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Ferrus Manus most redundant of Primarchs ?


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Just because Ferrus Manus and Lorgar are mainly plot-advancing primarchs doesn't mean they are not important.  Redundancy in the way we are describing it now seems to suggests needlessness, which is something I would not attribute to plot advancers, even if, in Manus's case, he was mainly the mirror that highlighted Fulgrim's fall.

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Lorgar is definitely critical to the Horus Heresy.  While Kor Phaeron may have been the one to turn Erebus and Erebus was the one to turn Horus, I feel like Horus was only against the Emperor and not for Chaos as of Davin.  Lorgar was the one helped Horus turn it into a war for Chaos ascendancy.

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He also penned the Lectitio Divinatus. A pretty important plot device seeing as it lasts 10,000 years and is a cornerstone of Imperial Faith.


And as Kol points out the Ruinstorm and ascension of Angron are no 'throw away' events.




....or something like that

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I've read before that Ferrus drowned Asirnoth in lava but I've never seen anything to explain how his arms weren't destroyed as well before the metal settled on them, anyone know if there has been an explanation?

Magic pixie dust and skulls; the same things that explain away everything else in the setting.

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I've read before that Ferrus drowned Asirnoth in lava but I've never seen anything to explain how his arms weren't destroyed as well before the metal settled on them, anyone know if there has been an explanation?

No, there really hasn't. The logical explanation is that Asirnoth was some sort of nanotechnology construct. So far, since the Necrons have been the only species to be shown using nanotech this sophisticated, it is strongly believed that Asirnoth was some sort of Necron Construct.


But the reality is that as far as I know and have heard, no one knows.

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How can people think Ferrus Manus is not a great fighter? He's suspected to be the strongest of all Primarchs, with the only competition being Vulkan.


I also seem to remember he beat Fulgrim in combat but was undone by that damn sword lending strength to Fulgrim.


And that's not to mention he contributed to the Great Crusade with exemplary honour that his brothers recognised. House and Guilliman both knew it.


The real question is; does every Primarch HAVE to be the best at something to fit a stereotype?

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House and Guilliman both knew it.

The real question is; does every Primarch HAVE to be the best at something to fit a stereotype?

Yes. It has to be Lupus. tongue.png

But actually, my personal opinion is no. As the Priamrchs are becoming more and more fleshed out, they are starting to overlap with each other in various ways. But that's normal. No two people are identical, but that doesn't mean they can't be similar.

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Everything he did one of his brothers could have doen just as well or better.

Tell that to II and XI.


They're never going to reveal it, because it's yet another plot device: a carrot to dangle in front of the fans. Your post doesn't make any sense.

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Everything he did one of his brothers could have doen just as well or better.

Tell that to II and XI.


They're never going to reveal it, because it's yet another plot device: a carrot to dangle in front of the fans. Your post doesn't make any sense.

I think his point was that even failure was done better by those two Legions' Primarchs as they were completely erased from all the records (except Legion numbering) rather than 'just' lose their head to their BFF.

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Not every Primarch has to be the best at anything. It doesn't make them any less that they were "just" a primarch, lol.


Honestly, there was Horus, who was the Emprah's favorite. And Guilliman that was the greatest general and strategist. And Magnus who held the greatest psychic potential. And Angron who had the greatest plot armor.


All of the other primarchs were just kinda "really good" at things. I'm not entirely sure that's a bad thing, lol

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Ferrus suffers from a lack of proper fleshing out. As well as the early times of 2D Primarchs aimed to tell a story, he was a plot pusher. A plot device, nothing more. Now we have a much more fleshed out background so he appears less fleshed out than any other Primarch because, well, he has not been. Even Dorn and Vulkan, and now the Khan, have more to them than merely stubborn loyalist, friendly smith and mongolian biker whereas Ferrus remains as angry machine making dude.


With a dedicated book to his Great Crusade years showing him in a positive light, he would not appear redundant as he does with the fact he was killed of very early in the series.

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As much as I'm a fan of the X legion I have agree with Kage.


Someone sometime along the way of fluffing the heresy of the Iron Hands someone wrote a line about Ferrus being killed by Fulgrim. And that one line doomed the writers of the novels to kill him off quick fast and in a hurry.

Well somebody  had to kill him. He didn't survive Istvaan, and never did in the fluff dating back as far as the fluff for Ferrus goes back.  This wasn't someone at TBL doing it. If anything, TBL has given the Iron Hands attention in the Heresy novels they never had before. They were slaughtered almost to a man in the "old days" fluff and took no part in the Heresy aside from that.


I don't really see how anyone could be surprised or upset about him dying so early in the story or feel like the Iron Hands/Ferrus are getting a raw deal. That's the way it has always been. You'd have to be close to 40 or older to have been playing longer than the Iron Hands had been a Legion, and if you have, then you were playing them before they even had a named primarch, lol.

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  • 5 months later...

Not trying to take this thread off topic or into the realm of "X is totally stronger than Y, bro," but does anyone else recall - and I'm showing my age here, as this was many years before the Horus Heresy novels - that it was outright stated in an old codex/White Dwarf that in terms of brute physical strength it was actually Magnus and Russ, not Vulkan and Ferrus, who were the largest and strongest of the Primarchs? Again, not trying to start an argument, just curious to see if anyone else who has a memory better than mine can confirm or deny this.

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Ferrus is awesome, and he does beat Fulgrim in their straight fight before the Daemon joined in, but still couldnt bring himself down to the traitors level.

Said awesomeness being slightly mitigated by the way he knocked himself out blowing up Fulgrim's sword in their FIRST fight in the same book. teehee.gif

Not to mention taking a hammer blow to the head somewhere along the way.

That's the only reason I can think of for Ferrus forgetting to tell Corax and Vulkan that Lorgar was a traitor. Seriously, Fulgrim tells him "Lorgar is with us" and Ferrus does nothing with that very important information. wallbash.gif

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Ferrus is awesome, and he does beat Fulgrim in their straight fight before the Daemon joined in, but still couldnt bring himself down to the traitors level.

Said awesomeness being slightly mitigated by the way he knocked himself out blowing up Fulgrim's sword in their FIRST fight in the same book. teehee.gif

Not to mention taking a hammer blow to the head somewhere along the way.

That's the only reason I can think of for Ferrus forgetting to tell Corax and Vulkan that Lorgar was a traitor. Seriously, Fulgrim tells him "Lorgar is with us" and Ferrus does nothing with that very important information. wallbash.gif

To be honest, this was probably just editorial oversight in Fulgrim, as in - they forgot he was mentioned.

Then again, to Ferrus, this is a guy who has just tried to kill him, destroy his fleet and has betrayed everything he used to stand for - so he might not exactly seem trustworthy. Plus, Ferrus thinks Lorgar is a pretty pathetic weakling - if worst comes to worst, the Word Bearers and their Primarch ain't gonna do sh*t against 6 Legons.

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