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[HH1.0] Night Lords Tactics


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The interesting part is 8 bikes plus sarg with a PF and 3 PW in the squad is 330 points.  10 Raptors with arty sarge with a chainglaive plus two PW and two chainglaives is 310. 


Better toughness both have HoW better save with jink worse weapon skill but the same number of attacks.  One less model is just 20 more points.  They are honestly about the same cost.

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The interesting part is 8 bikes plus sarg with a PF and 3 PW in the squad is 330 points.  10 Raptors with arty sarge with a chainglaive plus two PW and two chainglaives is 310. 


Better toughness both have HoW better save with jink worse weapon skill but the same number of attacks.  One less model is just 20 more points.  They are honestly about the same cost.


About the same cost, but you'll kill more with raptors hitting on 2s, wounding on 3s and potential bonus attacks

Edited by SkimaskMohawk
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Brothers, how does Terror Assault perform using Rhino's instead of Drop Pods?

It doesn't, as Terror Squads don't have them as a Dedicated Transport option.


The funniest thing about this is that in Orbital Assault they can't take Drop Pods either, but I see it all the time in lists.

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Anyone thought about some of the assault marine ROW's for NL?


Was looking at something with a chaplain and a delagatus. 3x 15 man assault squads. 2 levi's in pods. 3rd pod is a deadclaw with terminator love


I really want to make bulk assault marines good.

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Drop Assault Vanguard with NL rules is a better Day of Revelations.


Not exactly. You are a lot more restricted with DAV than DoR.


Beyond the single fast attack  with flyer/ deep strike and compulsory assault squads and jump pack HQ in DoR - you can take anything else you want.


DAV can only take Deep striking units or those transported in flyers, so no heavy firepower tanks etc.

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After rewatching Band Of Brothers I've been trying to figure out a way to do a paratrooper esque army and the drop assualt doesn't sound that bad.


Your going to definitely need some way to do reserve manipulation for an army like this. Maybe a master of signals with a veterans squad or something?


For heavy firepower we have leviathans, Fire Raptors, lightnings, contemptors, javelins, and jetbikes.

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I think any of the assault marine RoWs are solid for NLs but DAV seems to work better for NLs. 3 units of 15 is probably excessive, 2 units of 15-20 each should be all you need, potentially with an attached apothecary if you'd like. Load up on as many power weapons as possible and with talent for murder they will do pretty well. Chaplain is also certainly a solid character to attach to one unit.


2 leviathans is brutal, but it will certainly give you all the heavy firepower you need. Terminators in dreadclaws doesn't make much sense for NLs though since they can just teleport in. A veteran squad would be a better fit for a dreadclaw.


DAV doesn't really need reserve manipulation, all the Assualt marines and your important drop pods will be coming in turn one guarenteed. Deep strike scatter medigration would be nice, but impossible turn one I think since damocles and footsloggers outside pods/flyers can't be taken in the rite.

Edited by Lord Asvaldir
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Gents, how would your tactics change for Kill Team?  Playing in a 5 game tourney this weekend.  Running this list:


Terror Squad

1 Serg w/Chainglaive

8 Volkite boys

1 Bolter Boy


Probably FnP on the Serg, Sniper on a Volkite, and Insta Death on the Bolter boy?


Just looking for thoughts and ideas as I've not played straight GW Kill Team in years, only been playing HoR version.

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Not really, terror squads kill infantry, and do it better than most. Being able to drown something in 50 dice over 2 phases also helps (20 volkite/3 [1+charge+additional ccw] each assuming ordered charge) tfm/night time bonuses not included.

And as for castellax best bets are probably terminators/sniper vets/ anything that brings suitably angry firepower.

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I keep hearing Marksman Vet squads for Castellax, but I can tell you as a Dark Mech player, they really aren't that scary for us.


A castellax can mulch vet marines, which aren't any more durable (but much more expensive) than tacticals. Even if you miraculously get a full squad of Marksmen vets in rapid fire range of Castellax, you're getting three, maybe four wounds through. That's a single Castellax.


Terminators with powerfists are not a much better option, sadly. Castellax go before terminators, penetrate the armor...

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