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Book 2: Massacre - any more info?


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The Night Raptors are the elite jump infantry of the first company. The terror squads are relatively new addition with Massacre in that they were mentioned before but it was never stated what they did. Now it appears that they would be sent ahead of the main force to sow terror (funny that isn't it) and confusion among the enemy 

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Is it just me, or do the Night Haunter and Lorgar seem rather killable by primarch standards?  That new super-autocannon tank seems like it'd be able to put a serious dent into either of them.


I know that primarchs aren't all the same and some are strounger/tougher, whatever, but those two are the only ones so far that I look at and not think that they could be dropped with reasonable effort.  Other primarchs trigger the 'we're going to need a bigger gun' response in me.

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I'm not sure. Lorgar is pretty much how I expected him to be given that this is him prior to embracing his role as the archpriest of chaos and he admits that out of his 18 brothers he doesn't want to be a warlord but ended up as one since his father needed him for that purpose.


Curze is a bit more tricky but I can kinda see the angle they've gone for in that he's a killer. Plain and simple and whilst he might be fantastic at dishing out the pain and death, taking it he's not so amazing. Plus it's more in line with his character that he wouldn't take on anyone who had a fair chance of beating him so it's true to the fluff at least. Some of the other Primarchs are clearly warriors (Horus/Mortarion/Vulkan) and are reflected that way

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Is it just me, or do the Night Haunter and Lorgar seem rather killable by primarch standards?  That new super-autocannon tank seems like it'd be able to put a serious dent into either of them.


I know that primarchs aren't all the same and some are strounger/tougher, whatever, but those two are the only ones so far that I look at and not think that they could be dropped with reasonable effort.  Other primarchs trigger the 'we're going to need a bigger gun' response in me.


Speaking in fluff terms, a tank cannon (from Predator to Typhon to 'Blades and 'Swords) does hurt a Primarch. Betrayal states that a Predator plasma shot from the loyalists injured Mortarion with some seriousness.

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I think if you add them up with their respective styles of Legion it makes sense, after all Curze was (partly by his own suicidal sense of self-righteous dignity) slain by a mere abhuman assassin, Ferrus slain in the most ironic twist by his BFF with the sword that HE made and ofcs Lorgar who started out spreading words he was told off for saying and then becoming the exact thing he started out detesting haha so they're extreme and outsized representations of humanity - on topic, I'd say that they're all pretty durable especially when you think how hard it is to kill things with T6-8 2+/4++ or 2+/3++ :)
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It was deleted because it was too extensive in the rules department and then someone asked for points and then another person said "get the torrents". So basically the thread hit its three strikes and was shot, drawn, quartered and hanged.


The basic idea is scattered all over the HH thread. I suggest the search function.

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Any one see color plates for the WE Red Butchers? I need to know if I need to practice different colors if they are different than the blue of white.


Hey chap, I'm afraid not. There aren't many colour plates for the original 4 Legions, they show a terminator from each Legion and some of their tanks and that's all. When the minis go up on the FW site, I'm sure there will be some examples of them painted up. Probably blue and white and red all over :-D

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