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Book 2: Massacre - any more info?


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Maybe you Iron Hands guys will get lucky and see Morlocks in Extermination? Not sure if the prior Legions will still be getting units in the third book...

According to hearsay of what Forgeworld has said(I say hearsay because I personally cannot give a firsthand account), each book will continue to add onto the last. Theoretically, we might even see the first Twelve Legions introduced getting "new" units in Inferno, Calth and Signus. Of course, as the Heresy goes on, I'm sure some of these units will be creations of changing traditions. Like the eventual "true" Plague Marines, and not just the precursors we see here.
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if i may ask, what new units are in massacre for the legion army list in betrayal, that are non-legion specific?


ie, is the scorpius and land speeders with missile launchers/lascannons in? sicarans? anything else non-legion specific?

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No Morlocks, as such - possibly "not Morlocks" though in the form of Gorgon Terminators. They're pretty cool. I think they're scoring. They have Feel No Pain (5+) which is actually kinda annoying, cause it makes Manus' buff not work out as nicely as it might do (he gives everyone Feel No Pain (6+) unless they already have it, in which case, tough luck...). But they have the standard terminator options and armour as well as a weird rule where if they pass a save, roll a D6 and if it's a 4+, models within 6 inches take a blind test (including friendlies who get a reroll at least). Combining the rules though, you have a unit with 2+/5++, FNP, and a -1S to shooting attacks against them.


Funnily enough that kind of makes Grave Wardens with the Toxin weapons a decentish counter to Iron Hands armies - you take away my strength on guns, eh? Good luck with that... But I suppose that applies to anything with Poison etc.


Manus himself is quite hench as you might expect, think he'll likely come out on top in a lot of Primarch encounters. There's a full rundown of him on Natfka and other places, so probably not worth too much detail...


Sicaran is cool. I'm sure I'm not allowed to go into details, but it's close enough to a Legion Tatical in value. The gun comes with a good amount of firepower- Str 7, AP4, Rending, 6 shots, no Jink saves...It's a Heavy Support, but is a Fast Tank. Can have Lascannons or additional Heavy Bolters if you want it to.


I recall someone claiming they heard Alan Bligh say  "not all Gorgons are Morlocks, but all Morlocks are Gorgons". So, in essence, the Morlocks were the elite bodyguard to Manus that he drew from within the Gorgon Terminators.


Are sources still claiming the Gorgons are T5?


No, they are confirmed as T4.

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What do you think about Gal Vorbak?

WS5 BS4 S5 T5 W2 (Martyr W3) I5 A2 (Martyr A3) Ld8 (Martyr Ld9) Sv 3+

Deamon, Stubborn, Bulky, Rage, Rending (for all CCW weapons, Yes, ALL), Deep Strike.

9 gays with 2 power swords and Martyr with Artificer Armour and Pair Lighting Claws - 400 pts! This is great!

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Ouch! Gal Vorbak are beasts :/


It's a shame that despite being inclined to 'enhance' themselves more the Iron Hands seem to be getting the short end where 'elite' units are concerned.. Others have 2 wound or high T units with other abilities.


I just hope the Immortals are like their namesake - info please?

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Yep. 16 years before Ullanor, 22 before the Massacre...Interesting, I honestly believed it was after Ullanor.


Also not too sure what the Immortals have to make them special compared to a siege squad...FNP? Will let you know when I'm back with my book, if nobody else does.

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Yep. 16 years before Ullanor, 22 before the Massacre...Interesting, I honestly believed it was after Ullanor.


Also not too sure what the Immortals have to make them special compared to a siege squad...FNP? Will let you know when I'm back with my book, if nobody else does.


FNP 6+, and the Gun Them Down special rule:



Gun Them Down

Rather than making a Sweeping Advance as normal after a victorious assault, by passing a Leadership test the squad may instead make Snap Shot shooting attacks (with all its usual provisions) against a single squad falling back away from them in combat. This is done before any falling back models are moved, and casualties are selected just as in assault. If the unit fails its Leadership test, no snap shots are taken and the unit may not make a Sweeping Advance.



Also, if the squad numbers 10 models they can take a LR Proteus, if they number 20 or less they can take a Spartan.

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That far in advance of Ullanor? That puts an interesting spin on the fact that the Chief Librarian was at Nikea yet half of the Imperium had no idea where the rest of the Legion was?


As an aside, how the hell have people gotten theirs so early? Is this a case of America/Rest of the World getting a leg up since FWUK can keep a tighter reign on domestic postage I wonder

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That far in advance of Ullanor? That puts an interesting spin on the fact that the Chief Librarian was at Nikea yet half of the Imperium had no idea where the rest of the Legion was?


As an aside, how the hell have people gotten theirs so early? Is this a case of America/Rest of the World getting a leg up since FWUK can keep a tighter reign on domestic postage I wonder

Well, its possible the US postal services are taking it laxidazy.


EDIT: Is there anything more on Asirnoth? Anything to add to the speulation on whether he is a Necron construct, an actual C'Tan or even a relic of the Dark Age of Technology similar to the Men of Iron?


Also, what is new about Medusa?

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Afaik Morlocks are indeed one of the many 'big bad' predators on Medusa hence the name choice for the Elite warriors.


@Balthamal - idk either as on the FWUK site it's got preorder date as 18th, the only reason I held off on ordering :/ so to know I could have it already is frustrating to say the least.

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