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Quotes that Struck you from the Heresy Series

Emperor's Furor

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I wish they'd stop focusing on the damn Primarchs so much. Some of the best stuff they've put out of the HH has been either without Primarchs, or only glimpses.


It's a :cuss ing galaxy at war, why in the hell are we only looking at the same 19 characters?!?

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I think you might be grossly oversimplifying there brother, especially in the case of Perturabo and Mortarion, who it increasingly seems got played by Horus Masterfully but were too stubborn to step back or admit a mistake. And the Alpha Legion are playing at least 3 sides in the conflict... tongue.png

That said I would like to see more Primarch perspectives. And a dead Sharrowkyn, hes godawful! though on that topic, characters like him who arent with their Primarchs are quite interesting, when they arent giant Mary sues anyhow!

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Lorgar - Found a pantheon of Gods in the Warp, then spent 40 years hatching a plan to overthrow the Emperor. Sadly, all we see is him finding out Gods exist, and then 40 years of character development and Machiavellian planning are glossed over in favor of Argel Tal and his weird relationship with a teenager and his daemon.

You forgot the part about worshiping Big E as a God and being chastised for it. What teenager are you talking about?
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I think you might be grossly oversimplifying there brother, especially in the case of Perturabo and Mortarion, who it increasingly seems got played by Horus Masterfully but were too stubborn to step back or admit a mistake. And the Alpha Legion are playing at least 3 sides in the conflict... tongue.png

That said I would like to see more Primarch perspectives. And a dead Sharrowkyn, hes godawful! though on that topic, characters like him who arent with their Primarchs are quite interesting, when they arent giant Mary sues anyhow!

What's your issue with Sharrowkyn he's amazing. It's not every marine who, in their first book, manage to head shot a Primarch and kill one of the more gifted swordsmen in M31. I think he was one of the only good things in an otherwise fairly dull book but do accept that's mostly cause I have very little interest in either the Iron Warriors or the Emperors Children. Personally, I think Sharrowkyn mananged to repair A LOT of the damage done to the Raven Guard by Deliverance Lost. What we need is more dead Alpha Legionaires. I agree we need to see more Mortarion though him and Typhon definitely need their own book. But I've got sort of side tracked here so another awesome quote.

'Now then,' Lotarra cleared her throat. 'Let's start killing.' (So much love for Lotarra)

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I agree, he was great in the short story but in Angel Exterminatus Sharrowkyn is too good at everything, hes possibly the best swordsman in the Legions, a master sniper,  a ninja, a master of fleet tactics and a master of guerilla warfare. Pretty much every scene involving the Loyalists in the whole book starts with them having an advantage thanks to him. He should have been several characters really, Have Wayland take the shot, put in a second Ravenguard to be a tactician or hell, break some stereotypes and have one of the Iron Hands be a but of a rogue ;)

Effectively he is amazing at everything he does and he has absolutely no weaknesses, hes not a character, hes a *bleep*.

And if you havent seen enough Dead Alphas, you havent been paying attention, they lost basically the whole cast of their last three appearances! :P

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I think you might be grossly oversimplifying there brother, especially in the case of Perturabo and Mortarion, who it increasingly seems got played by Horus Masterfully but were too stubborn to step back or admit a mistake. And the Alpha Legion are playing at least 3 sides in the conflict... :P

That said I would like to see more Primarch perspectives. And a dead Sharrowkyn, hes godawful! though on that topic, characters like him who arent with their Primarchs are quite interesting, when they arent giant Mary sues anyhow!

What's your issue with Sharrowkyn he's amazing. It's not every marine who, in their first book, manage to head shot a Primarch and kill one of the more gifted swordsmen in M31. I think he was one of the only good things in an otherwise fairly dull book but  do accept that's mostly cause I have very little interest in either the Iron Warriors or the Emperors Children. Personally, I think Sharrowkyn mananged to repair A LOT of the damage done to the Raven Guard by Deliverance Lost. What we need is more dead Alpha Legionaires. I agree we need to see more Mortarion though him and Typhon definitely need their own book. But I've got sort of side tracked here so another awesome quote.


'Now then,' Lotarra cleared her throat. 'Let's start killing.' (So much love for Lotarra)

I think that was Noserendas problem. Sharrowkyn is too good, especially about a guy we've never even heard of.


I think it could've been better to have sharrowkyn snipe fulgrim but then die to Lucius. There's this thing called the uncanny valley were if it seems to good to be true or perfect, it lacks soul and comes across as robotic or weird.


To have another who is a complete badass and has all these crazy things at his disposal makes him seem...eh...too good and unreal. Oh and another guy that McNeill uses to make Lucius his whipping boy.

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I am a die-hard Iron Warrior fan. I wanted to burn Angel Exterminatus for the crappy portrayal of Perturabo, the continued stupidity of Fulgrim, and the pointless storyline.


Sharrowkyn is just 30k Uriel Ventris. Unstoppable, unkillable, a special snowflake in a universe of super-humans. There are enough of those, at this point.


Angel Exterminatus was proof to me that the Primarchs need to be held at arms length. They should be awe or fear inspiring avatars of humanity, seen through the eyes of others. Getting into their head so much as we have been is utterly stripping away what made the Primarchs interesting.

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I agree, he was great in the short story but in Angel Exterminatus Sharrowkyn is too good at everything, hes possibly the best swordsman in the Legions, a master sniper, a ninja, a master of fleet tactics and a master of guerilla warfare. Pretty much every scene involving the Loyalists in the whole book starts with them having an advantage thanks to him. He should have been several characters really, Have Wayland take the shot, put in a second Ravenguard to be a tactician or hell, break some stereotypes and have one of the Iron Hands be a but of a rogue msn-wink.gif

Effectively he is amazing at everything he does and he has absolutely no weaknesses, hes not a character, hes a *bleep*.

And if you havent seen enough Dead Alphas, you havent been paying attention, they lost basically the whole cast of their last three appearances! tongue.png

Ok, point taken.

Oh I've seen plenty, brother, but not nearly enough.

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I think this quote has already appeared in this thread, but it's just so awesome. And Guilliman's reply... 


"'Listen to your blue-clad wretches yelling of courage and honour, courage and honour, courage and honour. Do you even know the meaning of those words? Courage is fighting the kingdom that enslaves you, no matter that their armies overshadow yours by ten thousand to one. You know nothing of courage. Honour is resisting a tyrant when all others suckle and grow fat on the hypocrisy he feeds them. You know nothing of honour.


‘You’re still a slave, Angron. Enslaved by your past, blind to the future. Too hateful to learn. Too spiteful to prosper.'"

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Doesn't Fulgrim tell the Emperor's Children that he needed Sharrowkyn to shoot him in the head so he could lure Perturabo in his nefarious scheme?


Which means that Mr. Oh-So-Awesome Ninja Raven Guard got suckered by the Primarch whose thought processes were "BOOBS COKE LOTSA NOISE HEROIN JACK DANIELS CUPCAKES i should sacrifice my brother and turn into a giant snake STROBE LIGHTS PIERCE MY BELLY BUTTON SNIFF GLUE MORE BOOBS!"

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Doesn't Fulgrim tell the Emperor's Children that he needed Sharrowkyn to shoot him in the head so he could lure Perturabo in his nefarious scheme?

Which means that Mr. Oh-So-Awesome Ninja Raven Guard got suckered by the Primarch whose thought processes were "BOOBS COKE LOTSA NOISE HEROIN JACK DANIELS CUPCAKES i should sacrifice my brother and turn into a giant snake STROBE LIGHTS PIERCE MY BELLY BUTTON SNIFF GLUE MORE BOOBS!"



I swear you've been tapping into the mind of my frat parties...hmm...Slaanesh worship all along you say...


We generally offer aural sacrifice to the Daemon Prince Skr'ill'ex.



Sharrowkyn is just a narc man

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This quote may have been featured already, but I just got in my copy of Scars today, so this is my first time reading it.


"You brothers - such a nest of rivalries. I warned him to make you sisters, that it would make things more civilized. He thought I was joking. I wasn't." - Malcador speaking to Dorn


Chris Wraight needs to write a book about Malcador.

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Haven't read the book, but that quote, however pithy, strikes me as ignorant of human nature. Men may have more testosterone and different social norms, driving us to such time-honored traditions as punching each other and swearing our eternal loyalty within the same four minutes, but women are not delicate angels made of pretty smells and softness who are immune to the various forms of ugliness that humans have proclivity for. No need to put it on a pedestal.

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Haven't read the book, but that quote, however pithy, strikes me as ignorant of human nature. Men may have more testosterone and different social norms, driving us to such time-honored traditions as punching each other and swearing our eternal loyalty within the same four minutes, but women are not delicate angels made of pretty smells and softness who are immune to the various forms of ugliness that humans have proclivity for. No need to put it on a pedestal.

I think this quote refers to women bringing balance to the force, like Anakin Skywalker. Not having the scales tiped one way ;)

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Haven't read the book, but that quote, however pithy, strikes me as ignorant of human nature. Men may have more testosterone and different social norms, driving us to such time-honored traditions as punching each other and swearing our eternal loyalty within the same four minutes, but women are not delicate angels made of pretty smells and softness who are immune to the various forms of ugliness that humans have proclivity for. No need to put it on a pedestal.

Ignorant of human nature, possibly. Ignorant of how societies old, present and fictional view women, not so much. I refer you to the Greeks, the fathers of Philosophy.

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Haven't read the book, but that quote, however pithy, strikes me as ignorant of human nature. Men may have more testosterone and different social norms, driving us to such time-honored traditions as punching each other and swearing our eternal loyalty within the same four minutes, but women are not delicate angels made of pretty smells and softness who are immune to the various forms of ugliness that humans have proclivity for. No need to put it on a pedestal.

Ignorant of human nature, possibly. Ignorant of how societies old, present and fictional view women, not so much. I refer you to the Greeks, the fathers of Philosophy.

They didn't even let women into their theatre or parties (rarely)!!!



Lol like Japanese culture as well, guys with higher voices and smooth faces played the roles of women :D



My god, can you imagine the hierarchy and alpha female stuff that would go on if the primarchs were girls? Lol a majority of women don't even like women as their boss.


That said, those women would be ruthless and patient in their conquest of the stars. Lol Horusa would tell the Emps to get off his lazy butt and take out the trash or else he has to go out and sleep with the vlka Fenryka on Fenris :P

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@Wolf_Pack: But Malcador seems to be implying he'd tip the scales all the way over to the other side (make them all sisters)... so exactly like Anakin bringing "balance" to the Force (not to compare all women to Sith, I fervently promise I am not so embittered). I see what you mean. ;)


@Kol_Saresk: I suppose the parallels between Great-Crusade Imperium culture and classical societies are not to be disregarded. Point taken, Malcador would likely have his view colored by that.


I'm not going to elaborate on in what ways female Primarchs might be different, as I think any posts thereof by just about anybody will likely put toes over the border of violating terms of posting here (though I think I could keep it in line, I won't wager my face against a meltagun). Furthermore archetypical heroine figures on Primarch scale would develop personality traits based on their home worlds and the culture therein, as well as the manner of their reunion and the conquests they would pursue, beyond the scope of predictability based on gender stereotypes or mere parallels with male Primarchs. It's a complex concept, and one I think Wraight didn't think through, or lacks experience and/or education in, based on such a quote. I suppose you might make an argument that the word 'civilized' means the theoretical female Primarchs would be great rivals but never throw punches at one another, but it still reads ignorant to me as a whole. Superhuman conquerors of the galaxy in stiff competition with one another will bring out the best and worst humanity has to offer, with their sins writ large across the stars as the canon Primarchs' were, regardless of the vaguely-X-or-Y-shape of their last gene-modified chromosome.


If that's too long a paragraph on the matter, suffice to say I still think it was either out-of-character for such a supposedly brilliant character as Malcador, or entirely in-character for such a brilliant character who has yet to reveal some deficiencies in his brilliance (haha, what a goofball, does he know any women?). Or he was trying to be cute, in the eyes of his target audience (predominately male, plays with toy soldiers on the weekends).


If that, too, is too long a paragraph, get a coloring book.


That said, alternate Great Crusade featuring the God-Empress and her mighty daughters, and the subsequent betrayal, the Isis Iconoclasm, that tore her Imperium in two just as it was about to reach its zenith... is intriguing, though I'd leave the exploration of such to more organically informed perspectives than mine (you know, to women). The God-Empress might or might not take on a form exactly like the Empress of Fantasia from the Neverending Story, but she's just as bloodthirsty and ruthless as our favorite golden-armored ancient-Anatolian.

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I think this quote refers to women bringing balance to the force, like Anakin Skywalker.


Murdering hundreds of children while moaning about how no one understands the torment you feel, the torment of being one of the most important and powerful beings in the galaxy with a gorgeous spouse?
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Sarah Cawkwell made a point somewhere in this sub forum (and if I am misquoting, feel free to call me out on it, pyroriffic) that changing their gender wouldn't have affected anything other than their gender. Because them being "male" doesn't impact anything about them. They are "it"s, who happen to share physical and genetic qualities of male humans. Female Primarchs would act the same, look the same and think the same.


But I for one am glad they did not have female Marines and Primarchs. Because you know what the internet would do with that.

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