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Book 2: Massacre - any more info?


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I always took it that Khârn ha some weird predilection for regeneration. He did survive being impaled by a Land Raider after all.


Correction: Khârn impaled the Land Raider





just kidding after all :P

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Doesn't say anything about why he wore red gauntlets, doesn't even mention him in the Night Lords article untll you get to the legion army list at the back of the book and the small amount of lore that comes with him basically says he was considered one of the most dangerous marines up their with the likes of Abaddon, Radaron, Corswain and Eidolon.


There's a bit of fluff that peaks my interest, there's a Word Bearers contemptor dreadnought shown and it states it was found on the fringe locked in a death embrace with a Salamanders dreadnought called the Dragon of Sarapis. I swear I've heard that name before but I can't place my finger on it, any thoughts?

I just found out where I'd seen the name before, further on in the book near the new units part there's a page with a Salamanders Contemptor on it with two multi meltas, it states he gave his life making sure a Raven Guard drop ship was able to escape. He was an ancient, and was even honoured by Vulkan himself. On his right knee pad he even bore the saturnyne ram, the legion emblem prior to Vulkan turning up.

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Did the Night Lords have any Legion name before Curze found them? I.e Dusk Raiders or War Hounds? Anything else on them before Curze found them that has not been mentioned?

Betrayal, Page 120-121


It is a curiosity of note that of the eight Space Marine Legions who were to turn on their brothers, four of them once held to identities, traditions and names other than those they claimed when they put their blades in the service of the traitor Horus..... the War Hounds, the Imperial Heralds, the Dusk Raiders and lastly and most infamously the Luna Wolves

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Hm, so they pretty much closed the lid on any former names of the other Legions, like the Emperor's Children (already confirmed as their pre-Primarch nickname made official by the Emperor upon Fulgrim's discovery), the Night Lords, Iron Warriors and Alpha Legion. That's a bit odd, considering their later statement about how that should have been a sign. Since we're seeing more and more of the Loyalist Legions with name changes, it makes less sense to say that it was a sign of later betrayal. Unless they don't count unofficial nicknames, like the Emperor's Children were, and the Storm Walkers and Fearless sound like they are.

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I believe WoT said that the Salamanders were just called the Fearless by the Imperial Army and that Storm Walkers was also a nickname for the X Legion being able to weather virtually any attack thrown against them. My thought pattern is basically that the Legions wound up with one moniker or another, it's just that so far, only four have had their monikers planted on paper as an official name.
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I believe WoT said that the Salamanders were just called the Fearless by the Imperial Army and that Storm Walkers was also a nickname for the X Legion being able to weather virtually any attack thrown against them. My thought pattern is basically that the Legions wound up with one moniker or another, it's just that so far, only four have had their monikers planted on paper as an official name.



So the Warhounds' sobriquet was: "AAAAGGGH RUNFORYERLIVES!!!" ???



because it was what everyone who met them said? :P

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Probably indicating Sigsimund is a tier above...Or, one of the writers had a very serious derp moment.



Probably just means the list isn't exhaustive...if it's "among the likes of A, B, and C", that means A, B, and C are just examples of a larger group

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It could also mean that since we are actively aware of Sigismund's status as a top-notch fighter, Forgeworld didn't see the need to include him unlike Corswain whose opinion of his abilitie is a humble one or Abaddon and Eidolon who we normally don't think of as top-notch fighters despite both having risen to their positions through ability in combat and leadership.
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Have you got to Iron Hands history, WoT? I'm wondering how the integration of Terran Marines, prisoners from Albia and the warlike clans of Medusa went? Probably smoothly, with Ferrus being in charge, but he made it a point not to erase his men's violent instincts.

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Not atm everything is up in the air since I've just cleared out my room so it can be plastered, but I'll get around to reading the history for them later. However from what I briefly read it seems they molded well. He also had to draw tithes from planets he took brought to compliance due to Medusa not having a vast population.

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I'm surprised nobody here posts that the legion and Primarchs rules were given (without prices ofc) on Faeit 212. You can find it here : http://natfka.blogspot.fr/2013/10/the-rules-for-primarchs-and-their.html

If it's off chart or something, tell me.

Anyway, I must say that the Salamanders Legion appeals a lot to me. That Dreadnought HQ... I must resist to begin one ! dry.png

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I saw the Primarch rules posted, but since there'd been such a wealth of very specific rules posted here in a short amount of time, I thought it'd be hypocrite to post them here so close to that.


Not calling you a hypocrite, One-eye, please don't take it that way. It was all about timing.

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