scars stay and fight.



Its after Nikea, the White Scars regard to the Edict is quite dismissal, the most they did was to send them back to Chorgris, they still train etc though. Well the Alpha's intentions are still not clear, Khan himself came to the conclusion the Alphas wanted the White Scars to hear orders from Dorn, maybe Alphas opposing the White Scars at the moment are those lead by Alpharius who destroyed the Tenebrae installation so the White Scars could hear the orders.


Khan does come across as having a sense of neglect though in regards to the 18 sons comments and them being the masters of themselves. The idea the Khan was discussing with his commanders was to break through the Alphas as they'd noticed a weak point in their battle line, it required some fighting however, but I think the Khan is going ahead with it to push confrontation and find out what the Alphas true motives are for just sitting there.




Oh, they just happened to notice a weak point in the Alpha's battle line?  Obvious trap is obvious?


Yeah kind of obvious, there's much more going on with those in front of the white scars, I think it has to be due to the schism between Alpharius and Omegon.

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@Kol: From what I've read in the Review from Founding Fields,



The Scars - a bit like the Wolves, curiously - treat their psykers with reverence and as more than just thundercannons. They are spiritual leaders, it seems, and also link their powers to nature - in this bit not like the wolves, but, if I remember the Seers' words in Thousand Sons, because they see the Warp as a natural element. They supposedly handle psyker powers very carefully, though




Actually, that final order doesn't seem to dismiss any previous doubts, especially when the traitors planted much more 'factual' lies...perhaps it's the Khan's intuition at work there


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