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@ Jas.....tch.....Kurama


Cheers, still umming over squad markings. Think I'll carry that single zig pattern across, represent the flash of teleporting. Or something.


Cheeky quick update, having knuckled-down and set to gluing and starting paint, and with Superbowl Sunday I'll be otherwise occupied :




First squad, and if you notice the test beakie, that's the off-white I'm aiming for.




Second squad, standing ready. Fave has to be lightning claw fella lurking at the rear, and I tried to evoke a similar badassness to the BA mentioned in the SH missions, like the lone-wolf who gears up to settle the score.....




And trying a gold scheme for the 'Grail Knight', possibly too bright and needing tarnished up, but we'll get there.


Still the lil' clumps ofdetails to put in place, DW knives, purity seals, icons, and 'stealer skulls, but it's a start. A LOT of drybrushing tomorrow *sigh*.......

Thanks guys, really enjoy little projects like these, get the juices flowing. 


Out of action tomorrow, CAUSE IT'S SUPERBOWL TIME ! WOOOO ! There will be a hangover in addition to sleepiness.


ED:What a finale ! Great SB, mental final drive, and noticed 20k views.......time for something on the side.



White Scars I can do......


Deathwing ? You decide:





AmIdoineetright ? Great sleep until afternoon (poor Hawks), so with slightly shaky hands, I persevered. Looks alright for a first attempt, and I don't even have a pot of Ushanti...!



Averland Sunset base, heavy Reikland Flesh wash, then just lighter mixes of Averland and White in stages. Basically sit there with both pots judging by eye, very little science. 


It's my tried and tested recipe for skull/bone for the WE (similar in the past), and I wasn't sure if it'd transfer onto a large scale. Thank the Emprah it does.


@ demonclaw


Cheers. Nice bit of fun, just playing with metallics, and toil over the tabard colour which worked. Wanted to retain some link to the BA pieces of Space Hulk, and I thought a Sanguinary Guard gold would work.




As much as I felt sick when the Hawks beat my Pack, I would've liked to see them get the double.

Well, I'm hoping to crack on with at least one squad this week, but to celebrate passing 20k (thanks all !), I found my bag containing bits of someone who hasn't been viewed quite as often:




Rather apt at this time. :wink:  

Ta, Chaplain. Like everybody else who's attempted him, it was the decision between the bionic eye head and that one, which I only had after buying the Deathwing Command set for SH. It's nice when things work out like that.


Had the PA/robed Veteran box initially, and was going to use that until the Captain body surfaced in a bits box, the stance and cloak just perfect. Lots of work to 'corrupt' his backpack, convert the icon above his head and a sword, but I should be painting dammit.......

I really like that choice of head mate. Id had a similar idea but shaved down one of the standard DA hooded heids. I hope you don't mind me posting this. yours is posed infinitely better though. http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n235/Stovie_2006/01EFD4E8-35DE-4924-BD1D-624E6DBE2502.jpg

Love the golden Terminator corpse, same as all the other guys! I cannot help wondering whether those deck bases would look better if basecoated in brown, with silver scratches and nicks then added on top -- yeah, again with the bases: Sorry, mate! ;)


The Deathwing recipe looks very sound -- the helmet does seem a little rough, but nothing that a bit of cleanup wouldn't fix.


And a very nice Cypher kitbash there, mate!


@ Biohazard: My own Cypher uses almost exactly the same bitz as yours, and I would say you could do more with the pose of the arms, making the model a bit more dynamic -- that's just my two cents, though ;)

A wild day off suddenly appears !  Gotta make 'em all ! 


So I'd chattered previously about the Empire bits bag I bought, and the idea of Inquisition kitbashes stemming from it, but it wasn't working for the Henchmen whatsoever. As fate would have it, I finally found a Scion box for sale (and cheaply because the box was bashed) and things took an improved direction.


Still not entirely solved, but it's taken a week or two of mulling to get this far, and I'm liking it. So, let the pictures begin !




My Ordo Malleus Inquisitor, still nameless, but certainly the guy from my previous fluff in pursuit of Jural. The pipe just had to be used, and a typical mash-up pistol that may yet have an ammo belt. Obscured the Ultra symbols with the purity seals, and despite it being blu-tack messy, the raven's feet actually sit pretty nicely in two dips.


The head ? Hmmm, I like the age, and the cloth hood, but I've two others still whirling around:




Deathwing and a Chaos/Puritan mashup. The DW is a tad too Marine, but I like the eye/cabling, and the second screams Hereticus over Malleus. Thoughts ?


Next, a former Canoness or Preacher:




Straightforward enough, with a more brutal looking power-flail and a fleur-de-lys shield. Thinking experienced with daemon hunting, and mom to the gang.




My new Henchmen idea using the Scion bodies. Looking at a pair of Noble Duelists like this guy, and a trio of Crusaders, but they'll still require a lot of thinking, trying to fit WFB cloaks (Empire knights ?) to the shoulders, and shaving down some Chaos shields. I'll continue on them this afternoon.....




The Mystic/Navigator, in my most it will fit together fig yet. A WFB mounted wizard torso, some other arm/sleeve parts,  and some dodgy legs. Probably cover the waist with the tabard and an aquilla, and the runic bits off thon Tzeentch standard peeking in.


He's a nightmare, but a great use of what I had available. And he will work, by feth......




And the final trio, still in the early stages. An "I am Kroot" Kroot in the bag, with a Bloodthirster body to stand in for the kroot torso I don't have, a Squat tech to count as a Jokaero, the book-holding hand being the instruction manual for the hammer, and finally a proto-Eversor/Death Cult......thing, using a laurel-skull standard top as a head and DE bits. Lots of figuring out still to do.



So, busy morning, and happy to hear any thoughts, ideas or criticisms. A lot still to tweak and adjust, but the basic ideas are laid out at least.......


What's that ? The Scion arms ? Well......




Why should the Imperium get all the love ?  :thumbsup:

Whoa, those models for the Inquisitorial retinue are already looking excellent. One by one:


- I think Sicarius' somewhat dodgy proportions really work great for a human wearing power armour! Excellent call! What's that in his left hand, though? Any chance of a picture from a different angle? As for the head, I'd keep the one you have there now: It has an excellent, slightly medieval Knight Templar look, and is more fitting than the other two, in my opinion: The first one would put him right back into Astartes territory, as you pointed out. And the head would look pretty weird combined with that armour and cape, in my opinion.


- excellent weapon change on the canoness! The trinket dangling from the shield looks slightly off, though: I believe the angle of the chain might be the problem here.


- great pose on the pistoleer -- although I have to admit the head is too fantasy for my taste


- I agree the mystic will need more work, but it looks like he'll definitely be worth it, so hang in there! :)


- and finally, those Vraksian Enforcers are looking super cool with the scion arms.


Excellent work all around, mate! :)

INQ pics previous page <<<<<<<




His left hand, or the left hand ?  :wink.:


He's holding a tobacco pipe in the right, one of those bits that's just screaming to be used, sunk into a drilled hand. If you're referring to the gun, it's this:




As mentioned, I'm debating adding a Chaos HB belt on the underside, but it's a simple gatling pistol with an iron sight.




Don't mention the WS, or the DW.........     (in progess.......still.........eventually.......)  :pinch:


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