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So, Vow 2 ventures ahoy ! One mysterious chap, and his plasma spam brethren:




Still work to do, tidying up the converted backpack, and a more suitable decoration on the Chaos sword that everyone typically uses for Cypher. Settled on a 40mm base to add some 'decoration', but that shouldn't be a major issue, right ?





The Fallen, armed all around with plasma, although the defiant icon bearer is probably my fave. Going to mix up a few backpacks with Chaos bits too, and a smattering of various shoulderpads and trinkets.


Looking at ol' black/red scheme, with dirty brown robes I think - green was too vibrant, and the dirty grey of these guys - http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/309299-yo-lion-come-at-us-bro-fallen-angels/?do=findComment&comment=4086819 - doesn't work for me either, as good as they are. Any other suggestions ?


Anyhoo, here we go again.......

Excellent work, mate! The sword for the Cypher conversion is particularly excellent! I do have one minor nitpick, though: I think the head you chose for Cypher is possibly the most hokey looking one from the Deathwing Knights. I'd suggest either using one of the heads from your Plasma Brethren squad instead or shaving off the face within the cowl altogether..


In any case, keep up the amazing work! :)

Looking good so far OSS. Love the conversion on Cypher's sword. Might have to steal that!


I'd second KrautScientist's comment about the hood though... Not that is hokey necessarily, but I think there might be better ones. Check the hooded face on the Ravenwing upgrade sprue. In my opinion, it's the most sinister of the heads available.


Looking forward to seeing more.







Thanks, nice to see your Fallen pop up at the right time. They're great, but as I said in your thread, too clean-cut and Imperial looking for moi. Hell, I'm even trying out sponge weathering to really give mine the knackered look. Brave new worlds.......


@KS & Widow


Folk loved that head a while back !  Personally, I prefer the shady looking Dredd chin, very suitable, and as I can't paint faces it helps mask that deficiency. He's supposed to be suspicious after all, and who'd want a DW squad shouting "HIM ! WITH THE BEARD !"



I see what you mean about the shadiness, but it just seems like that particular head is overdoing it a bit: With the hood so far pulled down, how does he see anything at all? And for the record, I have never liked that head ;)


Like I said, maybe getting rid of the face altogether would be an option? It would make him even more mysterious. But then, it's your model, of course, so you get to call the shots.

  • 2 weeks later...



I've been somewhat lost for a while, procrastinating over how exactly I'd tie a scheme together for the Fallen.


Weekend off, cracked open the bourbon, and hammered into Cypher himself:






Does that work ? This has been far more of a dilemma than I originally planned, and I know he's not quite finished, requiring a few touch-ups, but I figured on some feedback before getting on with the others.


Yay or nay ? :unsure.:  Personally, I think I'm happy with him. Maybe.



Are you ever critical ? :wink:




No plans past the one squad, and possibly sold after a while. Just one of those projects everyone tackles now and then, and the motivation of the ETL ensuring I crack on.


Looks like I'll be busy for the next few days off........

Uuuuugh. It's sooooo hot. 20ºC might be appropriate for this time of year, but it's  just not Scottish ! Roll on winter !


Regardless, I've finished off my second ETL Vow, Cypher and some Fallen:




Champ and Fallen with IoV. Don't even begin on the typesetting - it's cloth, that's my excuse.




Plasma spam Fallen, with an effort to individualise them via details, but unified in scheme.




Tried using some ancient transfers, which didn't go well, so there's some cover-up sponge/weathering to really obscure them. And yes, I cheated and used a pen for the checkers.




Modified some of the backpacks using DA ones with CSM vanes. Again, trying to slightly obscure the DA icons.




The gang all together.


Quite happy after the agonising of a scheme, and certainly no mistaking them, though even Cypher would look fairly non-descript in the midst of a battle, I think.


Next ? KHORNE ! Time for my own offering to appease the Blood God for the ETL.  

Very cool OSS.


Love the checks on the shoulder pads. And the converted backpacks are awesome. I'm gonna be stealing that idea. I like the banner too - is it free hand? A transfer? Or a mix? Looks good regardless.


The only thing I don't love would be the robes... They are well painted, and I understand the color choice given your earlier posts, but... I dunno.. they just seem too... drab? Maybe? It's a personal thing though, so don't let it detract from my earlier comments.


Hopefully, despite what you said, you catch the Fallen bug, and we'll get to see lots more of these.





Cool, drab was what I was aiming for !


If you've an entire chapter dedicated to hunting you, you probably don't want to stand out, looking clapped out and staying in the shadows a necessity. Your sparkly pristine grey works in numbers, probably with a dab of pride amongst themselves, whereas I see mine as individuals, probably gunhands in hives and pirate/raider captains.......


As for the banner, it's a transfer DA icon, pen checks and freehand scribbles, pidgin Latin for "Fallen, but not forgotten".


Doubt we'll see more unfortunately, as I've the WE to finish. And the 2.5 companies of WS. And Deathwatch, OM Inq, Celestial Guard, PDF platoon, Space Hulk, BFG fleets.......etc. :biggrin.:

  • 2 weeks later...

Well, seeing as the downtime ate my post in the Chaos ETL thread, figured I'd update here......


Vow 3, and a whole lotta daemons, 24 Bloodletters led by a Herald and DP.


Here's the two pretty ones:




I wasn't sure about the scale of Bloodwrath, but mounted on a 60mm he seems fine, and in my army at least he's perfectly mid-placed between a WE and my Bloodthirster. Have the idea that he'd serve perfectly as a Chaos Boon DP, newly manifested and not  old enough to be huge.


The Herald is 'that' body from the Wrathmonger kit, and I've used the shoulder bits and a head from it on Bloodwrath. His bare staff is now an axe, after something else arrived in the mail......


[- Edited for broken link - ]


Ooooh, so much goodness in the AoS stuff. Scale is tricky, given that the cultists alone are as tall as a marine, with the warriors even taller. So, I'll scavenge and scrape the warriors for parts towards my Chosen, and the cultist torsos will be folded into my Berzerkers, probably the perfect fit for the ragtag, unarmoured look. 


The characters alone are glorious, with the perfect mini to lash my Flagellant slaves:




The standard bearer is easily cannibalised for the chest skulls, and his icon could easily be chopped up to provide a symbol and tusks for a Chaos Knight. As for the Lord, he'll crop up soon, as will the.....thing....into some sort of Hellbrute.


I've a thirst for blood once again.......

Phew, Herald done. 




Topped off his staff with an AoS axe, to make it more akin to a halberd, and liked the tied-up skulls as his personal trophies. If anyone can help me remember where that bit came from, I'd be very thankful !  :blush.:  Dark Vengeance something ?







Hopefully finish the DP tonight. Anything to avoid drybrushing the 'letters.....




And the DP ! 





Thanks, as always.




Ha, I quite like that ! Might put a few folk off using that Wrathmonger body now, but it's nowt compared to the lil' Gnoblars planned for my Defiler. The bracer off the Herald's arm is the perfect size for a top hat on one of them.....

  • 2 weeks later...
One squad of 'Letters to finish tomorrow/Tuesday, so no concerns here - bar Tinypic randomness with the broken plate picture that's appeared up there.....? Oh Tinypic.......at least it's not adult material this time (which I didn't even glimpse).

And so the eighth month begins, and more offerings for Khorne:




Yet another version of Jural under way, although I'm completely at a loss as to his loadout. I could go for yet another skull flail, but was also considering a Wrathmonger axe. Or a chainglaive. Or L.Claws.......


Suggestions ?


And a simple job for the slavemaster:




Shotgun provided by a DV Cultist champ, and fifteen Flagellants will round up to sixteen flesh-shields.


The other DV cultists ? They'll be heading for a different sort of [FORBIDDEN] Cult.....


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