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Alright guys so it seems that quite a bit of the heresy enthusiasm has quickly died at my FLGS. So at the time being I'm stuck fighting 40k armies at 40k points levels with some heresy thrown in. Fortunately for me there is a small group of people who run: armored breakthrough or poded legion space wolves, there's also a mechanicum guy with lots of the big robots, castellax I think their called, an iron hands player, and questoris knights. Unfortunately they all run around 1850-2000 points do to time constraints at the club. I'm going Terror assualt


So with that said I'm trying to figure out supporting elements of my army. So since I'm at such a small playing level I'm thinking that a leviathan might be a bit too expensive. I have to deal with a lot of MCs, FMCS, AV 13, decent amount of flyers, transport spamand 2 plus saves.


For heavy support how do people find sicarians for Terror assualt? Seems like the balanced option however it's the only vehicle I have so it has a high chance of being slagged quickly. Otherwise I'm thinking maybe a deredo or medusa.


Any idea for support? I'm thinking of going quad mortars and then maybe a cortus as well.

Edited by ThatOneMarshal

Good ideas all around! I'm liking the idea of running the Mortis contemptors for support, also skelter got me thinking about buying some javelins. Besides the cost they don't seem like a half bad idea. I get a nice alpha strike before they inventively due to the heavy firepower of 30k.anyoen else tried them out in their armies?


Has anyone tried out malcadors for their Terror assualt? You can take 3 of them so you bypass the one heavy support slot and they can all deal and take quite a bit of damage.

Edited by ThatOneMarshal

The Jav speeders are pretty spectacular. I have a squad of three for my World Eaters. I think I'm the sole person to prefer las cannons to missiles though.


The legion Malcs are a little lacking compared to the Solar and Militia variants, but they aren't bad.


A unit of three is going to take the majority of your points though. It's not a terrible idea, but you'd essentially be building a list entirely around it.

  On 11/8/2016 at 3:13 AM, Flint13 said:

The legion Malcs are a little lacking compared to the Solar and Militia variants, but they aren't bad.


A unit of three is going to take the majority of your points though. It's not a terrible idea, but you'd essentially be building a list entirely around it.

I'm confused. Why are they lacking compared to the SA and IM ones?

They don't lack siege armour, as they naturally have AV14 to the front. This doesn't cost them much, as Fast means nothing to a Super-heavy. And the Legion one has Battle Speed, while the others do not. The lack of SA Tank Commander is not a deal breaker, as you get BS4 anyway.


But they would cost a lot of points! And "Terror Assault" is already points-heavy.

Huh, I'm not sure then if it's any different from the other versions.


You're getting quite a bit out of B it for its points cost I suppose. Battlecannon, pintle multimelta, demolisher, and sponson autocannons. Not bad offensive wise, gives us the heavy firepower, a generalist.


I don't think I would take it over a leviathan or knight though.

Edited by ThatOneMarshal

Losing a decent Thunderblitz is a huge blow. A -2 on that roll means that literally half the time it's just a normal ram. Thunderblitz is a big part of what makes the Malc work well.


It would be like paying for a Baneblade that just didn't get a demo cannon for some reason.

If you're just using it as a bunker with cannons, there are much better things to use than a 300pt Malc.


It's much better than a small chance. 2-5 on the Thunderblitz table essentially gives your ram armorbane. For an AV14 superheavy tank that can move 12" and still fire at full efficiency. Not much else can hit vehicles with a Str10+2d6, much less automatically and outside of the shooting phase. That's not even looking at the roll of 6 on the table.

I am trying to figure out my legion and list for Adpeticon and I am leaning towards NL or WE.  Thinking NL because it is more rare at adepticon.  This is for the 2500 point friendly tournament and overall fun games.



Centurion - Bike, PF, boarding shield



3 x Apoth

1 bike, chainglaive

2 x chainglaive



Terror squad - 9 + huntsman - all volkite , PF / Pod

Terror squad x2 - 8 man +huntsman - all volkite, PF / Pod



9 outriders, PF, 3 PW




Levi dread, grav flux, siege claw, phosphux, pod



Kurze - Terror assault.


11 man bikes and Kurze joins.  The cent will end up tanking.  Assume jinks for 2+ cover saves and FNP with the chaplain.  Biggest fear is a typhon.  Hopefully it is dead turn 2. 



The third troop is 2x8 Terror squad with huntsman in a pod.


The melta is only strength 9.  Any typhon worth it worth will have AC and you are going to pen on a 6.  I would rather strip 2-4 hull points off with the grav and charge with the siege. 

You are going to strip zero hull points from a Typhon with a grav bombard because your average AP roll is 9-10 and you get one shot.




Mathmatically, you have an approximate 9.5% chance of inflicting a penetrating hit on AV14 with 3d6, or around 16% chance of doing a single hull point.


Meanwhile, even with armored ceramite, you have a 16% chance per shot of a penetrating hit with a melta lance and you get three of them. Then it's AP1.

Edited by Flint13

For some reason I thought the Grav Flux had haywire as well.  With torsion crusher you do two hull points for every one hull point inflicted.   You have about a 26% chance per shot of inflicting a hull point worth of damage with the melta lance.  The siege drill is what you hope you will hit it with.  I will try the melta lance.  It has the better shooting against non AC vehicles. 



What are the thoughts of Kruze leading bikes?

Sadly it does not have haywire :(


It's pretty great at exing rapier batteries, but not so much with vehicles.


Kurze with bikes is pretty interesting. I've seen him with assault marines or Raptors tons of times, and I'm trying to think of how bikes are superior. They can jink for a crazy cover save with Kurze and they'll give a better majority toughness.


Do those perks outweigh the significant increase in cost?

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