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[HH1.0] Iron Hands Tactics

Noctus Cornix

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Chainfist and Grav is solid for all comers. The gun arm is up to you but I personally rate these choices highest to lowest:



TL Culverin



Plasma Cannon

Conversion Beamer

-The Rest -

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Great, thanks Slips. What do you think about this:


"So the Praevian is an upgrade for a centurion? Does that mean he still has access to all the centurion gear other than no bike or termi armour? So in that case boarding shield (Wolf_Pack) and a bolter (Raktra) is a good all around build to maximise his benefits? I am definitely planning on running mine with Castellax w/darkfire.


If I still want to run Head of the Gorgon do I get a second detachment of them or would it be better to choose something else?"

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I find the gravs in general less useful in 30k, given the sort of useless AP. If you're wanting grav as an Iron Hand, kit out a support squad with them and wait for the Cataphract FAQ that lets the squad get SnP too.
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On another topic I've been running Castellax with my Iron Hands for a year now. I have to say that, while tough and good at tar-pitting enemy deathstars, I'm always a bit disappointed with them in melee. That low WS really hampers how many attacks they land each turn.

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On another topic I've been running Castellax with my Iron Hands for a year now. I have to say that, while tough and good at tar-pitting enemy deathstars, I'm always a bit disappointed with them in melee. That low WS really hampers how many attacks they land each turn.

If they end up in melee with that darkdire range, one may be doing it wrong.


The only melee action they see in my games is clean up duty, and that's usually with me charging in with rage.

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Yeah, groups of them should only really do melee to either bully something or possibly to take out other monstrous creature/walker units. What I'm planning on doing is deploying them right on the edge of my zone then walking them backwards to try and lure people in, so when they finally are near enough for combat there's bugger-all left to fight back.

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Even with rage and getting the charge off it hasn't really impressed me. I ran cybernetica this weekend and the +1 initiative wasn't helpful. Most of the tough killy stuff swings at I5 and tactical marines you'll squash anyway.


They do a good job of holding things up though, that's for sure.

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I can tell you from First Hand Experience that Autek Mor giving Preferred enemy to a Volkite Culverin Squad is a very mean thing to be subjected to.


....Especially when you forget one of the Characters had a Void Shield Harness :x

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Oh for emperors sake, now Iv read all

That it's re ignited my want or the iron tenth. I have been deliberately putting it off and cramming funds into a heresy gaming group I have been putting together.

Soon though, I like the idea of a typhon and a Cerberus. Painful.


I do love the immortal models, I am jjst tempted to ram 15 of them in a spartan and charge up the volkite death. Expensive, but will short range firefight them to death? Or will breachers literally do the same job? (And capture)

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Immortals are stupidly costly, and "Gun Them Down" is pointless, but I tried them a couple of times and for a lot of armies they are frighteningly tough to shift without heavy ordnance. They seriously make Plague Marines look like dorks. Breachers can do the same, but the apothecary they'd need can be bumped off, where Immortals don't have that worry.


Personally I think they should be fearless and/or relentless for their cost, but eh, life.

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