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"Our names may be forgotten, and our bones crumble to dust, but our deaths will echo through the millennia to come." - Saul Tartvitz.

I've been meaning do this for a while but always ended up postponing it for one reason or another. But with Captain Semper's Loyalty & Treachery I no longer have an excuse to do that.
Anyway, when Forge World first announced their Horus Heresy range I got super excited, and knew I just had to buy the models and play games of Horus Heresy. However, knowing that others in my gaming groups wouldn't be as interested, or would consider FW prices too high, I initially decided to make a small army of each of the Legions at Isstvan III so that I would get to play, even if only my minis would be used in the games.
I managed to follow the initial plan quite well. Rather too well, in fact. I soon found out that the last time I had had as much fun buying, assembling and painting new models was when I started the hobby over a decade ago. And having worked only in the night shift for the last three years I had a lot of dispensable income to throw at Forge World. The "small" part was quickly forgotten.
Instead I decided I would make forces large enough to recreate the Battle of Isstvan III, and play trough the Betrayal campaing with my brother (who couldn't afford the models and doesn't really paint anyway).  And with Massacre the plan is to expand my collection to cover Isstvan V as well...
This thread will (hopefully) cover the progress of this mad and grand endeavour.
But enough rambling and onto the pictures. First the "before" pics of my L&T pledge.
World Eater Heavy Support Squad:
Emperor's Children Heavy Support Squad & Sons of Horus Recon Squad:
And some of my finished work from this year's ETL:
WE Predator

A few months old group shot of most of my finished and almost finished HH models:
For the moment I only have models painted for the four legions at Isstvan III but am already working on some Iron Hands and Mechanicum units as well.
More to follow soon!

Thanks! There are still at least as many, if not more, unpainted models simply waiting their turn wink.png

Here's a WIP picture of the WE Heavy Support Squad:


Finishing the white comes next, then metallics and blue parts. Unfortunately I ran out of black spray so the backpacks and left shoulderpads will have to wait till I get more.

I have also almost finished another World Eater Squad that I had started working on earlier, a Sky Hunter Squadron:


Sky Hunters look great... Especially all together!


Would you consider masking tape for the blue markings - I think it'll add another layer of awesome! :D


Good job on the metallics too... :tu:

  • 2 weeks later...

@Captain Semper

Thanks! I did in fact use masking tape, but my somewhat messy painting style for WE managed to blur the straight lines nonetheless wink.png. I will fix that when I finish them.

@Brother Melice

Thanks! Whilst they aren't my only armies I do tend to get a bit carried away with my space marine projects for (my Crimson Fists are about 15 000 points and Chaos horde is over 10 000 as well).

Sorry it's been a while since the last update. I've been quite busy with other stuff, but hopefully things should calm down a bit now.

Anyway I've made some progress with the two Heavy Support Squads I pledged for Loyalty & Treachery.

First the Emperor's Children. They haven't got much more than a basecoat yet, but that'll change soon.


And the World Eaters. They're progressing nicely:


I even made up a small piece of background for this squad during idle hours at work:

While just as deadly at long ranges as any of their brothers in other legions, Squad Demolitor had gained a reputation for their preference of ambushing
enemy vehicles, particularly troop transports, at close range, a tactic they put to good use in the chaotic fighting of Isstvan III. Accounting for at least six confirmed kills, before their demise in the hands of Horus's Justaerin elite, the last sight for many of their former brothers proved not to be the blinding flash of multiple lascannons firing at short range, but a roaring chainaxe descending upon them just as they cleared the still burning wreck.

  • 2 weeks later...



You mean that thread Jaspcat started? Correct me if I'm wrong but last time I checked you needed transports for your troops, and since I don't really have any (yet) that would make it a little difficult for me. That and the fact that most of my troop choices are already painted.


Anyway, while I haven't had the change to post pictures for  a while (again), I've been busy painting the Emperor's Children and the Heavy Support Squad is now ready:




I've also started work on the SoH Recon Squad, and will try to get pics later today.

Thanks once again!


Here's the WIP shot of the SoH Recon Squad I promised:



Sorry about the picture quality, it was already dark when I got home today and the light wasn't very good. Gotta get me one of those daylight bulbs.

  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks. There's certainly a lot of heresy goodness here these days and no wonder seeing how great the models are! They certainly done a lot to my painting motivation.


I'll try to get some lighter pics tomorrow, or next week if I don't have the time.

So, my fourth unit for Loyalty and Treachery is going to be a Palatine Blade squad. Man the models for them are amazing.



And also, here's some Sons of Horus Terminator I started working on a long time ago, but haven't finished yet:



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