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[HH1.0] Night Lords Tactics


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We all know that choom is cool and the above reasons and peer pressure and more than enough reason to take it but maybe we should take a look from a budget NL perspective (let's say 2k points per side games or in the region thereof). Playing terror is an expensive business and the loss of 2 heavy slots means we have to find an alternative method of dealing with things.

For arguments sake, let's assume we've taken 3 full sized units (though I know some of us do 2 full and one minimum)

So in that if we don't take volkite I believe that saving is 150 points, so what can we do with those points?

Well that's got us nicely covered for some anti air in 3 hyperios tarantulas.

It could also secure 2 thudd guns with change for upgrades elsewhere, 2 (?) Basic predator battle tanks or one upgraded one with plasma. 3 attack bikes with autocannon also are covered by these points.

So these are all fulfilling rolls that a terror squad can't do by itself, if there are any more things on the list the frater wish to add then go for it. Also open to the pro vs. Con of taking some of the above in exchange for volkite (for you lovers of math hammer ;))

Edited by helterskelter
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Well sure if we're talking a low points game like >2000 I understand that, it's an opportunity cost that could be spent elsewhere.


Just off the top of my head, if I could find the points for a praevien 150 could pay for almost 2 castellax or a bunch of vorac, it's most of a contemptor, or help even a small marine squad.


I can't see myself ever running terror assault in less than 2000 pts, and couldn't fit it in any way I wanted in ZM. Volkite would be really useful against list which would be mostly marines at those points, but my favourite flavour of it (DP terror squads in terror assault) is 320 points a pop.


So I can only really start that discussion if we set a hypothetical points limit.

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2k or less, Terror Assault for me is the 2 full sized volkite terror squads and a minimum armed for melee, all in drop pods, Sevatar, a Contemptor, a Lightning and maybe a Sicarian. The rest I fill with min sized vet squads in drop pods. Annoys me that I cant have support squads in drop pods in this list. Which is why I normally run Orbital assault instead and make my two terror squads into full sized support with volkite squads.

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2k or less, Terror Assault for me is the 2 full sized volkite terror squads and a minimum armed for melee, all in drop pods, Sevatar, a Contemptor, a Lightning and maybe a Sicarian. The rest I fill with min sized vet squads in drop pods. Annoys me that I cant have support squads in drop pods in this list. Which is why I normally run Orbital assault instead and make my two terror squads into full sized support with volkite squads.




How do you normally run your Lightning?


Points heavy with Battle servitor + ground tracking?


I was considering going for the above to do some alpha strike damage to Spartans before the plane gets taken down.


Dislike Spartans, so difficult to take out.

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You can't alpha strike spartans when spartans are already in your lines turn 2 though. Lightning Primaris with Kraken Penetrators are super heavy hunters, able to do around 6HP damage per turn, not Spartan hunters.


Sure, you can kill it after, but if a Spartan has already within 18" (i.e, charge distance) of you, you've failed in your "need" to take it down IMHO

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Has anyone questioned why the terror squad marines all have base 2 attacks, but our more veteran 'assualty guys' night raptors just have 1? Just a little thing which seemed slightly out of place.


Also, tactics question. Who do you usually run Sevatar with, if you take him? Terror squad? Command squad? Vets? I've recently taken to using him and a command squad in zone mortalis, with mixed results. Was wondering if any of you had a better bodyguard idea.

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You can't run Sevetar with Terror marines unfortunately because of their infiltrate.


Saturday I have two 30k games scheduled with my Night Lords, I'm eschewing the popular Raptor blob with curze for a ton of termis in a spartan with terminator chaplain and sevetar. Should crush most combat units while being supported by some terror marines. I'm going against Eaters and Sons of Horus so combat is almost guaranteed, and I don't think there's any grav cannons. 

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Why would they do that? That's the stupidest 7th edition change I've ever seen.


Just Drop Pod them and Sevatar can join them. Or can he? Indeed, can the Terror Squad even go in their Drop Pod when they have to Infiltrate? Both the Drop Pod and Infiltrate rulea specify they must do one or the other. Pure stupidity.

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I usually stick Sev in a drop pod with a terror squad or in a support squad drop pod that isn't 10 man. I use him because I like the character, I don't really build my army around him.


As for the Lightning, I go kraken missiles, and 2 twin linked autocannon. I mainly use it for anti-air.

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Don't worry guys, we're totally getting an Atramentar unit that is going to sync with Sevatar perfectly.




*wakes up from dream*

or maybe...


picked this up from the weekender a while back, from Andy Hoare. Don't now if they'll sync with Sevvy, but apparently they might be around at some point. (and on that day my army will increase by many terminators)


"- Atramentar rules are in concept"

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Might as well deploy them next to each other then. No one said you have to make the most out of infiltrate :p

That's when the RG have a field day with a 3+ Save Character that they PE against. The main benefit of infiltrate is being able to get line of sight to a target. Getting close, might as well take a vehicle and assault, because otherwise you are over extending; AL, RG and Morturg are sweet because you can make a very powerful thrust with multiple units.


With Sev, you get Acute Senses; the only models I know of with Outflank and no acute senses are Bikers and Terror Squads.


Terror Squads have Drop Pods and Bikers a 12" Scout. Not entirely sure why you'd want to Acute Sense them. But you also have a squad of 3+ saves, CC capable, volkite equipped Fear causing Preferred Enemy models in the open or hidden behind terrain and not getting into assault.


The 2+ save with Sev doesn't really matter. He is i6/7 so hitting before many primarchs, (only charging Corax, Angron and Fulgrim are quicker, while it takes a Challenge from an EC Praetor/eidolon to match), and has WS7; hitting on a 3+ with reroll, wounding on a 2+ with a reroll (assuming outnumber, or rad nade), Rending, and Instant Deathing. Preferred Enemy has little benefit with his Precognition Power triggering, so run him with a Furious Charge Veteran Squad in a Dreadclaw/Pod (if cheap) or AC Phobos.


Dreadclaw gives you a near definite turn 2 charge, which if you can combine with a Forge Lord, JP and Rad Nades with an Assault/Night Raptor squad or a Destroyer squad with JP lets you not only get a S6 charge against T3, but proceed to shield Sev against a charge.


There is a local mid tier player who is battering people with a list that doesn't look as strong because he has an Assault Squad with Combat Shields and a Breacher Shield FL standing in front of incoming shots and just rolling up a flank with Sevatar and Veterans counter charging. Other flank has Terror Squads supported by another Dreadnought while the Deredeo holds the middle and a trio of various fliers just rain hell.

Edited by Hesh Kadesh
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