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Awesome stuff in here. Really diggin' the IW Breachers. The yellow and black on the shields work really well.


Thanks. It seemed like a natural place to do the hazard stripes, no need for masking tape and all.


Here's more of what I've managed to paint during the weekend. Firstly, the SoH Contemptor is now ready for weathering, though I'll need to think on how I'll do that.




Also, as I've said a couple of times now (and as you might notice from the above pic) I've been working on a Zone Mortalis board for a while now. While the last four pieces have yet to take a soap bath, I've managed to get the first thirteen ready for transfers, followed by washes. I've gone for a dark red and grey scheme to suit the interiors of a space ship, but that's not going to stop me from using it to represent the catacombs beneath the surface of Isstvan III.







Far from ready yet, but I can't wait to get some games on it.


I'm quite busy with school this week, but I still managed to find the time to get some paint on this guy:




Almost finished now. He packs an absolutely ridiculous amount of wargear (three guns, servo arm & thunderhammer, rad grenades, artificier armour etc), but I really like the model and the idea of a Forge Lord festooned with weaponry and exotic equipment.

Wow! blink.png

That board is really something! You've done an excellent job to bring out the detail and the yellow area is a great distraction! Really impressive stuff! thumbsup.gif

Thanks, though as I said there's still a lot more to do, aside from washing the whole thing, there are a lot more details needing attention, such as computer screens and keypads, etc. I just washed the last four board sections, so once I get them to the same state as the others I'll continue with all of them together.

I've contiuned to be busy with school, as a lot of courses are ending which leads to lots of exams. There are some left still, but the worst is now behind and I've begun to put a lot more models together. Haven't done any painting though. So here's the result of that:

A squad of Medusan Immortals.


One guy still needs a head, as there were only five heads in the kit,one being bare and I didn't want to use the same bare head twice. Not sure whether to use a MK III vox or MK III breacher helmet, or just another kind of bare head.

Five Ashen Circle.


I have a Word Bearer force for normal 40K so I thought that if I made a small Word Bearer allied detachment for 30K I could probably use them as less mutated CSM as well. Also, I really like the models.

A Predator


I've been going back and forth between deciding whether this will be a Salamanders or Iron Hands tank, but as I recently realized that the squad of Pyroclasts coming my way is heavy support, it will probably end up as Iron Hand.(Unless I make a bigger force of Sallies too...)

And finally I've been working on a terminator command squad for my Iron Hands as well. I really liked how the Iron Hand Cataphracti terminators looked in Forge World's art (http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20131024165735/warhammer40k/images/7/71/IH_Legion_Catii_Termi_Morlock.png ) so I decided to try to make the command squads a bit more like them:


Not perfect perhaps but considering that it's my first attempt at sculpting chainmail I think they turned out rather nicely.

In addition to these I also built three more buildings for a city table I will be making soon.

That chainmail on the termites looks great - especially for a first go! For someone with not much time on their hands, you sure get a lot done! Puts me to shame. There's so much detail on that zone mortals board; it already looks really good - look forward to seeing it finished. Great stuff man!

This is all very promising! Have you seen the pics of the upcoming IH Termies from FW open day? They'll be a great addition to your force!

Also ETL is approaching whistling.gif

Yeah, I've seen them and they convinced me to put five of the twenty Cataphractii aside for another legion. Generally I've been avoiding the news though, I looked at the pictures (and just thinking of that huge battle automata makes me drool...) but I don't want to spoil anything from the third book as I want all the fluff and rules to be new and exciting once I get it in my own hands.

Also good to know about the ETL, you can certainly count me in. After all, the last one sent me on a seemingly never ending modelling and painting spree.

That chainmail on the termites looks great - especially for a first go! For someone with not much time on their hands, you sure get a lot done! Puts me to shame. There's so much detail on that zone mortals board; it already looks really good - look forward to seeing it finished. Great stuff man!

Thanks! I found a nice tutorial (many actually) for the chainmail, and it was actually a lot simpler and quicker than I thought it would be. To be honest I cheated a bit, the predator was basically already finished, I just hadn't taken a picture earlier. And for the rest, well I spent most of yesterday putting them together.

That chainmail on the termites looks great - especially for a first go!


I agree though, the chainmail looks great.


The Board looks ACE !!!thumbsup.gif So what time is the Game?whistlingW.gif

Heh, that may take some time yet. I still need to get the last pieces to this stage, then give them all a wash, and paint all the details, go over mistakes, etc. Then I can varnish them and finally get to play on it. So, a few weeks at the least, I'd guess.

That ZM board is just screaming for blood close quarters combat

Agreed, though the first blood has already been shed! When I got the first pieces I was so excited that I had to have a test game with some unpainted ones. It was just a small 2' by 2' set up with my two small forces of my heresy minis, so there wasn't really much tactical thinking or options involved, but man it was fun!

As an interesting point, World Eaters were actually very fluffy in that game; extremely dangerous, but prone to being ambushed. They utterly butchered a Loyalist Emperor's Children squad, only for the butchers nails to force them to consolidate straight towards a lone EC Centurion. With a wide grin the centurion lobbed a frag grenade at them, catching the whole squad with rerolls thanks to the ZM rules. He then promptly cut the survivors down with his power sword.

Everythings looking awesome - oh, and with those Medusan Immortals, you'll probably be pleased to know that apparently the collectors edition of Extermination has updated their FNP save to 5+, so you get more survivability for your points thumbsup.gif - hopefully it'll be erratad soon

Stop it. That sounds like far to much fun.

There was this Zone Mortalis free for all at last year's HH Weekender. My World Eater desperately tried to blow up his extremely tough Death Guard opponent with an anti-tank grenade after a heavy chainsword just wasn't enough , while Night Lords hid behind corners and hunted the seriously wounded ..

Impressive stuff. What is the link for chairmanship?


Thanks. If you mean a link for the chainmail tutorila, I simply googled "sculpting chainmail greenstuff". This was one of the most useful, though:http://www.elementgames.co.uk/forums/sculpting-chain-mail-t220.html

Everythings looking awesome - oh, and with those Medusan Immortals, you'll probably be pleased to know that apparently the collectors edition of Extermination has updated their FNP save to 5+, so you get more survivability for your points thumbsup.gif - hopefully it'll be erratad soon

Thanks. I'm indeed glad to know that as they did seem to pay a lot for losing scoring and getting FNP 6+, and a poorly thought out special rule (really, who wants to exchange the option to completely wipe out the fleeing enemy for a few snap shots at them?). I think, I will mostly be using them as a normal breacher squad though, to fullfill the troops requirement if not playing with a Pride of the Legion force.

Still haven't done any more painting, as school has kept me busy, but I did put quite a few more models together:

Two more guys for the command squad


Five normal Iron Hand terminators for the squad I've painted five of already


And the start of my Salamanders detachment


They lack their left shoulder pads because they only just arrived today with my latest order and are currently taking a bath, as are the last two guys of the squad because there was still some release agent after the first washing. Now I'll just need to visit my brother and raid his Lizardmen bits box to get some nice scaly parts for them...

Other things that arrived today were a variety of legion shoulder pads, a single set of both types of Myrmidons (already taking a bath, can't wait to start working on them), the new Iron Father who I plan to use as a base for Gabriel Santar kitbash,10 pyroclasts, a graviton cannon rapier for my IW, the ten MKIII despoiler marines I meant to order the last time (instead I ordered the Salamanders you see above), more ZM doors, and last but definitely not least, Khârn.

Time for more things, and finally with some paint on them. Been waiting to get my hands on these ever since I first saw them in the Gamesday, so they went straight to the top of my to do list. Myrmidons!








Also, finally got my tech thralls undercoated so I gave them metallic basecoats at the same time as well:



Obviously very much WIP still. You know, as I painted the Myrmidons, I realized there is a good reason for the existence of Codex: Space Marines Centurions. For the times when you can't play using FW rules, they are pretty good  for count as Myrmidons.

Well, I say! Very promising start there! The Mechanicum is indeed the weirdest faction in the Heresy and the minis do it justice. And so is your painting - (surely you'll tone down the shiny parts - no? ;) )

What an epic WIP! Impressive.


Well, I say! Very promising start there! The Mechanicum is indeed the weirdest faction in the Heresy and the minis do it justice. And so is your painting - (surely you'll tone down the shiny parts - no? msn-wink.gif )

Indeed. Can't decide a favourite Legion, but Mars is definitely where my heart lies. And, yeah a black and a brown wash are the next stage on these.

The new Mech stuffthumbsup.gif . How is the Board coming along?

Thanks. I'll start working on the remaining four pieces tomorrow. I used an adhesive primer on them to help the paint stick, and it has a recommended drying time of a week, which has passed tomorrow.

More progress on the myrmidons, with washes and some highlights done:





I also took out my airbrush today and as well as giving the last Zone Mortalis tile walls a basecoat, I  continued to paint the knight too:




I'd have painted more but, going to the gym for after a long break is making my arms ache, so I decided to call it a day for now.


  • 3 weeks later...

Been a while since real life has kept me busy. Anyway, with the ETL now at hand I've been trying to finish some of the other stuff I have so I can start working on my oath properly. Mainly I've been painting my Knight of House Taranis since I really want to try him in a game, and he's getting quite close to being finished now:








Basically what he needs is transfers and weathering andI'm mostly quite happy with how he's turning out.

Nice touch with the crushed wall


Thanks. Everyone loves to have big walkers stomp on something, and I settled on a simple wall this time. Also, I kind of think it shows how the knight doesn't really even take a note that the wall is there in the first place.

Very nice red color!!!

not easy on such a large surface!!!


Thanks, though with an airbrush it actually isn't that difficult.


I've put more things together for the ETL as well as taken pictures of some that I've had assembled and undercoated for a while. Something strange actually happened as I was putting together the Iron Warrior squad below - I ran out of grenades!


Iron Warrior Tactical Squad:


Emperor's Children Contemptor:


Phoenix Guard:


..and their Land Raider (still very much in pieces as I need to paint the interior before futher assembly): 



Now, Extermination just arrived, so if you'll excuse me I'll just go get lost in that book...


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